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☢METRO EXODUS Ultra Realism CiNE FX v1.0

Created by Kycok_Xleba
Added Oct. 21, 2020
Updated 21 Oct 03:10 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
☢ METRO EXODUS ☢ Ultra Realism CiNE FX v1.0 --------------------------------------------------------------- This is a Highly configured and accurate configuration. Close to Real Life and optimised for best performance complete with with antialiasing and rich HDR and Shadowing and with next to no performance impact! This preset offers: Improved Saturation, Realistic Coloration, Improved Lighting. Improved Textures and quality sharpness, Better shadows and HDR FX. Strong Contrast; allowing Immersible and realistic atmosphere and true darkness! To INSTALL, Preset simply drop THIS PRESET file into the 'Metro Exodus' Main Folder, after installing Reshade 4.1.1 (link Below) **N.B. For HIGHER End PC's; To further Enhance the game Textures, Simply Tap the 'HOME' Key in-game, after installing Reshade 4.1.1 to Metro Exodus.exe. this will open the Reshade console, then tick/enable: 'Clarity' and/or 'Fine'SHARP' to enhance your realism! Please DOWNLOAD Reshade 4.1.1 to use this preset effectively! >> [https://reshade.me/]<< Preset for Metro Exodus Created by Da_Rellik Added Feb. 22, 2019 Updated 22 Feb 17:46 CET Shader used: ReShade
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Techniques=LumaSharpen,Tonemap,Curves,HDR,Levels,FXAA TechniqueSorting=LumaSharpen,Tonemap,Border,ASCII,Chromakey,CA,Cartoon,ColorMatrix,Colourfulness,AmbientLight,BloomAndLensFlares,AdaptiveSharpen,Curves,Daltonize,Deband,Clarity,KNearestNeighbors,NonLocalMeans,AdvancedCRT,DepthHaze,DisplayDepth,DPX,Emphasize,CinematicDOF,EyeAdaption,MotionBlur,HDR,FilmGrain,FilmicAnamorphSharpen,FilmGrain2,FilmicPass,GlitchB,Mode1,Mode2,Mode3,RingDOF,MagicDOF,GP65CJ042DOF,MatsoDOF,MartyMcFlyDOF,HQ4X,Layer,Crosshair,Depth3D,GaussianBlur,HSLShift,HighPassSharp,Levels,LiftGammaGain,LUT,LightDoF_AutoFocus,LightDoF_Far,LightDoF_Near,AdaptiveFog,Monochrome,MultiLUT,Nightvision,FXAA,MagicBloom,ChromaticAberration,LeiFx_Tech,Tint,Before,After,Technicolor,MXAO,Technicolor2,Nostalgia,ReflectiveBumpmapping,TiltShift,PerfectPerspective,TriDither,UIMask_Top,UIMask_Bottom,UIDetect,UIDetect_Before,UIDetect_After,Vibrance,SurfaceBlur,Vignette,SMAA,StageDepth [Clarity.fx] ClarityBlendMode=2 ClarityRadius=2 ClarityOffset=1.787000 ClarityDarkIntensity=0.399000 ClarityBlendIfDark=60 ClarityBlendIfLight=200 ClarityStrength=0.400000 ClarityViewBlendIfMask=0 ClarityLightIntensity=0.000000 ClarityViewMask=0 [FineSharp.fx] cstr=0.958000 sstr=3.084000 pstr=1.272000 xstr=0.190000 lstr=1.490000 xrep=0.250000 [LumaSharpen.fx] pattern=1 sharp_strength=1.750000 sharp_clamp=0.151000 offset_bias=1.100001 show_sharpen=0 [Technicolor2.fx] ColorStrength=0.466667,0.000000,0.000000 Saturation=0.590000 Brightness=1.000000 Strength=1.000000 [Colourfulness.fx] colourfulness=0.342000 lim_luma=0.762000 enable_dither=0 col_noise=1 backbuffer_bits=8.000000 [Tonemap.fx] Gamma=1.000000 Bleach=-0.090000 Defog=0.103000 Exposure=0.080000 Saturation=0.000000 FogColor=0.027451,0.047059,-0.019608 [FakeHDR.fx] HDRPower=1.035000 radius1=0.755000 radius2=0.760000 [ColorMatrix.fx] ColorMatrix_Red=0.775000,0.162000,0.124000 ColorMatrix_Green=0.333000,0.667000,0.000000 ColorMatrix_Blue=0.000000,0.207000,0.619000 Strength=0.569000 [Levels.fx] BlackPoint=-2 WhitePoint=255 HighlightClipping=0 [FXAA.fx] Subpix=0.600000 EdgeThreshold=0.685000 EdgeThresholdMin=0.240000 [Curves.fx] Mode=0 Formula=2 Contrast=0.670000



27 May 10:46 CEST

Here's images with my config and your preset with fidelity fx enabled


27 May 10:34 CEST

Thanks for this preset for metro exodus, its incredible.

I created a config that worka really well with this preset. Ots been highly optimised for fps AND ultra settings as well as ultra realism.

It can be played on anything as low as a vega 11 gpu and it will play at 1080p with all settings maxed or enabled except for hairworks.

Heres the link to the config

Pick the ultra realism user.cfg and enjoy

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