3 minutes ago
★ 5 | Realism by QTmodz
Preset description:
This Preset and Engine Tweaks adds Realism to the game!
★ 5 | Realism by QTmodz
Filmic Pass
Ambient Light
Lift Gamma Gain
Recommend Step 1
The Download Preset button below will contain a .txt file with a link!
The link will have location to all the files needed and included.......
Important: Make Sure read the READ ME File
the link doesen't work!! i can't download the link in the step 2
Thanks Mate
Hi Quentin-Tarantino,
Many thanks for this Preset !!!
Certainly brings a game back into life.
Looking forward to (m)any game in the foreseeable future.
With kind regards.
Bcamero No Problem mate ;)
Thanks for updating Quentin. The game looks sooo much better now, i love the lighting and brightness you have brought an old game back from the dead :)
This Preset + Guide + Links are updated ;)
Amazing mate Looks stunning :) THANK YOU!!!
GTA 5 Mod
Hi Quentin many thanks for the kind reply. Theres no rush, i didnt realise you were doing a new GTA 5 Mod so will keep an eye on that :) Your work is always greatly appreciated mate :)
Sorry about the delays on mods and guides.
The GTA V overhaul mod i am working on is taking up so much time. But it should be done by tomorrow and then i can get back to updating presets and guides on here :)
Quentin the link is dead any chance you could please reupload this? Thanks man :)
Thanks mate :)
Haven't picked this game up since my X360 days. It really does look far better with this preset. The DOF is not ideal with some iron-sight base weapons (fault of the game not the preset) though I suppose that does add to the realism. Also, thank you for the concise set-up instructions.
LOL Thanks :)
I thought I lost you your last post was 4 april well...glad you back
Yea it was a bit all over the place :)
Thanks Mate :)
BTW I don't have the greatest rigs by all means :)
Really nice. This game looked awful before if I remember right.
impressive as always its a shame i dont have the machine for the game XD