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Sharp and colourful

Created by Dudemeister
Added April 29, 2017
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
1. Download and install ReShade 3.0.7 or newer: https://reshade.me/ 2. During installation choose Direct3D 10+ and select the following effects: AdaptiveSharpen Clarity Colourfulness Curves LumaSharpen Vibrance 3. Download my settings and copy the file into Bulletstorm Full Clip Edition\Binaries\Win64. Rename the file to "BulletstormFCE.ini" (without the quotes). The file extension has to be ini and not txt! 4. After starting up the game, go to Settings > Game and enable Cinematic Visuals. Then press Shift+F2 and select "BulletstormFCE.ini" from the preset list. Make sure that Performance Mode is enabled (ReShade > Settings). 5. Have fun! PS: You can turn off and on the effects by pressing ScrollLock ("Rollen" for German users).
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KeyAdaptiveSharpen=145,0,0,0 KeyLumaSharpen=145,0,0,0 KeyClarity=145,0,0,0 KeyCurves=145,0,0,0 KeyColourfulness=145,0,0,0 Techniques=AdaptiveSharpen,Clarity,Colourfulness,Curves,LumaSharpen,Vibrance KeyVibrance=145,0,0,0 TechniqueSorting=AdaptiveSharpen,Clarity,Colourfulness,Curves,LumaSharpen,Vibrance [Vibrance.fx] Vibrance=0.150000 VibranceRGBBalance=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 [Clarity.fx] ClarityBlendMode=2.000000 ClarityRadius=3.000000 ClarityOffset=2.000000 ClarityDarkIntensity=0.400000 ClarityBlendIfDark=50.000000 ClarityBlendIfLight=205.000000 ClarityStrength=0.200000 ClarityViewBlendIfMask=0.000000 ClarityLightIntensity=0.000000 ClarityViewMask=0.000000 [AdaptiveSharpen.fx] D_compr_low=0.253000 L_compr_low=0.169000 curve_height=1.000000 curveslope=0.400000 D_overshoot=0.009000 L_overshoot=0.003000 D_compr_high=0.504000 L_compr_high=0.337000 scale_lim=0.100000 scale_cs=0.056000 pm_p=0.750000 [LumaSharpen.fx] pattern=1.000000 sharp_strength=0.419000 sharp_clamp=0.035000 offset_bias=1.000000 show_sharpen=0.000000 [Colourfulness.fx] lim_luma=0.700000 colourfulness=0.200000 [Curves.fx] Mode=1.000000 Formula=4.000000 Contrast=0.300000


23 Jun 23:57 CEST

I am loving this preset. Can't wait to try it. Keep up the solid work.

19 Jun 14:43 CEST

Beautiful SweetFX bro

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