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Am I allowed to say Reshade 3 exists?
Posted 8 years, 5 months ago
Just curious, are cash payments given to a small circle of ringleaders or is the conspiracy to deny the existence of Reshade 3 enforced through some other means? Joking, of course, I'm not some troll who feels entitled to violate people with a phallus of pure hate just because their reality-maps don't exactly mirror mine. ButI have a sincere, deep fascination with anything I don't understand, especially when it comes to humans. In this case, my imagination flops into an impotent puddle of jelly when I try to visualize the logical acrobatics necessary to see Reshade 3's superiority over its previous versions as anything other than fact, unless there is a shader you're attached to that hasn't been ported over to 3.0 yet, although most have already and some, like MXAO -- an ambient occlusion whose quality/performance ratio makes other AO's occlude themselves in shame, only work on 3.0. It's faster; it's so ridiculously easy to install (it even downloads the latest updated shaders from https://github.com/crosire/reshade-shaders) Crosire has been extradited to 17th century Virginia to be put on trial for witchcraft; and my favorite: in-game customization: I'm talking previously obscure shader settings slid up and down, giving up their heretofore untweaked virginity to you in realtime! I know, I know. My forehead is starting to itch where I'm about to receive the fanboy brand. But seriously I am mystified by the seeming firewall between the realities of this site and http://reshade.me/ especially when the "Presets" link on the top of its home page is how I discovered this site, and Reshade 3 also makes preset sharing in the form of single .ini files drastically easier. Please, someone, its killing me not knowing how to disagree with this! TLDR; I am correct and that is suspicious. You should investigate!
Posted 8 years, 5 months ago
Posted 8 years, 5 months ago
I think you meant to post to https://www.reddit.com/r/iamverysmart instead
Posted 8 years, 5 months ago
Lol *brofists Terrasque
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
Okay, I guess I deserved that. I got so caught up in trying to not seem like I'm aggressively attacking people who disagree that I may have wandered into passive-aggressive, self-important douchebag territory. I forget anonymity means people don't know you! Sometimes I forget how many serious people there are out there and the danger of being mistaken for one. Serves me right for trying to manage peoples perceptions. Oh, and hanging around some of the technical threads on reshade.me will cure you of the delusion that you're smarter than everybody. I just love wrapping reality in all sorts of different, weird word combinations too much to censor myself in fear I'll be accused of seeming like I'm trying to seem like I'm trying to seem... stuff just bubbles up when I try to explain something -- not a fan of blue-balls. But seriously, I just think they made something beautiful and amazing in Reshade 3 and I'm just trying to understand why people choose to use earlier versions? It's like a world class chef cooks up a filet mignon and offers it to you for free but you're like, "Nah, I'm just going to eat this pb & jelly sandwich that's been in my back pocket all day." Am I way off base here? Am I ignorant of something obvious? I'm ok with that but can someone give me some explanation? Call me a pretentious weirdo all you want just give me something!
