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Enhanced Atmosphere

Preset for Prototype
Created by DuskyRed
Added April 23, 2020
Updated 24 Apr 03:49 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Shaders used: - AmbientLight - FilmGrain - Pirate_Bloom (also needs Pirate_Global) - Tint (Sepia) - Tonemap - SMAA (optional) I recommend to set brightness to default. You can enable MSAA and AO through your graphics card control panel. I did it with Nvidia Inspector (MSAA: L.A. Noire, Dark Souls 2, LotR: War in the North markers. HBAO+: Dragon Age: Origins marker). Don't forget to rename .txt file to .ini before using. Feel free to customize this preset with in-game ReShade menu.
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PreprocessorDefinitions= Techniques=Pirate_Bloom,Tonemap,AmbientLight,Tint,FilmGrain TechniqueSorting=SMAA,Pirate_Bloom,Tonemap,AmbientLight,Tint,FilmGrain [AmbientLight.fx] alAdapt=0.700000 alAdaptBaseBlackLvL=2 alAdaptBaseMult=1.200000 alDebug=0 alDirtInt=1.000000 alDirtOVInt=1.000000 alInt=5.000000 alLensInt=2.000000 alLensThresh=0.500000 alThreshold=30.000000 AL_Adaptation=1 AL_Adaptive=0 AL_Dirt=0 AL_DirtTex=0 AL_Lens=0 AL_Vibrance=0 [FilmGrain.fx] Intensity=0.400000 Mean=0.500000 SignalToNoiseRatio=1 Variance=0.270000 [Pirate_Bloom.fx] BLOOM_BLEND=0 BLOOM_DEBUG=0 BLOOM_RADIUS=10.000000 BLOOM_SATURATION=2.000000 BLOOM_STRENGTH=0.055000 BLOOM_THRESHOLD=0.100000 [Sepia.fx] Strength=0.180000 Tint=0.550000,0.431500,0.420000 [SMAA.fx] CornerRounding=10 DebugOutput=0 EdgeDetectionThreshold=0.050000 EdgeDetectionType=1 MaxSearchSteps=32 MaxSearchStepsDiagonal=16 [Tonemap.fx] Bleach=0.000000 Defog=0.000000 Exposure=0.000000 FogColor=0.000000,0.088235,1.000000 Gamma=1.100000 Saturation=-0.100000


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