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New configuration utility!
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Hey guys, I just registered on this forum, but I have been using SweetFX for years, it is the single best thing out there, it brings new life to games I would otherwise refuse to play because of poor visuals. I have also been coming to this site for presets, but I always thought it was somewhat painful to get the settings and copy them to the right place. I also tried the Configurator utility, but to be honest it didn't bring anything to the party that Notepad++ didn't already. So, me being a .NET professional programmer, I went and created my own configurator utility, and it's now stable enough and useful enough that I can release a version to the public. It's called SFXConfig, and here are its features: - Completely graphical interface. Not just a bunch of textboxes but actual controls tailored to the type of setting. Numerical values have a slider that enforces minimum, maximum and increment, booleans have a checkbox, and float2/3/4's have a textbox. - Tooltips everywhere! Also some settings were given a friendlier, more descriptive name. - I shamelessly scraped this website to build a database of every single preset already existing here, along with their metadata (description, author, link to the preset page, and screenshot urls). These presets can be loaded for adjustment with the click of a button, and all screenshots (including comparisons) are directly accessible from within the application (they display in your default web browser after clicking the thumbnail). - The database can be updated easily so you always have the latest presets available. - Can save to file, install to game, or remove SweetFX from the game folder. - Installs SweetFX 1.5.1 along with the 64-bits DLLs automatically depending on the game executable chosen. - Because of the way the settings are loaded and saved, even older configs (pre-1.5) should work correctly with 1.5.1. The keyword here is SHOULD. I cannot guarantee it will work perfectly, or display as it should, but in theory if SweetFX is developed incrementally and no sweeping changes are made, it should work. Any 1.5 settings not included in a pre-1.5 config file will get initialized to the default values. - Easily expandable! The entire UI is generated dynamically according to a XML template file. This file contains all the minimum, maximum, default, and increment, as well as tooltips and friendly name for each setting. If SweetFX 1.6 has a new setting or shader, you only need to add it to the template and replace the SweetFX files in the program folder and it will keep working. Now I have very little online presence, and I do not have the time to maintain a website for the tool, so I will post a link here, try it out, if you like it hopefully someone can help me find a host for it. If you have any issues let me know here for now. (Look at the post below for the download link and changelog.) Cheers! Dkatt
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Download here http://www.filedropper.com/sfxconfig14 Changelog v1.1
- Replaced previous DLLs with Boulautor's - Added the hotkeys into the output SweetFX_Settings.txt file. The default are printscreen, scroll lock and pause. - Fixed an issue when installing over an existing install. Right now if the DLL's already exist in the target folder (and are in use, thus read-only) they are skipped over when installing, and only the settings file is updated.
- Added stay on top checkbox on main window. Sets SFXConfig as topmost, so it will show on top of all other applications even when it doesn't have focus. You can use this and set a game in windowed or borderless mode to easily adjust settings - Added transparency checkbox on main window. Just a cosmetic enhancement to show the form on top of games with transparency (only on Windows Vista and up I think). Sets the forms at 75% opacity.
