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WRC 10 Rebalance Reshade Lite

Created by ViolinBravo
Added Jan. 31, 2022
Updated 31 Jan 13:58 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
!!! LITE VERSION !!! This is the Lite version of my WRC 10 Rebalance Reshade preset. The Lite version tries to achieve the same effects as the original version by using only ONE very fast shader for ambient occlusion and global illumination. There is almost no visual difference, at least not noticeable ones when racing, compared to the original version. Therefore, I recommend everyone to use this version instead for the significant performance improvements alone. This version is most suitable for playing with resolution 2K and above. Previous preset works best with 1080p at most and is very resource intensive. ---------------------- WRC 10 is a rally racing game with very detailed environment but with a very outdated lighting system. This is especially true when playing during the day. Apart from the more saturated and less foggy colours, take a look at the foliage and structures (rocks, buildings, bridges, etc.) where the biggest differences are. AO, GI and IL plays a very important role in making the environment looks more realistic and grounded. !!! Note for night mode: 1. Create a duplicate of the preset 2. Adjust the Gamma in the prod80_Levels.fx shader. Decreasing the gamma to 1.0 should be good enough. Go lower if you have a darker screen than mine. Do the same for the normal version as well if you want to. -------------- Demo Videos -------------- * Noon / Clear - Arvaja, Finland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itXjqew_USI -------------------- Effects / Shaders -------------------- * Glamarye Fast Effects with Fake GI (Glamayre_Fast_Effects.fx) https://github.com/rj200/Glamarye_Fast_Effects_for_ReShade * Reveil.fx https://github.com/LordOfLunacy/Insane-Shaders * prod80_03_Levels (PD80_03_Levels.fx) https://github.com/prod80/prod80-ReShade-Repository * qUINT_deband.fx https://github.com/martymcmodding/qUINT ------------ Changelog ------------ (31 January 2022) - Initial release.
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/** * * WRC 10 Rebalance Reshade Lite * * A Reshade preset by TokyoZero (YouTube) * Demo Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itXjqew_USI * Homepage: https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/11865/ * * Tested only on Reshade 4.9.1 * Works best with DX11 * **/ PreprocessorDefinitions=MXAO_ENABLE_IL=1,MXAO_SMOOTHNORMALS=0,MXAO_TWO_LAYER=0,MXAO_HIGH_QUALITY=1,MXAO_MIPLEVEL_AO=1,MXAO_MIPLEVEL_IL=2,FAST_AO_POINTS=12 Techniques=ReVeil_Top@ReVeil.fx,Glamarye_Fast_Effects_with_Fake_GI@Glamayre_Fast_Effects.fx,ReVeil_Bottom@ReVeil.fx,prod80_03_Levels@PD80_03_Levels.fx,Debanding@qUINT_deband.fx TechniqueSorting=ReVeil_Top@ReVeil.fx,Glamarye_Fast_Effects_without_bounce_nor_Fake_GI@Glamayre_Fast_Effects.fx,Glamarye_Fast_Effects_with_Fake_GI@Glamayre_Fast_Effects.fx,PCGI_One@RadiantGI.fx,ReVeil_Bottom@ReVeil.fx,prod80_03_Levels@PD80_03_Levels.fx,Debanding@qUINT_deband.fx [BeforeAfter.fx] Blur=0.001000 Color=0.337000,0.000000,0.118000 Line=1 Offset=0.500000 [Glamayre_Fast_Effects.fx] abtest=0 ao_enabled=1 ao_fog_fix=0.120000 ao_max_depth_diff=2.000000 ao_radius=0.440000 ao_shape_modifier=1000.000000 ao_shine_strength=0.340000 ao_strength=0.680000 bounce_multiplier=1.000000 debug_mode=0 depth_detect=1 dof_enabled=1 dof_strength=1.000000 fxaa_bias=0.025000 fxaa_enabled=1 gi_contrast=0.200000 gi_saturation=0.500000 gi_strength=0.400000 reduce_ao_in_light_areas=1.000000 sharp_enabled=1 sharp_strength=0.200000 sky_detect=0 [PD80_03_Levels.fx] dither_strength=1.000000 enable_dither=1 ib=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 ig=1.343000 iw=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ob=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 ow=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 [qUINT_deband.fx] AUTOMATE_BIT_DEPTH=1 BIT_DEPTH=10 DEBAND_MODE=2 SEARCH_RADIUS=0.500000 SKY_ONLY=0 [qUINT_mxao.fx] MXAO_AMOUNT_COARSE=1.000000 MXAO_AMOUNT_FINE=1.000000 MXAO_BLEND_TYPE=0 MXAO_DEBUG_VIEW_ENABLE=0 MXAO_FADE_DEPTH_END=0.400000 MXAO_FADE_DEPTH_START=0.050000 MXAO_GLOBAL_RENDER_SCALE=1.000000 MXAO_GLOBAL_SAMPLE_QUALITY_PRESET=3 MXAO_SAMPLE_NORMAL_BIAS=0.200000 MXAO_SAMPLE_RADIUS=9.136000 MXAO_SAMPLE_RADIUS_SECONDARY=0.200000 MXAO_SSAO_AMOUNT=1.400000 MXAO_SSIL_AMOUNT=4.000000 MXAO_SSIL_SATURATION=1.000000 [RadiantGI.fx] Blend=2 Debug=0 Deep_Scattering=0.100000 Depth_Map=1 Depth_Map_Adjust=20.500000 Depth_Map_Flip=0 Diffusion_Saturation_Power=0.250000,0.500000 D_Irradiance=0.470000 GI_Power=1.000000 GI_Ray_Length=250.000000 GI_Res=1.000000 GI_Saturation=1.000000 GI_Sky_Saturation=1.000000 HDR_BP=0.500000 IGN_Toggle=1 Internals=0.540000,0.010000,0.010000 Luma_Map=0.500000 NCD=0.125000,0.000000 Offset=0.000000 PCGI_2DTexture_Detail=0.000000,1.000000 PCGI_Fade=1.000000 PP_Options=0 RadiantGI=0 Reflectivness=1.000000,0.500000 samples=12.000000 SamplesXY=20 Scattering=1 Sky_Adustment=3 Sky_Emissive_Selection=3 SSS_Seek=0.250000 Target_Lighting=0.050000 Trim=0.000000 Wrap=0.500000 [ReVeil.fx] Debug=0 DepthMultiplier=-1.000000 TransmissionMultiplier=-0.125000


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