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Preset for Cosmonautica
Created by rekah123
Added Aug. 14, 2015
Updated 14 Aug 02:10 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Cartoon look, strong fxaa, light bloom. Its modified CineFX v2.4 1080p-241-2-4(witcher 3)
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[sweetFX] /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Choose effects / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ // Effects are listed in the order that they are applied. // Set to 1 for ON or 0 for OFF #define USE_ASCII 0 //[0 or 1] Ascii : Converts the image to Ascii-art. #define USE_CARTOON 1 //[0 or 1] Cartoon : "Toon"s the image. #define USE_SMAA 0 //[0 or 1] SMAA Anti-aliasing : Smoothens jagged lines using the SMAA technique. #define USE_FXAA 1 //[0 or 1] FXAA Anti-aliasing : Smoothens jagged lines using the FXAA technique. #define USE_EXPLOSION 0 //[0 or 1] Explosion : Scatters the pixels, making the image look fuzzy. #define USE_CA 0 //[0 or 1] Chromatic Aberration : Mimics the look of a cheap camera lens, by distorting the colors. #define USE_ADVANCED_CRT 0 //[0 or 1] Advanced CRT : Simulates an old CRT TV display. (has a very high performance cost) #define USE_PIXELART_CRT 0 //[0 or 1] PixelArt CRT : Scanlines for pixel art (high performance cost) #define USE_BLOOM 0 //[0 or 1] Bloom : Makes bright lights bleed their light into their surroundings (relatively high performance cost) #define USE_HDR 1 //[0 or 1] HDR : Not actual HDR - It just tries to mimic an HDR look (relatively high performance cost) #define USE_LUMASHARPEN 1 //[0 or 1] LumaSharpen : Sharpens the image. #define USE_LENS_DISTORTION 0 //[0 or 1] Cubic Lens Distortion : Distorts the lens cubicly. #define USE_NOSTALGIA 0 //[0 or 1] Nostalgia : Remember when you played that game you always played on that first system of yours? You don't? Well here is a reminder. #define USE_LEVELS 1 //[0 or 1] Levels : Sets a new black and white point. This increases contrast but causes clipping. Use Curves instead if you want to avoid that. #define USE_TECHNICOLOR 0 //[0 or 1] TECHNICOLOR : Attempts to mimic the look of an old movie using the Technicolor three-strip color process (Techicolor Process 4) #define USE_TECHNICOLOR2 0 //[0 or 1] TECHNICOLOR 2 : Yet another Technicolor effect - not sure if this stays or not. Let me know if you like it. #define USE_DPX 0 //[0 or 1] Cineon DPX : Should make the image look like it's been converted to DXP Cineon - basically it's another movie-like look similar to technicolor. #define USE_MONOCHROME 0 //[0 or 1] Monochrome : Monochrome makes the colors disappear. #define USE_COLORMATRIX 1 //[0 or 1] Color Matrix : Allows color modification using a user-defined color matrix. #define USE_LIFTGAMMAGAIN 0 //[0 or 1] Lift Gamma Gain : Adjust brightness and color of shadows, midtones and highlights. #define USE_TONEMAP 1 //[0 or 1] Tonemap : Adjust gamma, exposure, saturation, bleach and defog. (may cause clipping) #define USE_VIBRANCE 1 //[0 or 1] Vibrance : Intelligently saturates (or desaturates if you use negative values) the pixels depending on their original saturation. #define USE_CURVES 0 //[0 or 1] Curves : Contrast adjustments using S-curves. #define USE_SEPIA 0 //[0 or 1] Sepia : Sepia tones the image. #define USE_FILMICPASS 0 //[0 or 1] Filmic Pass: Applies some common color adjustments to mimic a more cinema-like look. #define USE_REINHARDLINEAR 1 //[0 or 1] Reinhard: Reinhard mixed with some linear tonemapping. #define USE_VIGNETTE 0 //[0 or 1] Vignette : Darkens the edges of the image to make it look more like it was shot with a camera lens. May cause banding artifacts. #define USE_FILMGRAIN 1 //[0 or 1] Film Grain : Adds film grain to the image. #define USE_DITHER 1 //[0 or 1] Dither : Applies dithering to simulate more colors than your monitor can display. This lessens banding artifacts (mostly caused by Vignette) #define USE_BORDER 0 //[0 or 1] Border : Can be used to create letterbox borders