- No longer requires admin privileges
- Set CultureInfo on application to en-us to fix any localization issues with regions using a comma as the decimal separator. - Changed the way the preset descriptions are displayed to properly display line feeds. The presets file was also updated. - Added a quick save to the presets library. For this to work you must first save settings to a game from the main window. If you return to the presets library you will be able to save a preset directly to the last location. There is also a link that shows that location and lets you edit the file.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Wow man, I'll give this a look in a moment, this is deffinately something I've always wanted, I had a friend who was planning on doing just this, but he's incredibly busy and hasnt gotten around to it yet, Crosire also had ideas of implementing a GUI ingame for tweaking, that also is just a plan for the future, this however, is NOW!! gonna check this out :D
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Ok.. just tested it, soooooo you need to add me to Steam mate, we got some things to discuss, some good things, we need to get everyone involved with this, I'm digging it OmnipotusX = steam SweetFX JUnkies = group, join up so we can get everyone into a meeting :D
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
For the GUI in-game, I could easily add an "always on top" checkbox and transparency, that should work for any game running in windowed or borderless mode. In fullscreen however the only option is a DirectX overlay, and I just wasn't willing to invest the time for it. I would be more than willing to integrate it if someone comes up with the code though. Since SweetFX reloads its settings automagically when the config file is modified it should work nicely. Also keep in mind this is virtually untested, I only tested a couple of games with it. Relying on you guys for this, so if you spot something not working right or something that could be easily improved, let me know.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Lol funnily enough I'm not even on steam... Let me create an account real quick I'll post in a few.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
I created the account and got to the group, joined it... However I'm not too sure what to do next. It's why I never joined Steam in the first place, it doesn't feel very cohesive to me lol.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Well, I added you as friend, you gotta accept that and we go from there :P
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
sounds awesome but i get an error when i try out the tool : something with microsoft.Net framework.... "Value must be 0 or 1 in Boolean Tile mode" :S
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Same here. Just close the window with the small "x" at the top. It should still work.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
The error you are getting is due to a bad value in your config file. You have a setting with a minimum of 0, a maximum of 1, and an increment of 1 that contains something other than 0 or 1. I'll pretty up these messages eventually, but they really should not come up with a working config.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Can I ask which config gives you guys the issue? I tested a whole bunch of them and never had that error...
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
I didn't install a config. I just unpacked the program and started it. =)
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Kinda weird, I just downloaded from the link above, no problem whatsoever on 3 different machines... If you got the file last night, the first I had up was wrong it was missing some files. Provided ou don't modify the XML it should just work. I'll give it a look later tonight.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
This is brilliant.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Did it work properly for you Constantine? Please do let me know of any issues you encountered with as much detail as possible (full error messages, OS, what you were doing when the error happened, etc...).
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
It's not letting me save settings to any games on my E: drive. It let me do it though on a game on my C: drive so I'll check that out. Btw the exact message I am getting when directing it to the game on my E: drive is: File E:\SteamLibrary\Steam \SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead/ArmA2OA.exe does not exist. Verify that the correct file name was given.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Ok that looks like a typo on my part, if the space after \Steam is really there... I'll look into it. Can you copy and paste that path directly from Windows Explorer here so I can verify that the space should not be there?
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Hey Dkatt, how about making a forum post in the SweetFX Junkies group as well for those who don't frequent "TheLazy" so they can also enjoy your sweet Program :)
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Okay so I tested it with Guild Wars 2. The Config let me Load a preset from thelazy.net and It let me save sweetfx and the preset to the game folder just fine. (I directed it to the .exe and everything worked, the SweetFX folder and the .dll's were added to the directory). First I tried a preset using SweetFX 1.4 and it did not work. There was no visual change at all. Then I tried a old preset of mine that used 1.5.1 and saved it and it didn't work as well. The settings.txt folder Changed but nothing occurred in game. Also how to I toggle SweetFX with this? I couldn't find the keybinds in the settings.txt I just also tried to remove the sweetfx files from the directory and redo the process with a 1.5.1 preset first and there was no change in game as well. (just in case doing a 1.4 preset first caused the problem).
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
E:\SteamLibrary\Steam \SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead That space is in windows explorer for me maybe my steam directory on my E drive is messed up and causing that problem. I think someone else with a separate drive with a steam directory should try and verify
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
@Omni I'll just wait a little bit for now and fix those issues if you don't mind, otherwise I will get flooded with comments about errors... @Constantine I just realized the injector.ini file is missing, try copying it from an existing preset. The keybindings are in there so the file being missing is probably the issue here. Also which executable did you choose for GW2? I know it's a split install with the actual bins in a bin folder, so make sure you haven't selected the launcher instead. Let me know if copying the injector.ini file fixes it, I'll fix that up and post a new version tomorrow (maybe tonight). As far as the space then yeah I think your folder might be fuxored. I just tested it on all my 6 hard drives, two USB keys, and network shares with no problem.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Here is an update (v1.1)... I am not too sure what happened originally, but the DLLs included were bad I guess. I put in Boulautor's DLLs instead, and added the hotkeys into the SweetFX_Settings.txt file. The default are printscreen, scroll lock and pause. I tested everything this time and it worked on the two games I tried here. Also fixed an issue when installing over an existing install. Right now if the DLL's already exist in the target folder (and are in use, thus not read-only) they are skipped over when installing, and only the settings file is updated. To reload the config in-game hit pause. Let me know how this one goes..