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
I don't use ReShade 3 because the Tuning Palette shader hasn't been ported yet.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
Side note: While I haven't seen or used MXAO for anything yet, I can say that there are other AO methods that can compete with it. ENB Skyrim's SSAO-SSIL is so amazing I actually thought it was a Global Illumination technique at first. EDIT: It looks like with this post I completely cover the right-hand side of the site. Fear me.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
1.Because it came out 2 weeks ago and I'm sure the vast majority of Reshade users aren't that committed to any of these sites or the updating of Reshade in general. Even among those who are used to this shit, it's full well possible for somebody to be busy enough that it completely slips their mind for even a MONTH before they recognize there's been an update. So the reason you are in fact a total egotistical douchebag, is because contrary to your fanciful twisting of shit, no body cares nor should they really. 2.Pretty much every version of Reshade has compatbility issues depending on the game. I've in fact noticed a growing list of games with the more updates to Reshade that are made. I haven't tried it yet. But I bet you, in all the games I play. There's some that it just flat out won't work with. Basically some games only have presets, because that's the only version that works in the first place. If it wasn't for that old version, there would be no preset at all. 3.Now don't get me wrong. This is the first I've heard of the update and. It looks all mighty wonderful to me. But the biggest problem with everything you say here. Is that it's completely subjective. This isn't Morals, Politics, or Economics we're talking about. This aint motherfuckin SCIENCE that we're talking about. It's a fucking graphical mod. Your whole post is given a third layer of pwnage by the simple fact that whether or not a game looks better with Reshade or not. Is literally in the eye of the behoulder. Hell this is further highlighted by the fact that there can be so many presets for a game. I uploaded the first preset for Spore, period. Yet automatically people bitched about how saturated and such, it was. Yet your whole rant is the equivalent to trying to argue that one preset is superior to another.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
Okay so I've tried out Reshade 3: Pros: The effects that you get have definitely been improved performance-wise here and there and I have not seen any steps backward in this regard. Even the Godrays in the Bloom and Godrays shader have significantly better performance than the Godrays in previous Reshade versions. You do also indeed customize the shaders real-time in-game and have preset exporting/importing. Cons: Contrary to OP's downplaying of the lack of updated shaders. There is actually a significant portion of shaders that haven't been ported to Reshade 3. In my case, I enjoyed the HDR shader that was in Reshade 2. It had even better performance than the Bloom shader, and was just better IMO. This is a massive blow to my personal desire to use Reshade 3. But even outside what I personally use. I noticed just how much was missing over-all. OP really did it again on being a self-absorbed egotistical cocksucker. Because I am completely certain that he just gauged the importance of the missing shaders on what he himself uses. Probably all the shaders that he cares about, are there. Beyond that, he only mentions the missing shaders as a technicality. But shrugs it off attitude-wise as if nobody could REALLY care about those missing shaders. Also while there are performance improvements. The new method of loading the shaders requires you to sit there and load all the shaders at once. So while in-game you get varying better performance compared to previous versions. It's still a Con that you basically are now stuck with a pre-game loading screen. Which will only get longer the more shaders that are made that you install. Again, something I wouldn't really mind. But it's a con nonetheless and thus one more stick to shove up OP's ass. Also the new UI is crap. The old Mediator has a superior UI.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
I think the funniest part about this whole thing is that. Most of these benefits that the OP is jerking off to. Aren't even that big of a deal. Performance is always The Best. But being able to tweak shit live, in game, really isn't jack shit. We already had the ability to tweak settings without closing the game. It just wasn't "real-time". So you couldn't sit and watch as your screen slowly increments in colorz and aliazez. In fact. i would actually say that this is also one aspect of Reshade that has become SLOWER. Because trying to sort through and go back and fourth between settings. toggling the GUI on and off, etc. Is tedious and time consuming. In Reshade 2 you'd just alt-tab out of the game, go to the Mediator, and move the sliders in a nice looking, compact UI where everything is easily accessed and shit. So the old way was still better in most regards. Exporting/Importing settings is nice but. Hardly that important. The only real "gem" is the improved performance.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