around the image. #define USE_SPLITSCREEN 0 //[0 or 1] Splitscreen : Enables the before-and-after splitscreen comparison mode. (Only partially working right now) #define USE_Transition 0 //[0 or 1] Transition : Shows transitions to the regularly scheduled programming /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Ascii settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Ascii_input_image 1 //[1 or 2] 1 = Color buffer, 2 = Depth buffer. #define Ascii_spacing 1 //[0 to 9] Determines the spacing between characters. I feel 1 to 3 looks best. #define Ascii_font 2 //[1 or 2] 1 = 5x5 font, 2 = 3x5 font #define Ascii_font_color float3(255, 255, 255) //[0 to 255, 0 to 255, 0 to 255] What color the font should be. In integer RGB colors. #define Ascii_background_color float3(0, 0, 0) //[0 to 255, 0 to 255, 0 to 255] What color the background should be. In integer RGB colors. #define Ascii_swap_colors 0 //Swaps the font and background color when you are too lazy to edit the settings above (I know I am) #define Ascii_invert_brightness 0 //[0 or 1] #define Ascii_font_color_mode 1 //[0 to 2] 0 = font_color, 1 = image color, 2 = colorized grayscale #define Ascii_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Transition / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Transition_time 5000 //[1 to 60000] Milliseconds the transition lasts (1000 milliseconds is 1 second) #define Transition_texture "Winners_Dont_Use_Drugs.png" //["filename"] Filename for the texture to use. Put your custom textures in SweetFX/Textures/ #define Transition_texture_width 720 //Image width. #define Transition_texture_height 480 //Image height. #define Transition_type ImageFadeOut //Can be "FadeIn", "FadeOut", "CurtainOpen", "CurtainClose" or "ImageFadeOut" #define Transition_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / SMAA Anti-aliasing settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define SMAA_THRESHOLD 0.06 //[0.05 to 0.20] Edge detection threshold. If SMAA misses some edges try lowering this slightly. I prefer between 0.08 and 0.12. #define SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS 52 //[0 to 98] Determines the radius SMAA will search for aliased edges #define SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG 16 //[0 to 16] Determines the radius SMAA will search for diagonal aliased edges #define SMAA_CORNER_ROUNDING 40 //[0 to 100] Determines the percent of antialiasing to apply to corners. 0 seems to affect fine text the least so it's the default. // -- Advanced SMAA settings -- #define SMAA_EDGE_DETECTION 2 //[1|2|3] 1 = Luma edge detection, 2 = Color edge detection, 3 = Depth edge detection #define SMAA_DIRECTX9_LINEAR_BLEND 0 //[0 or 1] Using DX9 HARDWARE? (software version doesn't matter) if so this needs to be 1 - If not, leave it at 0. //Enable this only if you use a Geforce 7xxx series or older card, or a Radeon X1xxx series or older card. // -- SMAA Predication settings -- #define SMAA_PREDICATION 0 //[0 or 1] Enables predication which uses BOTH the color and the depth texture for edge detection to more accurately detect edges. #define SMAA_PREDICATION_THRESHOLD 0.001 // Threshold to be used in the depth buffer. #define SMAA_PREDICATION_SCALE 2.0 // How much to scale the global threshold used for luma or color edge detection when using predication #define SMAA_PREDICATION_STRENGTH 0.4 // How much to locally decrease the threshold. // -- Debug SMAA settings -- #define SMAA_DEBUG_OUTPUT 0 //[0 to 4] 0 = Normal, 1 = edgesTex, 2 = blendTex, 3 = areaTex, 4 = searchTex - Only for troubleshooting. Users don't need to mess with this. #define SMAA_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / FXAA Anti-aliasing settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define FXAA_QUALITY__PRESET 9 //[1 to 9] Choose the quality preset. 