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Basic Boost

Created by Epilum
Added June 7, 2015
Updated 8 Jun 21:57 CEST
Shader used: GemFX
Preset description:
YOU HAVE TO USE THE LINKS PROVIDED IN THIS TEXT AT THE BOTTOM TO GET THE CFG TO PUT IN YOUR FOLDER Simple preset for Dreamfall: Chapters using GEMFX. * Installing GEMFX: Install GEMFX into the folder where your launcher is. If you use steam it will be: \Steam\steamapps\common\Dreamfall Chapters * INSTALLING THE PRESET: Download the preset and add it to your current preset folder: \Steam\steamapps\common\Dreamfall Chapters\GEMFX\Presets\current MY SETTINGS INGAME: VISUAL QUALITY: AWESOME RESOLUTION: [Use your own] ANTI-ALIASING: HIGH SSAO: OFF NOISE/GRAIN: UNTICKED MOTIONBLUR: OFF GAMMA: MIDDLE(Use your own) DEPTH OF FIELD: OFF SHADOW DISTANCE: MAX DEPTH OF FIELD: OFF(This settings is what makes stuff in the back blurry, this isn't needed on high end computers) BLOOM: OFF(GEMFX applies the best bloom if needed) LENS FLARES: ON V-SYNC: OFF(Turn it ON if you experience tearing on your screen. Enjoy your game. DOWNLOAD PRESET: http://www.mediafire.com/download/nw2p4sch5amphb5/GEMFX_settings.cfg DOWNLOAD GEMFX: http://www.mediafire.com/download/dcvp2q5cqpcbi2u/GEMFXv1_0_8.exe
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GEMFX don't work that way silly. Simple preset for Dreamfall: Chapters using GEMFX. * [b]Installing GEMFX:[/b] Install GEMFX into the folder where your launcher is. If you use steam it will be: \Steam\steamapps\common\Dreamfall Chapters * [b]INSTALLING THE PRESET:[/b] Download the preset and add it to your current preset folder: \Steam\steamapps\common\Dreamfall Chapters\GEMFX\Presets\current [b]MY SETTINGS INGAME:[/b] VISUAL QUALITY: AWESOME RESOLUTION: [Use your own] ANTI-ALIASING: HIGH SSAO: OFF NOISE/GRAIN: UNTICKED MOTIONBLUR: OFF GAMMA: MIDDLE(Use your own) DEPTH OF FIELD: OFF SHADOW DISTANCE: MAX DEPTH OF FIELD: OFF(This settings is what makes stuff in the back blurry, this isn't needed on high end computers) BLOOM: OFF(GEMFX applies the best bloom if needed) LENS FLARES: ON V-SYNC: OFF(Turn it ON if you experience tearing on your screen. Enjoy your game. [b]DOWNLOAD PRESET: [/b]http://www.mediafire.com/download/nw2p4sch5amphb5/GEMFX_settings.cfg [b]DOWNLOAD GEMFX: [/b]http://www.mediafire.com/download/dcvp2q5cqpcbi2u/GEMFXv1_0_8.exe


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