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Preset for Journey
Created by nathanj
Added Jan. 18, 2021
Updated 29 Mar 03:03 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Enter the Grid from Tron with this shader preset! Watch the beauty of this preset here! https://youtu.be/RjuU0MSh4PU (it's a journey Tron% speedrun) Presentation 2 shaders were used for this, in the following load order: MeshEdges.fx BloomingHDR.fx I lose about 10 FPS with this shader preset on (at 3440x1440 resolution), so make sure to have some free fps available for it. How to install? 1) Download reshade 4.9.1 or more recent version https://reshade.me/ 2) Install reshade wherever you want on your drive, launch the .exe and then select Journey in the list of games, to manage its reshade installation. Then click "Direct 3D 10/11/12". 3) You are now asked to install shaders. Only two are required: -MeshEdges.fx is located in "reshade-shaders, by Daodan" effect package -BloomingHDR.fx is located in "AstrayFX" You only need these two but you can install everything if you want to play around with more shaders later. They can be added afterwards too by updating the reshade installation for this game. 4) Launch Journey and see if the reshade overlay appears on top of your screen, inviting you to press the home button to open the menu and follow its tips of use (which you should do) 5) Download the txt file from this page (rename it if you want) and place it in your Journey folder, then load it from reshade via the in-game menu. Or you can also click the "show/hide settings" button from this page and copy/paste its content into a "Tron.ini" preset file, which you can create from the game's shader menu itself, at the top. The .ini file should be located in \Steam\steamapps\common\Journey, or directly in the journey folder where you chose to install it, for Epic Games version. Save the .ini file, and select it afterwards with the shader menu from journey, at the top. You could otherwise also create an empty preset, manually enable the two shaders from the game's shader menu, and copy their setting values one by one in-game (see the "show/hide settings" button under) 6) For easiness of use, you should enable a button to toggle the shader mode on/off ("effect toggle key"), in the settings tab. 7) Don't forget to click the performance button at the bottom before playing to maybe save a bit of ressources from your computer. 8) Enjoy! Lightning bolts bug Sometimes I get an issue with this preset, and the sky constantly flickers with many blue rays of light, alongside the skybox (see the picture example under). It is visually disturbing, and the only way I found to solve this issue is to relaunch the game. Please share if you know how to avoid this. In case your game displays this problem every time, a replacement solution would be to enable the ChromaKey.fx shader, and adding threshold until the flickering disappears, while choosing a custom color for the sky (Black). This solution isn't perfect as it will also color in black some windows and distant rooms, and disable any glow from them. This shader can be found in the Fubax effect package, in case you need it. Updates 21/01/2021: Removed the use of FakeHDR.fx in order to gain about 4 FPS on average. It was previously loaded in-between MeshEdges.fx and BloomingHDR.fx. In order to keep the same visuals without this shader, the settings of BloomingHDR.fx were changed a little. Former settings of FakeHDR.fx: HDRPower=1.320000 radius1=0.793000 radius2=0.842000. The changes done to BloomingHDR.fx are as following: Gamma from 2.200 to 2.750, and linear white point value from 1000 to 1018. This allowed to keep the original Tron color as well (the FakeHDR.fx shader made the game look a little more blue). The color can be adjusted in MeshEdges.fx anytime, in order to lower a little the green or boost blue and red, to find back the previous color used.
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PreprocessorDefinitions= Techniques=MeshEdges@MeshEdges.fx,Blooming_HDR@BloomingHDR.fx TechniqueSorting=MeshEdges@MeshEdges.fx,Blooming_HDR@BloomingHDR.fx [BloomingHDR.fx] Adapt_Adjust=0.500000 Adapt_Seek=0.500000 Auto_Bloom=0 Auto_Exposure=1 BloomCurve=2.563000 BloomSensitivity=1.000000 Bloom_BA_iToneMapper=0 Bloom_Intensity=0.100000,0.500000,0.500000 Bloom_Spread=0.956000 CBT_Adjust=0.402000 Contrast=1.000000 Debug_View=0 Depth_Map=0 Depth_Map_Adjust=7.500000 Depth_Map_Flip=0 Dither_Bloom=0.250000 Exp=0.000000 Gamma=2.750000 GreyValue=0.180000 HDR_BP=0.500000 Inv_Tonemappers=2 NFCD=0.421000 Offset=0.000000 Saturate=1.000000 Saturation=0.250000,0.250000 Tonemappers=0 WP=1.018000 [MeshEdges.fx] fUIColorBackground=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 fUIColorLines=0.094118,0.792157,0.901961 fUIStrength=1.000000 iUIBackground=1


7 Sep 15:07 CEST

Thanks for sparking the curiosity within me. Respect brother.

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