9 is the highest quality. #define fxaa_Subpix 0.650 //[0.000 to 1.000] Choose the amount of sub-pixel aliasing removal. Higher values makes the image softer/blurrier. #define fxaa_EdgeThreshold 0.001 //[0.000 to 1.000] Edge detection threshold. The minimum amount of local contrast required to apply algorithm. Similar to SMAA_THRESHOLD #define fxaa_EdgeThresholdMin 0.000 //[0.000 to 1.000] Darkness threshold. Pixels darker than this are not processed in order to increase performance. #define FXAA_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Explosion settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Explosion_Radius 2.0 //[0.2 to 100.0] Amount of effect you want. #define Explosion_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Chromatic Aberration settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Chromatic_shift float2(2.5,-0.5) //[-100.0 to 100.0, -100.00 to 100.0] Distance (X,Y) in pixels to shift the color components. //For a slightly blurred look try fractional values (.5) between two pixels. #define Chromatic_strength 0.5 //Adjust the strength of the effect. #define CA_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Cartoon settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define CartoonPower 1.0 //[0.1 to 10.0] Amount of effect you want. #define CartoonEdgeSlope 2.5 //[0.1 to 8.0] Raise this to filter out fainter edges. You might need to increase the power to compensate. Whole numbers are faster. #define Cartoon_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*----------------------------------------------------------. / Advanced CRT settings / '----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define CRTAmount 0.06 //[0.00 to 1.00] Amount of CRT effect you want #define CRTResolution 1.15 //[1.0 to 8.0] Input size coefficent (low values gives the "low-res retro look"). Default is 1.2 #define CRTgamma 2.4 //[0.0 to 4.0] Gamma of simulated CRT (default 2.2) #define CRTmonitorgamma 2.2 //[0.0 to 4.0] Gamma of display monitor (typically 2.2 is correct) #define CRTBrightness 0.9 //[1.0 to 3.0] Used to boost brightness a little. Default is 1.0 #define CRTScanlineIntensity 2.0 //[2.0 to 4.0] Scanlines intensity (use integer values preferably). Default is 2.0 #define CRTScanlineGaussian 1 //[0 or 1] Use the "new nongaussian scanlines bloom effect". Default is on #define CRTCurvature 0 //[[0 or 1] "Barrel effect" enabled (1) or off (0) #define CRTCurvatureRadius 1.5 //[0.0 to 2.0] Curvature Radius (only effective when Curvature is enabled). Default is 1.5 #define CRTCornerSize 0.0100 //[0.0000 to 0.0020] Higher values, more rounded corner. Default is 0.001 #define CRTDistance 2.00 //[0.00 to 4.00] Simulated distance from viewer to monitor. Default is 2.00 #define CRTAngleX 0.00 //[-0.20 to 0.20] Tilt angle in radians (X coordinates) #define CRTAngleY 0.00 //[-0.20 to 0.20] Tilt angle in radians (Y coordinates). (Value of -0.15 gives the 'arcade tilt' look) #define CRTOverScan 1.01 //[1.00 to 1.10] Overscan (e.g. 1.02 for 2% overscan). Default is 1.01 #define CRTOversample 1 //[0 or 1] Enable 3x oversampling of the beam profile (warning : performance hit) #define AdvancedCRT_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Pixel Art CRT / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ // -- Emulated input resolution -- #define PixelArtCRT_resolution_mode 1 //[1 or 2] 1 = Ratio, 2 = Fixed resolution #define PixelArtCRT_resolution_ratio (1.0/4.0) // #define PixelArtCRT_fixed_resolution float2(320.0,160.0) // // -- Hardness -- #define PixelArtCRT_hardScan -24.0 // Hardness of scanline : -8.0 = soft, -16.0 = medium #define PixelArtCRT_hardPix -24.0 // Hardness of pixels in scanline : -2.0 = soft, -4.0 = hard // -- Display warp -- #define PixelArtCRT_warp float2(1.0/64.0,1.0/24.0) // Display warp : 0.0 = none , 1.0/8.0 = extreme // -- Type of shadow mask -- #define PixelArtCRT_ShadowMask 3 // Type of shadow mask : 1 = Very compressed TV style shadow mask, 2 = Aperture-grille, 3 = Stretched VGA style shadow mask, 4 = VGA style shadow mask // -- Amount of shadow mask -- #define PixelArtCRT_maskDark 0.5 // #define PixelArtCRT_maskLight 1.5 // // -- Falloff shape -- #define