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Last one for the night (v1.2)... Added features: - Stay on top checkbox on main window. Sets SFXConfig as topmost, so it will show on top of all other applications even when it doesn't have focus. You can use this and set a game in windowed or borderless mode to easily adjust settings - Transparency checkbox on main window. Just a cosmetic enhancement to show the form on top of games with transparency (only on Windows Vista and up I think). Sets the forms at 75% opacity.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Hey, nice initiative :) Sadly, I didn't get it to run since it insists on running under admin mode. We could host it here, if you're interested. We got a file section now :) Is the source code somewhere, btw?
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
I made the program self-elevate since it will have to write to Program Files. Why is running as admin an issue for you? Unless are on a domain on which you have no local admin permissions, but in that case you won't be able to stick any settings in Program Files anyways. I'll setup something more permissive if it's really a problem for you, I just went with the easiest route to ensure no one would have Access Denied errors due to UAC and permissions. As for the source code it's not pretty enough to be posted public right now, and I would like to avoid having 50 people modifying the source left and right. For now I will keep it private, eventually it will be public. As for the hosting I was kind of counting on it.. lol.. For right now I will just keep posting here until I can iron out the small issues, when it's all good and stable we can set it up in the downloads section.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
> I made the program self-elevate since it will have to write to Program Files. Not correct. Firstly my games are not installed under Program Files, and don't need special rights, and secondly you can change the permission of the folders to allow normal programs to write to them. So not a given. > Why is running as admin an issue for you? Because admin mode gives it a level of access that is very scary, especially from a completely unknown and untrusted source. With admin access you can for example install a keylogger or other malvare, to steal for example steam account login and mail logins. Both coverted targets, and have been targets for these things before. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/aaron_margosis/archive/2004/06/17/157962.aspx have some more details. Frankly, I'm surprised a professional .NET developer don't see a problem with it. Not to be rude, but you say yourself you have no web presence, no history with the community, don't have (or don't want to give out real) steam account, come with a program with no source code, that requires administrator access to run. Nothing personal, but that does raise some red flags for me.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Lol yeah it's ok I get it... I do understand why it's not the best idea, I just didn't stop to think I wasn't signing my assemblies here... I'll remove the elevation and handle exceptions, I really was just putting it off. As far as the source I can let you inspect it if it makes you feel better, I really was hoping to get rid of the web scraping before though...
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Here we go (v1.3)... - No longer requires admin privileges
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
And here it the VB source, in good faith. Hit me up on Steam chat to get the password. http://www.filedropper.com/sfxconfig13source
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
omg this is the bestest thing on the interwebs!! Hit me up on Steam as well (I already sent a msg to Omni, but I am impatient, so am posting here too). If you tell me the dimensions you want, I can make the GUI pretty ;-) I am not a graphic artist or anything, I am actually a professional music producer and (mostly retired) DJ, but have a background in web design, and so am very familiar with image production and editing. Just offering ;-)
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
oh, name on steam is jynxx80 or just Jynxx if you can find it that way ;-)
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Just want to say It's working with Batman: Arkham City in DX11 mode.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
BTW I'd like to say thanks for pointing out my e: drive steam directory problem, I probably wouldn't of noticed it otherwise
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
How do I use this new tool? Where do I have to put it? When I execute the SFXConfig I get this error: Value must be 0 or 1 in BooleanTile mode. bei SFXConfig.SettingTile.set_Value(String setvalue) bei SFXConfig.fMain.CreateSettingControl(ShaderSetting setting) bei SFXConfig.fMain.CreateConfigPanel(ShaderConfig config) bei SFXConfig.fMain.PopulateTreeView() bei SFXConfig.fMain.frmMain_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) bei System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e) bei System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad(EventArgs e) bei System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnCreateControl() bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible) bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl() bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmShowWindow(Message& m) bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) bei System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m) bei System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmShowWindow(Message& m) bei System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m) bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) bei System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) It seems to work for everyone else. Am I missing something here?