I find that the in-game UI is a huge improvement over the clonky mediator/assistant tool. It's almost as good as the ENB UI. You don't have to tab-out (re-loading the settings and even crashing some games), and the settings can be viewed live to allow fine-tune adjustments in an ENB style. The loading time isn't that big of a deal because I don't use many shaders. Keep the master shader zip archive somewhere, and only add shaders to the 'shaders' folder as you need them. You can have multiple shader folders for multiple games. That said, the main shader I do use hasn't been ported yet, meaning ReShade 3's useless to me.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
This has to be the single dumbest post I have seen in the past year. Also I could probably name a few more reasons than those that have already been given as to why ReShade 3 is not the second coming of graphical fidelity Jesus.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
I think Zomie's English is fine. They even spelled 'fidelity' correctly.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
That's an inaccurate picture, but alas I could expect no less from a foreigner. Allow me to educate you on the proper manner: https://goo.gl/photos/AYjrDu9XfFjPPbRR9
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
@FierySwordswoman "I find that the in-game UI is a huge improvement over the clonky mediator/assistant tool." I really don't know what the hell you mean. The UI in R3 is clonky. The UI in the mediator looks good and is significantly more compact than R3's ui. Like seriously do I need to screenshot and show the size differences and how the tabs and everything is arranged? Quite literally in the R3 UI you even have to SCROLL. Everything is slapped under as few tabs as possible. Which ISN'T an improvement because the size of 1 tab means finding that 1 shader you want to use is like finding a needle in a haystack. Then you have to do the same for locating the exact drop down for that shader's settings if you want to do any tweaking and you always want to do motherfuckin tweakin. Like 99% of the time, a shader will not go untweaked. Plus there's all the drop down shit. Both in the case of activating and deactivating shaders, but also under the settings themselves. Any variables with multiple specific options have a drop down that you have to click to select to enable that thing. The way the UI is arranged in R3 in general, it's very tedious activating/deactivating shaders at first. The "sliders" themselves aren't even actual sliders. Just boxes with numbers and such in them. Which is actually kinda hard to control. It's very easy to repetitively skip over the number you are trying to reach. Tweaking is a larger hassle all around. You say it's like the ENB UI. I don't use ENB, never have. You obviously have a personal bias here. Because you basically ignore all the shit I've mentioned and just say "shrug, its like something I also personally use that is probably just as flawed." Right from the start you said: "The loading time isn't that big of a deal because I don't use many shaders." Which goes to show how you also are self absorbed and egotistical. Probably because you've been hangin around OP too much. But the fact is that if you have to remove shaders just to improve performance. That's a step backwards even still. With the MEDIATOR you don't have to delete anything. Just tweak in a sleek(both in graphical and functional sense), compact, easy to use UI that doesn't affect performance at all in any shape or way. What you are saying is a workaround to an extent that anyone with a brain would think of. But the loading is just 1 of many cons and most people do not automatically know what shaders they are goin to want to use in a game they haven't used Reshade on before. What shaders are good in what game changes drastically. So you always have that first unleashed experimental phase. Not to mention sometimes you want to go back and re-try the experimentation from scratch. Crashing is one thing. You just temporarily switch to windowed mode and do the tweaking that way. That's an extra step but there are very VERY few games that have that issue and when they do there is usually some sort of fix be it by a patch or a mod or whatever.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
Point by point- I stand by what I said with the UI. I felt the ReShade 3 solution was better than ReShade 2 and 1. Not nearly as good as ENB's, but functional enough. I've never liked the Mediator nor Assistant UI's. This is all a matter of personal preference, though, so arguing is useless. I do agree the load time is abysmal if you use the full suite of shaders; that's why I removed unused ones to begin with. I've found that it generally finishes loading by the time the game reaches the main menu, so I'm not heartbroken over it. It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make if the rest of it turns out to work fine (when they port enough shaders to warrant testing it, that is.) The game in question can't even go windowed without special developer commands. Thankfully, I've managed to reduce the crashing while alt-tabbing. The game in question is WarCraft 3, but because ReShade 3 doesn't seem to have a DirectX 8 option, I can't even test it. Another issue I have with the new injector. I'm saying it's a gift given by Ilias, but it has the potential to be better than 2.0 in my opinion. Here's the ENB UI: https://goo.gl/photos/1THJSGTGEEHeF5ff9
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
I didn't respond to 'self absorbed and egotistical' because it's a stupid insult given the context. Is that how you people respond to someone having a different opinion to yourself? 'Oh golly gee. I disagree with you. You must be some narcissistic, egotistical maniac who would beat a young girl as she cries for her older brother since our opinions don't coincide.' And don't get me wrong, I think the OP's post was completely retarded.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