PixelArtCRT_shape 3.0 // Falloff shape : 1.0 = exp(x), 1.25 = in between, 2.0 = gaussian, 3.0 = more square // -- Amp signal -- #define PixelArtCRT_overdrive 1.25 // #define PixelArt_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Bloom settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define BloomThreshold 20.25 //[0.00 to 50.00] Threshold for what is a bright light (that causes bloom) and what isn't. #define BloomPower 1.446 //[0.000 to 8.000] Strength of the bloom #define BloomWidth 0.0142 //[0.0000 to 1.0000] Width of the bloom #define Bloom_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / HDR settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define HDRPower 0.80 //[0.00 to 8.00] Strangely lowering this makes the image brighter #define radius2 0.75 //[0.00 to 8.00] Raising this seems to make the effect stronger and also brighter #define HDR_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / LumaSharpen settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ // -- Sharpening -- #define sharp_strength 1.00 //[0.10 to 3.00] Strength of the sharpening #define sharp_clamp 0.035 //[0.000 to 1.000] Limits maximum amount of sharpening a pixel recieves - Default is 0.035 // -- Advanced sharpening settings -- #define pattern 4 //[1|2|3|4] Choose a sample pattern. 1 = Fast, 2 = Normal, 3 = Wider, 4 = Pyramid shaped. #define offset_bias 1 //[0.0 to 6.0] Offset bias adjusts the radius of the sampling pattern. //I designed the pattern for offset_bias 1.0, but feel free to experiment. // -- Debug sharpening settings -- #define show_sharpen 0 //[0 or 1] Visualize the strength of the sharpen (multiplied by 4 to see it better) #define LumaSharpen_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*----------------------------------------------------------. / Shared Shaders settings / '----------------------------------------------------------*/ //Below you can find all shared shader and their settings #define SharedShader_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*----------------------------------------------------------. / Notalgia settings / '----------------------------------------------------------*/ //Nothing here yet, but you will get to set the palette to use and toggle dithering, and maybe pixelate the image .. once the effect is done. //For now it just displays the image with a C64 palette /*----------------------------------------------------------. / Levels settings / '----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Levels_black_point 0 //[0 to 255] The black point is the new black - literally. Everything darker than this will become completely black. Default is 16.0 #define Levels_white_point 255 //[0 to 255] The new white point. Everything brighter than this becomes completely white. Default is 235.0 //Colors between the two points will stretched, which increases contrast, but details above and below the points are lost (this is called clipping). // -- Debug settings -- #define Levels_highlight_clipping 0 //[0 or 1] Highlight the pixels that clip. Red = Some detail is lost in the highlights, Yellow = All detail is lost in the highlights, // Blue = Some detail is lost in the shadows, Cyan = All detail is lost in the shadows. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / TECHNICOLOR settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define TechniAmount 0.40 //[0.00 to 1.00] #define TechniPower 4.00 //[0.00 to 8.00] #define redNegativeAmount 0.88 //[0.00 to 1.00] #define greenNegativeAmount 0.88 //[0.00 to 1.00] #define blueNegativeAmount 0.88 //[0.00 to 1.00] /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / TECHNICOLOR 2 settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Technicolor2_Red_Strength 0.0 //[0.05 to 1.0] Color Strength of Red channel. Higher means darker and more intense colors. #define Technicolor2_Green_Strength 0.3 //[0.05 to 1.0] Color Strength of Green channel. Higher means darker and more intense colors. #define Technicolor2_Blue_Strength 0.3 //[0.05 to 1.0] Color Strength of Blue channel. Higher means darker and more intense colors. #define Technicolor2_Brightness 0.5 //[0.5 to 1.5] Brightness Adjustment, higher means brighter image. #define Technicolor2_Strength 1.0 //[0.0 to 1.0] Strength of Technicolor effect. 