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
The issue you guys are having with this is because of the decimal separator (I think...). If your decimal separator is setup as a comma you will get this message when the app reads its template file. I am working on fixing this for the next version. In the meantime, if you want to confirm that is the problem for me, try changing your regional settings to use a period as decimal separator instead and tell me if it works.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
This does really sound Sweet :)
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Some fixes... (v1.4) - Set CultureInfo on application to en-us, this should fix any localization issues with regional settings using comma as the decimal separator. If you had an error on startup before this should fix it. - Changed the way the preset descriptions are displayed to properly display line feeds. The presets file was also updated. - Added a quick save to the presets library. For this to work you must first save settings to a game from the main window. If you return to the presets library you will be able to save a preset directly to the last location. There is also a link that shows that location and lets you edit the file. Let me know how it goes!
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Sweet, that fixed it. Thank you :) I have old presets as .txt files. Can I import them somehow or do I have to manually copy the settings into SFXConfig? Any specific path where I should keep SFXConfig? If I got old SweetFX files in my game folders, do I have to delete them first or will SFXConfig override them properly when I enable it? I have also noticed that when I click Load File, SFXConfig only shows me the .txt file "SweetFX_settings" but not my own .txt files that have different names. Can you implement a function so that we can load our old .txt presets or fix the Load File function? SFXConfig doesn't seem to see or detect them properly. I think simply adding SFXConfig to a game and then manually copying the settings from my own presets into the new SweetFX_settings file could be a workaround. How do I load my settings when I don't have a SweetFX_settings file? The old configurator could store settings without having to load them from a file first. Can SFXConfig do that too? It looks like I can't store my settings inside SFXConfig if I haven't made them a preset and posted it to sfx.thelazy.net because right now that seems to be the only way to have somehwat of a database for SFXConfig.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Sweet, that fixed it. Thank you :) I have old presets as .txt files. Can I import them somehow or do I have to manually copy the settings into SFXConfig? You can open settings files from ANY version of any sweetfx-compatible injector. If there are settings in the settings file that are not valid for Boulautor's injector they are ignored or initialized to the default values. If I got old SweetFX files in my game folders, do I have to delete them first or will SFXConfig override them properly when I enable it? If you already had an injector in there and you install over it it should replace the injector with Boulautaur's. If you don't want to replace the injector, then only save the config file without installing. Any specific path where I should keep SFXConfig? Nope. Just keep all the files together in some folder. I have also noticed that when I click Load File, SFXConfig only shows me the .txt file "SweetFX_settings" but not my own .txt files that have different names. Can you implement a function so that we can load our old .txt presets or fix the Load File function? SFXConfig doesn't seem to see or detect them properly. I think simply adding SFXConfig to a game and then manually copying the settings from my own presets into the new SweetFX_settings file could be a workaround. How do I load my settings when I don't have a SweetFX_settings file? Slight oversight on my part, will fix the load dialog's filter next version. In the meantime, you can show all files by entering *.* and pressing enter when in the load file dialog. The old configurator could store settings without having to load them from a file first. Can SFXConfig do that too? It looks like I can't store my settings inside SFXConfig if I haven't made them a preset and posted it to sfx.thelazy.net because right now that seems to be the only way to have somehwat of a database for SFXConfig. At the moment there are no user presets in SFXConfig. That will come eventually, but right now I am waiting to fix up the existing code a bit and implement the API Terrasque just added to this website. Once that is done, some of the preset UI will probably have changed a bit, and I can see how I will do user presets. The goal in the long run is to eventually be able to post user presets directly to sfx.thelazy.net as well as keep a local presets database. For this to work I need to keep the structure of both pretty similar.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Also, as the first answer above implies, if you overwrite a config file it is no longer compatible with the old injector you had it with, so do be careful. I will add a backup function in the next version so that older files are renamed rather than overwritten.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Two things. One, I second BlackAera's request for the load dialog fix. When you get the files from the database directly, they are named like this:
SweetFX_Settings_Batman- Arkham Origins_OmniFX Preset (Vibrant).txt SweetFX_Settings_Bound By Flame_K-putt'e Config.txt
My own personal settings are usually just "My Mass Effect 3 Preset" and when I change some settings of existing presets I like I usually put "MY" before them, so like "MY SweetFX_Settings_bllablabla.txt". The only way around things like that that I can see is if you just allow ANY txt file, which could obviously cause errors. But I have an idea!! What is a specific file extension, but a designation created by a programmer to tell his program what files do what. There are a ton of "settings" files that are simple text files, only they have a different extension. You can edit ini, php, html, cfg, css, the list goes on and on. Even files that have their own special extensions, like "woof.dog" can be simple text files. So what if, instead of using txt as the extension, we used a custom file extension for SweetFX settings? Obviously "boom.sfx" comes to mind, but I am not sure if something else would use that extension somewhere. The point is, we can make it so that the configurator only reads *.sfx files, instead of *.txt, which would not only make it easier to know what files to use, but also makes SweetFX look a bit more exclusive. Like we have our own file extension, suck on that! I'm joking, but still. I could easily write a php script that changes the file extension when someone uploads a file from txt to sfx, and I am assuming that the database is in mySQL, which if it is, means it would be incredibly easy to change ALL existing presets from txt to sfx. Hell, you can even do that via FTP. We could put up a help page telling people how to edit them (just change the file extension or use notepad++), or better yet, they can just do it all in the configurator. Just an idea. Oh, and the second thing that I wanted to bring up is that it isn't updating the database like it says it is. At least in 1.3 it wasn't, I haven't tried 1.4 yet. But when I would click update I got the popup saying it would be connecting to the database here, then it was working for a second or two, and then it would come back saying that nothing had been updated since the last time I checked. I know that isn't right, because I went to go look for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and The Evil Within, and neither of them were there, but they are obviously in the database, I just downloaded a couple :P Anyway, there's my schpiel. Go ahead, start the boo's and throwing rotten vegetables at me. Which makes me think... if people in the middle ages were supposedly starving, why would they throw food at people? Why would they allow that food to spoil? How did they have that food in the first place, since they were starving? Man, I need to lay off of this Mountain Dew: Game Fuel. It's like ADHD in a bottle.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
After reading back through my post (does everyone do that, or is it just me?), I realized something. When people upload a preset, the site already changes the name when you upload it via the form, so it would literally take like one line of code to change the extension during that process.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
ALSO..... Dkatt, you should just edit your OP with the links of the new versions. When I first saw this, I downloaded 1.0 right away, and now that you are on 1.4, it would save people from downloading the older ones in this post. On top of that, you should edit out the links to the other 3 versions in your other posts as well =)
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Update worked on 1.4! 113 new presets were added :D
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
OMG I am like a posting freak. No matter what happens, this will be my last post for the time being, I swear! OK, so one thing I noticed in messing around with an existing preset I was using is that the sliders are INCREDIBLY too small when you are working with 0.002 for example. I wanted to change the 'Bleach' setting on Tonemap from 0.004 to 0.003, but no matter how slowly and carefully I moved, it would always jump to like 0.030, or 0.000. The only way I could get it to 0.003 was to set my mouse's scroll wheel to jump 3 spots instead of 2, and I set the slider to 0 and scrolled up one click. It wasn't excruciatingly tedious or anything, but it was mildly annoying, and if I had to do it on more than just that one setting, it would start to get frustrating. Happy thoughts!!