Damn! I really pissed in the communal noodles on this one! *Retrieves shovel* Wow, it'll be tricky to dig myself out of this one. This pickle might just have to mourn his lost cucumberhood. I'm sure that last sentence did me no favors, but for me the word "cucumberhood" along with the implicit "f*** you" to my spellchecker who denies it's a word gives me a trickle of dopamine; and who doesn't like a good dopamine trickle? It's legal, free cocaine delivered by your own brain. Hopefully there's 1 or 2 of you who haven't stopped reading, certain that whatever follows will further confirm the pre-rendered judgement of what kind of person I am. (Common enemy gives good trickle) I'm not even arguing against it; all I'm asking is to temporarily put that judgement on a shelf nearby and entertain another interpretation. First of all my opinion does not have to displace yours. (Up with and/or; down with either/or!) My opinions/ideas as mirrors of reality always = FAIL. I have to let them go when they no longer serve just as I do not collect my own feces. The whole reason I made this post was I found these strange self-righteous thoughts about how all these people not using reshade 3 are wrong, then I thought that was ridiculous, that's not thinking; I've just been suckin on that dopamine titty! So I thought I'd post this faux-fanboy nerd love-poem to reshade 3 and people would share with me their reasons and of course no one would interpret this as some serious, Jerry McGuire style manifesto! You know those questions with the question marks? Those were actually questions -- as in, "I am ignorant of this. Please supplant my faulty knowledge with yours" Thing is, apart from being found guilty of attempted mind rape as evidenced by elitist fancy-talk, you guys were great! Those reasons made alot of sense. LordTrillion was right about me not considering the shaders not yet ported. I'll chalk up most of this to a failure to communicate on my part, but come on dude; I wasn't trying to boil your children alive. I'll bend over but I've got enough self-respect to ask for a reach around. @Fiery I appreciate that although you called my post completely retarded you seemed to give me some benefit of the doubt that that failed attempt at communication constituted a complete definition of my person. -- also the tuning palette shader port is in the works: http://reshade.me/forum/shader-suggestions/2441-requests-for-effect-ports-to-reshade-3-0 -- Marty McFly is also working on an adobe lightroom style shader which is like a souped up version of tuning palette, able to make your own LUTS and whatnot. @Sanny "United we stand, against the OP!" -- this I shall cherish always.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
Reshade 3.0.2 just came out; supposed to make dealing with presets easier. Also adds HDR that LordTrillion pointed out was missing -- (I'd forgotten about that one - it gives some nice results.) Also Fiery's tuning palette was ported -- now called LUT.fx I've been doing a little reading on LUTs and I can't believe I've ignored this up until now! My little declaration of ignorance bears fruit! You guys have to admit this Adobe Lightroom shader Marty's finishing up looks pretty damn amazing: http://reshade.me/forum/shader-presentation/2377-wip-adobe-lightroom-for-reshade
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
The lightroom thing doesn't interest me since I use LUT's in a different way. I import a neutral 64^3 LUT into GIMP along with some game screenshots. I merge them all to a single layer, then edit it with GIMP's (and G'MIC's) plethora of color manipulation tools. Finally, I export the LUT and load it into ReShade. Poof! Visuals! The reason I do this is because GIMP has a lot more tools available than normal ReShade Framework. Even the basic Hue-Saturation tool can perform operations on the the 3 main and 3 secondary color channels, not just the master. Here's a demonstration screenshot: http://sfx.thelazy.net/games/screenshot/42539/full/ EDIT: Oh, lookie lookie, Mr McFly actually implemented exaclty what I was talking about. I might give it a try if it proves easier than porting things to and from GIMP. The real question now is if it can work in steps. For games with a palette that's too neutral (like Starbound), I use a technique that involves setting the saturation insanely high, applying, then bringing it back down to normal. This creates an effect of bringing all the colored objects closer to the same saturation level.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
Yeah ReShade 3.0 is pretty great. Though it does get irritating to have to continuously reload all the shaders when adjusting screen size.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
Also, the Tuning Palette shader still isn't ported yet.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
To be honest with you, I just realized I didn't really understand what LUTs are all about until just now. This is a whole lot more interesting than complacently moving a few sliders around! So if I understand correctly, you upload the screenshots to the GIMP, use the full resources of a dedicated image processor to get it looking exactly how you want it, then the GMIC extrapolates a data set that distills the difference between the original image and your processed image so the shader can use it to transform the image in a simple function that approximately replicate all those complex adjustments made in the GIMP. Not sure if that's accurate but that's my understanding at this point. Crosire said the tuning palette shader was renamed LUT.fx. Is that not the same thing? I haven't tried to use it yet.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