0.0 means original image. #define Technicolor2_Saturation 0.7 //[0.0 to 1.5] Additional saturation control since technicolor tends to oversaturate the image. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Cineon DPX settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Red 1.0 //[1.0 to 15.0] #define Green 1.0 //[1.0 to 15.0] #define Blue 1.0 //[1.0 to 15.0] #define ColorGamma 0.5 //[0.1 to 2.5] Adjusts the colorfulness of the effect in a manner similar to Vibrance. 1.0 is neutral. #define DPXSaturation 0.8 //[0.0 to 8.0] Adjust saturation of the effect. 1.0 is neutral. #define RedC 0.36 //[0.60 to 0.20] #define GreenC 0.36 //[0.60 to 0.20] #define BlueC 0.34 //[0.60 to 0.20] #define Blend 0.2 //[0.00 to 1.00] How strong the effect should be. /*------------------------------------------------------------. / Monochrome settings / '------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Monochrome_conversion_values float3(0.10, 0.50, 0.40) //[0.00 to 1.00] Percentage of RGB to include (should sum up to 1.00) #define Monochrome_color_saturation 1.3 //[0.00 to 2.00] Percentage of saturation to keep. Default is 0.00 , values above 1.00 boost saturation above normal. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Color Matrix settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ // Red Green Blue #define ColorMatrix_Red float3(1.000, 0.000, 0.000) //[0.00 to 1.00] How much of Red, Green and Blue the new red value should contain - Should sum to 1.000 if you don't wish to change the brightness #define ColorMatrix_Green float3(0.000, 1.000, 0.000) //[0.00 to 1.00] How much of Red, Green and Blue the new green value should contain - Should sum to 1.000 if you don't wish to change the brightness #define ColorMatrix_Blue float3(0.000, 0.000, 1.000) //[0.00 to 1.00] How much of Red, Green and Blue the new blue value should contain - Should sum to 1.000 if you don't wish to change the brightness #define ColorMatrix_strength 1.0 //Adjust the strength /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Lift Gamma Gain settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define RGB_Lift float3(1.000, 1.000, 1.000) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust shadows for Red, Green and Blue. #define RGB_Gamma float3(0.900, 0.900, 0.900) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust midtones for Red, Green and Blue #define RGB_Gain float3(1.000, 1.000, 1.000) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust highlights for Red, Green and Blue //Note that a value of 1.000 is a neutral setting that leave the color unchanged. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Tonemap settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Gamma 1.10 //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust midtones. 1.000 is neutral. This setting does exactly the same as the one in Lift Gamma Gain, only with less control. #define Exposure -0.05 //[-1.000 to 1.000] Adjust exposure #define Saturation -0.2 //[-1.000 to 1.000] Adjust saturation #define Bleach 0.5 //[0.000 to 1.000] Brightens the shadows and fades the colors #define Defog 0.25 //[0.000 to 1.000] How much of the color tint to remove #define FogColor float3(0.00, 0.10, 0.10) //[0.00 to 2.55, 0.00 to 2.55, 0.00 to 2.55] What color to remove - default is blue /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Vibrance settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Vibrance 0.80 //[-1.00 to 1.00] Intelligently saturates (or desaturates if you use negative values) the pixels depending on their original saturation. #define Vibrance_RGB_balance float3(1.20, 1.20, 1.00) //[-10.00 to 10.00,-10.00 to 10.00,-10.00 to 10.00] A per channel multiplier to the Vibrance strength so you