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Two things. One, I second BlackAera's request for the load dialog fix. Like I said, this will be fixed next release (it already it, I am just not ready to release just yet...). In the meantime, type "*.*" in the dialog box and press Enter, it will show you all files. you should just edit your OP with the links of the new versions. You are probably right, when I have a minute I will... OK, so one thing I noticed in messing around with an existing preset I was using is that the sliders are INCREDIBLY too small when you are working with 0.002 for example. I wanted to change the 'Bleach' setting on Tonemap from 0.004 to 0.003, but no matter how slowly and carefully I moved, it would always jump to like 0.030, or 0.000. The only way I could get it to 0.003 was to set my mouse's scroll wheel to jump 3 spots instead of 2, and I set the slider to 0 and scrolled up one click. The sliders take into account minimum and maximum for the specific setting, so first off I doubt a change smaller than you can register on the scrollbar it going to have any visible effect. However, if you are really anal about this (it's not an insult, I got OCD so I know how it is... ;) ) you can use the arrow keys on your keyboard, just like any other slider. I will change the label on the right for a numeric up/down control so that you can change the value manually too. In any case, the next release will have some major changes to the way the presets are handled, and will use the new API that Terrasque added to this site. The whole UI setup will probably be redesigned a bit around that. Should be maybe a week or two till then...
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
So what if, instead of using txt as the extension, we used a custom file extension for SweetFX settings? Obviously "boom.sfx" comes to mind, but I am not sure if something else would use that extension somewhere. The point is, we can make it so that the configurator only reads *.sfx files, instead of *.txt, which would not only make it easier to know what files to use, but also makes SweetFX look a bit more exclusive I think this would nedlessly overcomplicate things. The user should know where he dumps his setting files for archiving and what files should be used for the games. I always name my presets accordingly, never had a problem not finding the settings that I wanted. Using a proprietary filetype would just make it harder for everyone to edit the files manually, in case you need to. For instance my old SweetFX configurator suddenly stopped working for no reason but I quickly found out that uninstalling a game that used it was causing the error, so I edited the internal settings database manually by removing the games settings entirely and that fixed it.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
I agree with BlackAera above, in any case we need to use the file extension that SweetFX actually uses anyways. As far as the user presets, they will be stored as XML, because well that's how you store data in a text file.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Ok first, I am not being ANAL. That was really rude, even if you were kidding. You wanted feedback on your program, I gave it to you, and you insulted me, then told me that what I said didn't really matter anyway. Nice. The problem is, it DOES matter. On Bleach, there is a big difference between 0.001 and 0.009 for example. No matter if you can use the arrow keys, or the scroll wheel or whatever, the default mechanism to change the value is a slider, and the slider goes from 0.000 to 0.030 even when you just slightly move it. It's not being ANAL at all. The values for a lot of shaders are in the thousandth spot, and those values sometimes have DRASTIC changes between just a few thousandths, up or down. I was just using Bleach as an example, because that's the one I noticed it on. Would it be terribly difficult to just make the whole UI larger? Bigger sliders offer more precise control. If you don't want my feedback anymore, just say so. But if I come at you with ideas and problems, don't be a dick to me if you don't like them. As for my idea with the file name extension, it was just an idea. I thought that it would make it EASIER for users, not more complicated. I am not saying encrypt it or anything. Any file extension that uses regular text as it's basis can be edited, so I don't see how changing "txt" would make it "needlessly overcomplicated". And it's not like SweetFX can't be changed to read an extension besides txt. But whatever. I thought it would be easier for people to use this utility rather than try and edit the txt files themselves. I thought the whole point of this utility was to have a GUI to do it anyway, so what would the extension matter? Again, whatever. I'll just stand aside and let you guys have at it. I thought this was an amazing program, and was excited to offer my help, but now you guys can count me out. Good luck and all that.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
