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Posted 7 years, 11 months ago
Hey guys, i'm using win 10 and try to start AC black flag with fx but always d3d11.dll error pop up, i try to remove dxgi.dll it was start to opening but sweetfx setting cant work still there is no change as i can see. i' m using Abstergo 1.1 preset from list. can any1 have any idea?
Posted 7 years, 11 months ago
I only use Reshade 3.0+, but for me, most games CTD with any version of Reshade or SeeetFX unless I set them to borderless window or windowed mode, no fullscreen. Also, for Ghost Recon Wildlands, I was forced to chouse the DirectX 8/9 version, even though 10+ would seem like the right choice, or else instant CTD all day. Hope hope this helps.
Posted 7 years, 11 months ago
@AssassinsDecree and webhammerksk Make sure you have every driver installed and not just the ones that come with games Runtime and some others are not enough. I had both you're problems many years back but with myself using a lot of different modding software a part from Reshade i had to install a lot of additional window drivers and now i never have problems with modding software including reshade.
Posted 7 years, 11 months ago
@QTmodz, Really? OK very interesting, I'll habe to check and see if I have all the window drivers. Any suggestions on where to start checking? Thanks!
Posted 7 years, 11 months ago
@QTmodz All drivers are updated already. I'm sure of it. Saw same problems on other forums like me, and cant figure out still. Win 10 making difficult to modding especially Reshade.
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