can give more boost to certain colors over others /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Curves settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Curves_mode 2 //[0|1|2] Choose what to apply contrast to. 0 = Luma, 1 = Chroma, 2 = both Luma and Chroma. Default is 0 (Luma) #define Curves_contrast 0.40 //[-1.00 to 1.00] The amount of contrast you want // -- Advanced curve settings -- #define Curves_formula 8 //[1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11] The contrast s-curve you want to use. //1 = Sine, 2 = Abs split, 3 = Smoothstep, 4 = Exp formula, 5 = Simplified Catmull-Rom (0,0,1,1), 6 = Perlins Smootherstep //7 = Abs add, 8 = Techicolor Cinestyle, 9 = Parabola, 10 = Half-circles. 11 = Polynomial split. //Note that Technicolor Cinestyle is practically identical to Sine, but runs slower. In fact I think the difference might only be due to rounding errors. //I prefer 2 myself, but 3 is a nice alternative with a little more effect (but harsher on the highlight and shadows) and it's the fastest formula. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Sepia settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ColorTone float3(1.00, 1.00, 1.20) //[0.00 to 2.55, 0.00 to 2.55, 0.00 to 2.55] What color to tint the image #define GreyPower 0.11 //[0.00 to 1.00] How much desaturate the image before tinting it #define SepiaPower 0.58 //[0.00 to 1.00] How much to tint the image /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / FilmicPass settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Strenght 0.85 //[0.05 to 1.5] Strength of the color curve altering #define BaseGamma 1.0 //[0.7 to 2.0] Gamma Curve #define Fade 0.0 //[0.0 to 0.6] Decreases contrast to imitate faded image #define Contrast 1.0 //[0.5 to 2.0] Contrast. #define FSaturation 0.0 #define FBleach 0.0 //[-0.5 to 1.0] More bleach means more contrasted and less colorful image #define FRedCurve 1.0 #define FGreenCurve 1.0 #define FBlueCurve 1.0 #define BaseCurve 1.0 #define EffectGammaR 1.0 #define EffectGammaG 1.0 #define EffectGammaB 1.0 #define EffectGamma 0.0 #define Linearization 0.5 //[0.5 to 2.0] Linearizes the color curve #define LumCoeff float3(0.212656, 0.715158, 0.072186) /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / ReinhardLinear settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ReinhardLinearWhitepoint 1.0 #define ReinhardLinearPoint 0.15 #define ReinhardLinearSlope 1.25 //[1.0 to 5.0] how steep the color curve is at linear point. You need color curve understanding to know what this means, just experiment. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Daltonize settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Daltonize_type 1 //[1|2|3] Type of colorblindness. 1 = Protanopia (missing red spectrum), 2 = Deuteranopia (missing green spectrum), 3 = Tritanopia (missing blue spectrum) /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Film Grain settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define FilmGrain_intensity 1.00 //[0.00 to 1.00] How visible the grain is. Higher is more visible. #define FilmGrain_variance 0.08 //[0.00 to 1.00] Controls the variance of the gaussian noise. Lower values look smoother. #define FilmGrain_SNR 0 //[0 to 16] Higher Signal-to-Noise Ratio values give less grain to brighter pixels. 0 disables this feature. // -- Advanced Film Grain settings -- #define FilmGrain_mean 0.60 //[0.00 to 1.00] The average mean of the gaussian noise. Probably best kept at the middle value (0.50) //A sideeffect of the Film Grain effect is that it also dithers the screen. //You don't need both the Film Grain and the Dither effect enabled at the same time. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Vignette settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define VignetteType 1 //[1|2|3] 1 = Original, 2 = New, 3 = TV style #define VignetteRatio 1.00 //[0.15 to 6.00] Sets a width to height ratio. 