I just thought of a perfect example... if you have an AVI file, and rename the extension to MP4, it has the exact same effect. It's the same video, just a different extension. Back when I first started remixing professionally you couldn't render videos to MP4, and a popular DJ program (Serato Scratch Live) could (and I think still does) OBLY read MP4 videos. So after editing the videos and rendering them down, I just renamed the extension to MP4 so Serato could read it. I don't think that it was overly complicated. Even if we did use *.sfx so that people knew it was a sweetfx file, they could either choose to open it with ANY text editor (Windows would ask you what you want to use), edit it directly with Notepad++, or simply change the file extension to txt, rtf, whatever. And as I said before, if the whole point is to get them to use the GUI, why is it such a big deal that it is *.txt? And don't say because that's what sweetfx uses, because I have addressed that already. Ugh, whatever. I have wasted way too much time on this already. It was just an idea that I thought had merit. I didn't expect the replies I got, and they bothered me, so I keep wanting to argue my points.... but then I delete everything I typed, because in the end, it doesn't matter anyway. Nobody cares what I say.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Ugh... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anal_retentiveness NO it is not an insult, it's a trait, derived from Freudian psychoanalysis. I am anal retentive about a lot of things myself. So with that out of the way I will just ignore all the useless drama and answer what actually merits an answer. I just thought of a perfect example... if you have an AVI file, and rename the extension to MP4, it has the exact same effect. It's the same video, just a different extension. The extension in this case actually indicates that the codec used to encode the file was either MPEG-4 or H.264 (.MP4), or anything else supported by the Audio Video Interleave standard (DivX, xvid, Cinepak, etc...). So the extension in this case DOES matter as it indicates something important about the file format. In the case of SweetFX, it is hardwired to use .txt files, so there it nothing I can do here (I am not the SweetFX developer...). Arguing about a file extension when it changes absolutely nothing in the end is the perfect example of anal retentiveness by the way... As for the slider issue, please do read my original reply above all the way to the end: I will change the label on the right for a numeric up/down control so that you can change the value manually too. Will that not fix your issue? Please do continue to offer suggestions, but don't expect that they will all be put in exactly as you want them to be. I am also not going to change the way I talk or behave just because you don't like it, I am sorry. I am using English, and all words in the dictionary are fair game.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Wow. I actually came in here to apologize for what I said, as I overreacted. So for that, I am sorry. But you need to tone it down a notch man. Whether you realize it or not, you are very rude and insulting, especially because you are putting out something that you want feedback on. Can you imagine if a game developer said the things you did? You come off like you have a very high opinion of your intelligence, and it borders on arrogance. I know exactly what "anal" means, and regardless of the definition, it was insulting to me. You can't say "NO it is not an insult", because calling someone that, whether it is true or not, is relative to THEIR feelings on it. Not yours. Yes, I overreacted to it, but just because YOU are not insulted by being called "anal", doesn't mean that everyone shares your insensitivity. I am not even going to touch the file extension issue, since it is irrelevant. It was just me throwing out ideas, there was no need for you to so harshly throw them down. And yes, *I* believe that you were harsh, and rude. Even though YOU obviously don't, don't assume that what you say has little or no impact on someone else's feelings. Then, there is the issue of how you come off, which is, in itself, insulting. Starting your post with "ugh..." and then pointing out how you were "right" is insulting. Implying that I didn't read your post all the way to it's conclusion regarding the slider is insulting. Your snide remark on whether or not that fixes "my" issue is insulting. Finally, you are correct that all words in the dictionary are fair game, but that doesn't make it right. You are completely insensitive to the effect your words have on other people. No, you don't have to change the way you talk or behave just because I don't like it... but when you talk to ME like that, then it shows a lack of respect, manners, and etiquette. And THAT is something that I can, and do, have issue with. You can be to the point, blunt, whatever, without being insulting or rude. You can speak to people with