1 hour, 42 minutes ago
Zeus' CRT Æsthetic
Preset description:
scanlines, bloom and frame blending, it's inspired by crt's rather than slavishly imitating: i've gone for aestheticity over authenticity - i don't know if i've ever seen any actual crt screens that look like this, but i just went for what i think looks best
made on 1440p, but also tested at 1080p
i'd advise viewing the previews at large size or maybe even fullscreen, else the scanlines get lost
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; 2022 ZeusOfTheCrows ;
; https://zeusofthecrows.github.io/ ;
; ;
; i've gone for aestheticity over authenticity - i don't know if i've ever ;
; seen any actual crt screens that look like this, but i just went for what i ;
; think looks best ;
; ;
; this preset relies upon CRTLottes and trails. if you do not have them: ;
; https://github.com/Zackin5/Misc-ReShade-Shaders/blob/master/CRT-Lottes.fx ;
; https://github.com/BlueSkyDefender/AstrayFX/blob/master/Shaders/Trails.fx ;
; ;
; if comments below have numbers, that's a recommended range according to ;
; personal taste ;
; /!\ bear in mind comments will get stripped if you edit this preset ingame, ;
; /!\ remember to save them somewhere else if they're important to you ;
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
bloomAmt=0.900000 ; 0.9 ~ 1; governs overall blur, and also brightness
brightBoost=0.700000 ; 0.7 ~ 1.35; brightness*, balance with bloomAmt & hardScan
doBloom=1 ; *(brightest area in game: albero fountain,
hardBloomPix=-0.500000 ; darkest: anointing cave. for balancing testing)
hardBloomScan=-1.700000 ;
hardPix=-3.000000 ; -4 ~ -3; horizontal blur factor
hardScan=-6.000000 ; -8 ~ -5; scanline intensity
maskDark=0.500000 ;
maskLight=1.500000 ;
resX=640.000000 ; } game internal resolution
resY=360.000000 ; }
scaleInLinearGamma=0.000000 ; 0/1; 1 works better in dark areas, 0 better in light
; 0 is generally better i think
shadowMask=0 ; 0 is scanlines, >1 are dotmask images
shape=2.000000 ;
video_sizeX=640.000000 ;
video_sizeY=360.000000 ;
warpX=0.000000 ; } screen geometry - i left it at zero as i dislike fake
warpY=0.000000 ; } warp, but i recommend <=0.04,0.03
[LiftGammaGain.fx] ; an attempt to deal with overbright, particularly fountain dream
[trails.fx] ; for making flickering effects (e.g. fire, candles) look nicer
Persistence=0.550000 ; 0.0 ~ 1.0; 0.55 is the compromise i settled on for not
; having too much motion blur
[Vibrance.fx] ; crt effect slightly oversaturates i think, this slightly alleviates that
Vibrance=-0.120000 ; bear in mind liftgammagain also desaturates slightly