Why the hell are you trying to use as complex of a vocabulary as possible? I've never heard anyone describe saving something as a .png as 'extrapolating a data set'. It's made worse by the fact that you don't seem to understand anything. 5-step program for making a custom LUT in GIMP: Step 1: Get a neutral LUT and some screenshots. Step 2: Adjust the color of the screenshots and LUT at the same time. Step 3: Export the LUT as a .png file. Step 4: Load the .png with the Tuning Palette shader. Step 5: Profit That LUT.fx shader is Marty McFly's LUT shader, not Ganossa's Tuning Palette shader.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
Look, when I get an idea, I have this synesthesia thing where the idea becomes a pattern of images. I just describe what I see with whatever word seems to fit the best, though none will ever be perfect. I'm a little confused, do you think I'm trying to argue with you or win some clandestine pissing contest? I thought the fact that I admitted my ignorance and deferring to your much greater knowledge and experience about this. I am not saying I'm right! I have no idea if the idea I have corresponds to reality; that's why I shared it with you, so if it was wrong, you could point out why and I'd just throw it away and build a new one, grateful to minimize time spent with a bad idea. Is it just because no one describes it that way? "It's made worse by the fact that you don't seem to understand anything." I've told you 5 differnt ways now that I don't understand and would like to such as someone with your apparent knowledge. Many people would actually read that as a compliment. Maybe the stink of my weirdness and uncoolness won't infect you if your conversations with me remain antagonistic so you pretend I'm trying to argue with you. Seroiusly I understand the steps but not how they combine to produce that effect. So was what I described completely wrong? I really don't care I just want to know
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
I'm mostly pointing out the fact that it's bad writing practice to shanghai more complex words into your speech. It sounds unnatural, and people will have a hard time following what you're trying to get across. What makes a good writer is the ability to explain complex thoughts or things in simple layman terms. I'd even avoid using excessive jargon for public speaking where possible (imagine if a developer diary went off on a tangent about object attributes and fields). Yes, non-private internet forums/comments would count as public speech.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
About the LUT... To put it simply, the actual LUT image just holds color calibration information. Any changes you make to the LUT will also be applied in-game. If you reduce the saturation of the LUT in GIMP by 50% and load it into ReShade, your game will be 50% less saturated.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
I 99% agree with you! We are so close! There's just one little assumption you're making that I've been trying and failing to bring to your attention. I did not come here trying to bestow the fruits of my wisdom. I came bearing turds of ignorance and I polish no such turds, sir. Yes, a good writer renders complex thoughts simple, but those complex thoughts have to connect first. I wasn't ever trying to show the reshade preset world how smart I am, I was trying to show the opposite! I hoped people with superior knowledge, such as yourself, would set me on the right path. That little passage about how I thought LUTs worked wasn't meant to be a beacon of knowledge on the internet, it was a near stream of conscious, raw image that formed around the same moment I first put it together. The intended audience was not the layperson but you or anyone with the knowledge to confirm I was on the right path. You know if I were to descend on a forum with a mission prove to everyone how smart I am, don't you think I'd choose a subject I know a little about? I never thought I'd have this much trouble convincing people I'm ignorant. Once you're pegged as being one kind of person its amazing how much information to the contrary becomes invisible.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
Look, this isn't working you guys. Let's just match up to his way of writing. This IS his thread, after all.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
I'm not saying you're trying to 'bestow knowledge'. I'm saying you talk funny. Don't talk funny.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
Oh ok. The old hammer down the nail that sticks out impulse. We are humans after all. Don't talk funny? So you're suggesting I inject an algorithm into my conscious thought that can apply a thought-shader like WeirdnessLevels.fx that can filter out anything that might attract the attention of dutiful behavioral-homogenization enforcers such as yourself? You might not believe that I've lived on this planet for a minute and the experience of being unanimously reviled is actually a new one for me. This one time, someone actually made a conscious decision to endure my company for over 5 minutes! You know, I bet if we met in person, the idea of pasteurizing my personality of any and all distinguishing features wouldn't occur to you. You seem like you'd be more open-minded removed from the influence of groupthink snowballed into a microclimate of mild fascism. Even though I'm criticizing you, I just want you to know I bear no ill will towards you or anyone else who lent their charm to this thread. This has been fun :)