respect. You try to come off as so intelligent, but your rudeness and insensitivity to other people just make you come off as a pompous ass who thinks he knows everything. I am not trying to fight with you at all, but I won't sit idly by while I am being disrespected either. I have a certified IQ of 152, as tested by the state of Wisconsin, so when people talk like they assume they are smarter than everyone else, I take offense to that. It just makes you look LESS intelligent than you clearly are. Here's the point. I like your program. I want to help. But don't act like you are smarter than I am, don't disrespect or insult me, and don't talk down to me like I am just some internet troll. Talk to me with the level of respect that I deserve, and I will do the same to you. My suggestion regarding the sliders was not made because I am anal, it was made because it was practical. There is a lot of room to enlarge the program, and so I was suggesting that doing so, and in turn enlarging the sliders so that they can be used more efficiently, was feasible. I wasn't saying that there was anything WRONG with changing the value manually, or using arrow keys, or anything like that... I don't understand why you automatically get defensive for me offering a suggestion, especially since I have openly stated that I think your program has amazing potential. You yourself know that it isn't perfect, so I assume that is why you are posting all of your revisions on here, so that we can help you make it better. That's all I was trying to do.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Sigh.... I'm just gonna say this once, cut the shit people.... there is no need for all the "FEELZ" being hurt... please CALM YOUR TITS folks... if you insist on having a hissy fit, do it in private please. I appreiciate the work Dkatt is doing/has down and Jynxx is a Steam buddy.. I don't like seeing people arguing over, what I see as silliness, that isn't getting anything productive done and only derailing this thread further.... Calm down guys, really, any outsider reading this thread is not going to be impressed by how things are transpiring.
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Keep up the great works guys :)
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
I have been waiting for something like this for a really long time! Thanks! As a suggestion for improving the ui; I think a more streamlined layout similar to a VST would look cooler: http://www.powerdrumkit.com/images/vst_drums.jpg http://static.kvraudio.com/i/b/retrologue.jpg Aside from enabling and disabling effects, perhaps breaking up the interface so that you can show or hide multiple effect panels at the same time would help others to be a bit more productive. --- On a side note. Ignore people who go off on tangents. ;]
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
So I have been a bit busy in the last couple of weeks, just wanted to let you guys know I haven't vanished or anything, there is still a major update down the pipe, it will just take a little longer than originally expected. I have started redoing the UI from scratch in WPF, so far it's going well. There is also a lot of new features including user presets and better integration with the site database through the new API. Personally, I don't really care about all that drama up there. It doesn't affect me, and I cannot see how any of the above would affect anyone to this extent. I must have really touched a nerve somehow, but I just don't see how or where. To me this is a technical discussion not a YouTube comments section. This is the last I will say of it.
Posted 10 years, 3 months ago
For the love of God I can't get sweetfx to work with farcry 4 on my computer. I tried litteraly everything my mind can come up with. Searched on forums... soooo desperate lol... Here are the things I tried: (I have a GTX 970 nvidia card with windows 7 64 bit, graphics card is OC'ed using MSI AB and RivaTuner Statistics server for FPS monitoring along with temps and whatnot) - Tried running rivatuner's d3d compatibility mode (on vs off) - Tried the game fullscreen vs borderless - Tried all the versions of Sweetfx there is (1.4 ... 1.5... boulotaur's version ... SFXconfig 1.4) evvvvverything... - Tried compatibility mode (vista sp1 sp2 u name it) - Tried disabling desktop composition - Tried running as admin (my UAC is disabled anyhow) - Tried everything. The closest I've gotten it to work is using the SFXConfig utilty presented in this video. I get a "farcry4.exe has stopped working" when trying to launch the game (I have the skipintro affix to the shortcut) The error message says that "dxgi.dll is the faulty file" and when running in vista compatibility mode "ntdll.dll" is the faulty file apparantly... What on Earth must I do for sweetfx to work with farcry 4 ???
Posted 10 years, 1 month ago
Dkatt, it has been 3 months now and no word from you man. Any updates? Are you still working on the tools? Regards
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