1.00 (1/1) is perfectly round, while 1.60 (16/10) is 60 % wider than it's high. #define VignetteRadius 2.00 //[-1.00 to 3.00] lower values = stronger radial effect from center #define VignetteAmount -1.00 //[-2.00 to 1.00] Strength of black. -2.00 = Max Black, 1.00 = Max White. #define VignetteSlope 2 //[2 to 16] How far away from the center the change should start to really grow strong (odd numbers cause a larger fps drop than even numbers) #define VignetteCenter float2(0.500, 0.500) //[0.000 to 1.000, 0.000 to 1.000] Center of effect for VignetteType 1. 2 and 3 do not obey this setting. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Dither settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define dither_method 2 //[1 or 2] 1 = Ordered dithering (very good and very fast), 2 = Random dithering (different but slightly slower dithering) //Note that the patterns used by Dither, makes an image harder to compress. //This can make your screenshots and video recordings take up more space. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Border settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define border_width float2(0,40) //[0 to 2048, 0 to 2048] (X,Y)-width of the border. Measured in pixels. If this is set to 0,0 then the border_ratio will be used instead #define border_ratio float(2.35 / 1.0) //[0.1000 to 10.0000] Set the desired ratio for the visible area. You MUST use floating point - Integers do not work right. //Examples that work: (1680.0 / 1050.0), (16.0 / 10.0), (1.6) Examples that does NOT work right: (1680 / 1050), (16 / 10) #define border_color float3(0, 0, 0) //[0 to 255, 0 to 255, 0 to 255] What color the border should be. In integer RGB colors, meaning 0,0,0 is black and 255,255,255 is full white. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Splitscreen settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define splitscreen_mode 1 //[1|2|3|4|5|6] 1 = Vertical 50/50 split, 2 = Vertical 25/50/25 split, 3 = Vertical 50/50 angled split, 4 = Horizontal 50/50 split, 5 = Horizontal 25/50/25 split, 6 = Curvy vertical 50/50 split /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Custom settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define custom_strength 1.0 //[0.00 to 1.00] Adjust the strength of the effect [GemFX] /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Choose effects / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ // Effects are listed in the order that they are applied. // Set to 1 for ON or 0 for OFF #define MOTION_BLUR 0 //[0 or 1] Motion Blur: Cheap pseudo mution blur #define ADV_MOTION_BLUR 0 //[0 or 1] Advanced Motion Blur: More accurate and advanced motion blur #define MOTION_FOCUS 0 //[0 or 1] Smart movement of the camera following motion on the screen for a cinematic look #define AMBIENT_LIGHT 0 //[0 or 1] Ambient Light: Adds scene dependent ambient light with specific dirt and lens effects //#define ADV_AMBIENT_LIGHT 0 //[0 or 1] WIP: Adding advanced AL with god rays and natural light #define BLOOM 1 //[0 or 1] Bloom: Bloom, based on MasterEffects & asmodean bloom #define LENSDIRT 0 //[0 or 1] Lensdirt: Simulates a dirty camera lens. IMPORTANT: bloom threshold and amount have influence on the intensity of the dirt! #define GAUSSIAN_ANAMFLARE 0 //[0 or 1] Gaussian Anamflare: Applies a horizontal light beam to bright pixels. #define LENZFLARE 0 //[0 or 1] Lenz Flare: Boris Vorontsov's Skyrim Lensflare with custom offsets, ported to MasterEffect. #define CHAPMAN_LENS 0 //[0 or 1] Chapman's lensflare: Simple lensflare shader with one big halo. #define GODRAYS 0 //[0 or 1] Godrays: Adds some light rays rotating around screen center. #define ANAMFLARE 0 //[0 or 1] Anamorphic Lensflare: adds some horizontal light flare, simulating the use of an anamorphic lens while recording. