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A thing or two to know! Value's and numbers. Boolean: Bool value’s describe either something is turned on or off. Therefore they can be only 1 or 0. One for on and zero for off. Boolean value's are used as a witch to turn effects on (1) or leaving them off (0) by sweetFX at the top of the settings script. Integer or decimal numbers: These numbers are used most often by people and are the numbers between zero and nine (0-9) Float or floating decimal point: Floats are number with a comma or dot for people from the US. Floats are often used where a precise value is needed like 1.25 is more precise then just 1. If you see that a floating value can be used between, lets say, -1 and 1 then its actually between -1.999 and 1.999 since 1.999 is still one and not two. Preset's editing and storing. Messed up content/order: If you copy and past some setting file to you're text editor of choice but notice everything looks messed up. That's because you're editor is using a different codepage, also referred to as file encoding. Check if you're editor can change it to ANSI. Basic notepad can be used but I do not recommend using it. My editor of choice is Notepad++ due to the many advanced programming features. Comment's and actual code: Two forward slashes mean that whatever comes next is treated as text string and is only used when a line starts with a hashtag '#' //this is text. This is also text. #this is no text //but this is. Lines that start with a hashtag '#' mean that definitions of variables and value's that are used by SweetFX header files *.h will start there. Effect order in the preset file: Computer are fast now day's, still most machines are only able to do one thing at the time due to they only know what one or zero is. With this in mind you understand that a preset is read from top to bottom, and therefore, effects are also applied in the order they are arraigned in the file. I strongly suggest not to rearrange the setting file!!! Settings tweaking: When experimenting with sweetFX settings I can recommend to follow these guidelines. - If you don't know what something does, use extreme value's to see it's effect. - Higher value's do not all way's mean better quality, but often quit the opposite. - When tuning some effect be gentle with setting value's. Its very easy to overdo something. - Every human sees colour different and also every monitor show colours different, so there is no good or bad, just different.

Game presets

Preset Game Added By Screenshots Downloads Shader
A other HQ preset The Witcher 3....more of the same March 22, 2016 Megnatar 3 1059 ReShade
A Other HQ preset Grim Dawn March 21, 2016 Megnatar 4 1036 SweetFX 2.0
A other HQ preset - Update The Witcher 3....more of the same March 1, 2016 Megnatar 7 846 SweetFX 2.0
Dark and colorfull Grim Dawn April 1, 2016 Megnatar 5 1153 SweetFX 2.0
HQ-Darker Warmer and Sharper Tera June 1, 2014 Megnatar 0 1156 SweetFX 1.5
Lords of the Fallen Lords of the Fallen....more of the same July 31, 2015 Megnatar 2 827 SweetFX 2.0
Risen Enhanced Risen 3 Titan Lords Aug. 19, 2014 Megnatar 3 1001 SweetFX 1.5
Rsn-3 Enhanced Boulotaur2024 Risen 3 Titan Lords Sept. 17, 2014 Megnatar 13 1103 SweetFX 1.5
WarmRedshift 1.13 The Witcher 3....more of the same July 18, 2015 Megnatar 4 842 SweetFX 2.0