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Can't get Sweetfx to run with Hunted - Demonforge
Posted 8 years, 3 months ago
Hi, I've tried installing SweetFX 1.5 with Omnipotus' OmniFX Preset for Hunted - The Demonforge. Like usual I renamed the file to Sweetfx_settings.text and copied it together with sweetfx into the folder where the game exe is located. The problem is, SweetFx doesn't start. I'm using the Steam version, so I thought this might be the reason it doesn't work, even though I'm using SweetFx and Reshade on many steam games.
Posted 8 years, 3 months ago
What windows are u using?Are using radeon pro??Sweet fx 1.5 only support up to win 8.Are u using bouletaur injection in sweet fx 1.5?? Maybe you need manually import preset from 1.5 to sweet fx 2.0
Posted 8 years, 3 months ago
SweetFX 2 standalone is no more. Get ReShade 3
Posted 8 years, 3 months ago
Thanks, for the advice Kishin. I managed to make it work. @FierySwordswoman: Yes, I know. But most of the time I'm fine with SweetFX alone, even if it is an older version. I specified that I was using SweetFX 1.5 with a preset for that particular version. Hence no need to use a way more complex system, that I don't really know how to work with and that I have no fitting preset for.
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