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
"...snowballed into a microclimate of mild fascism" You don't talk like in real life, do you? *Also, 'micro-climate' is the wrong word to use there. The local environment can't be fascist. See my earlier post about attempting to use overly-complicated words for no good reason.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
Trillion, about the load time issue... Here's how I solved it: Use a master shader folder instead of a folder for each game. Something like C:\Games\ReShade\Shaders and have 2 sub-directories: Intensive and Depth -In the 'Depth' sub-folder put all of the effects that use a depth buffer, as some a lot of games don't give access to it. -In the 'Intensive' sub-folder put all the effects that take more performance than FXAA, as these are generally not needed for modern AAA games. -In the main folder put all the effects left over. They're lightweight effects that don't use the depth buffer; your go-to shaders. -Finally, remove any effects you'll never, ever use like GoldenRatio. Keep the master archive somewhere in case you mess up and need to get a fresh copy of a certain effect file. Thus, you can set up each game differently. Modern games that already have a lot of effects can load just the main folder. Older games where you can go crazy with the ReShade effects can also load the 'Intensive' folder. Single-player exclusive games can also load the 'Depth' folder. With this, Battlefield 4 loads it's effects in ~50 milliseconds while Star Wars Battlefront 2 can still load the more hungry shaders in ~3 seconds.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
FierySwordswoman Why the hell are you trying to use as complex of a vocabulary as possible? I've never heard anyone describe saving something as a .png as 'extrapolating a data set' 5-step program for making a custom LUT in GIMP: Step 1: Get a neutral LUT and some screenshots. Step 2: Adjust the color of the screenshots and LUT at the same time. Step 3: Export the LUT as a .png file. Step 4: Load the .png with the Tuning Palette shader. Step 5: Profit That LUT.fx shader is Marty McFly's LUT shader, not Ganossa's Tuning Palette shader. I use the same steps with Photoshop and i find it more precise and fun and also alot Quicker Imo i think most guys start making presets by changing Sweetfx/Reshade digits at first and then move on to Mking Luts in 3D LUT Creator/Photoshop/GIMP and active them through Reshade Now that 3.0 has Lut shader I am using it Golgotha I actually find the way you write quite witty :)
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
Nailed it, Quentin. My progression went as so: 1- Basic SweetFX 2 modifications 2- SweetFX 2 with some occasional ReShade Framework shaders 3- Using a 3d LUT to transfer color configurations from GIMP 4?- The 'Lightroom' shader Marty's working on looks great I actually prefer GIMP (2.9) over Photoshop (CS6). Nothing beats writing your own Python (and PyGTK) plugins. It also has pretty powerful 3rd party tools such as G'MIC and Resynthesizer. - Also, I don't have to pay $240 a year to feed a hobby.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
Believe it or not, my name isn't Phoenix Wright.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
FierySwordswoman I know of GIMP, But never used it though sounds cool. I have download the demo of 3d LUT creater and am loving how precise the adjustments are. The 'Lightroom' shader Marty's is working on is something i have been longing for ages. By any chance do you know how write scripts like for example GTA V?
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
Yeah. GIMP pretty much has all the color adjustments Marty plans for the Lightroom shader, as well as most features Photoshop offers. Because it's free & open-source, there's also a lot of user-created effects out there. GIMP paired with InkScape is pretty much everything you'll ever need for digital imagework : D Like ScriptHook scripts? No, the only programming language I know at the moment is Python. ScriptHook probably uses whatever GTA V uses, which is probably C++. In Python, though, I know quite a bit; everything up to Regular Expressions and then some. I'm currently writing a custom PyGTK plugin for GIMP and a generic Windows program using Kivy. Note: PyGTK and Kivy are GUI toolkits for Python. -Scripts in a general sense can be written in lots of things. Example: I wrote a Python script that opens a text file and sorts the contents line-by-line alphanumerically. If you don't have much experience (or any) in programming, Python's definitely the way to go. I used this YouTube series to learn: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGLfVvz_LVvTn3cK5e6LjhgGiSeVlIRwt To give you an idea of how great Python is as a starting point: You should pretty much be able to write a good text RPG by the time you make it through the 9th video (Object-Oriented Programming)
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
Phoenix Wright. The guy from the first 3 Ace Attorney games. Shouts 'Objection!' a lot. http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd240/Dianova_X/phoenix-wright-objection.jpg
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