0 minutes ago
Preset description:
REDEFINED RevelationsEGS of
reshade 2.0 preset for http://store.steampowered.com/app/383120
all files and masks are included and ready for easy install.
Just extract to your game directory where your game's .exe lives and play.
<<Two step ONLY installation>>
1-- download from the LINK below
[click the download button at top]
2-- extract contents of downloaded file to your game's directory folder where your game's .exe lives
enjoy & like/comment if you liked it and would like me make more presets for games in future :)
you can turn on smaa from 0 to 1 for better AA
After you finished setting up the preset go inside of the game folder where everything is and open folder called Reshade and in there open file called Sweetfx.cfg with notepad. Look for the smaa 0 and change it to 1 and save it before exiting notepad, DONE! play :)
Even though I dont need it in this preset on my resolution, this preset is pretty well self AA'ed, so don't really need it included.
download from link, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5kT3rgsHg9fYk9LTFRJOUVqUG8
all files and masks are included and ready for easy install.
Just extract to your game directory where the .exe lives and play.
I meant 6/04/2016
Updated links 7/04/2016