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Motion Blur Settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define mbRecall 0.7 //[0 to 1] Motion blur intensity #define mbSoftness 0.4 //[0 to 2] Blur strength of consequential streaks #define MotionBlur_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Advanced Motion Blur Settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ambDepth_Check 1 //[0 or 1] Depth dependent motion blur #define ambDepthRatio 0.7 //[0 to 1] Amount of addition MB due to distance; Lower Value => Higher Amount #define ambRecall 0.8 //[0 to 1] Increases detection level of relevant smart motion blur #define ambPrecision 0.0 //[0 to 1] Increases relevance level of detected smart motion blur #define ambSoftness 3.5 //[0 to 10] Softness of consequential streaks #define ambSmartMult 3.5 //[0 to 10] Multiplication of relevant smart motion blur #define ambIntensity 0.07 //[0 to 1] Intensity of base motion blur effect #define ambSmartInt 0.10 //[0 to 1] Intensity of smart motion blur effect #define AdvancedMB_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Motion Focus Settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define mfDebug 0 //[0 or 1] Activates debug mode of MF, top 4 bars show motion in each screen section, the center points show strength and direction of zoom #define mfFocusStrength 1.0f //[0 to 1] The intensity with which the camera will follow motion #define mfZoomStrength 0.6f //[0 to 1] The intensity of camera zoom to objects in motion #define MotionFocus_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Ambient Ligth Settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define alDebug 0 //[0 or 1] Activates debug mode of AL, upper bar shows detected light, lower bar shows adaptation #define alInt 10.15f //[0 to 20] Base intensity of AL #define alThreshold 15f //[0 to 1] Reduces intensity for not bright light /*ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ*\ ‡ • AL ADAPTATION PARAMETERS • ‡ \*……………………………………………………………………………………*/ #define AL_Adaptation 1 //[0 or 1] Activates adaptation algorithm for the following features #define AL_HQAdapt 0 //[0 or 1] Determines the accuracy of the adaptation algorithm #define alAdapt 0.7f //[0 to 4] Intensity of AL correction for bright light #define alAdaptBaseMult 1.0f //[0 to 4] Multiplier for adaption applied to the original image #define alAdaptBaseBlackLvL 2 //[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] Distinction level of black and white (lower => less distinct) #define alAdaptBloomMult 1.0f //[0 to 4] Multiplier for adaption applied to the bloom shader #define alAdaptFlareMult 3.0f //[0 to 4] Multiplier for adaption applied to the anam flare shader #define AL_HeatHazeControle 1 //[0 or 1] Controles the HeatHaze effect with the AL shader #define Depth_HeatHazeControle 1 //[0 or 1] Controles the HeatHaze effect with the depth buffer #define alAdaptHeatMult 1.0f //[0 to 1] Multiplier for adaption applied to the HeatHaze shader /*ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ*\ \*……………………………………………………………………………………*/ #define AL_Dirt 1 //[0 or 1] Dirt effect based on AL #define AL_Vibrance 1 //[0 or 1] Vibrance of dirt effect #define AL_Adaptive 1 //[0 or 1 or 2] 0: Warm; 1: Cold; 2: Light Dependent #define alDirtInt 1.0f //[0 to 2] Intensity of dirt effect #define alDirtOVInt 1.0f //[0 to 2] Intensity of colored dirt effect #define AL_Lens 0 //[0 or 1] Lens effect based on AL #define alLensThresh 0.5f //[0 to 1] Reduces intensity of lens effect for not bright light #define alLensInt 2.0f //[0 to 1] Intensity of lens effect #define AmbientLight_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Bloom Settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define GFX_HDR_MODE 2 //[0 to 2] HDR Level: Rendering bitrate. 0: RGBA8 | 1: RGBA16F | 2: RGBA32F #define BLOOM_MIXMODE 3 //[1 to 2] 1: Linear add | 2: Screen add | 3: Screen/Lighten/Opacity | 4: Lighten #define fBloomThreshold 0.90 //[0.1 to 1.0] Every pixel brighter than this value triggers bloom. #define fBloomAmount 1.25 //[1.0 to 20.0] Intensity of bloom. #define fBloomSaturation 1.0 //[0.0 to 2.0] Bloom saturation. 0.0 means white bloom, 2.0 means very very colorful bloom. #define fBloomTint float3(1,1,1.1) //[0.0 to 1.0] R, G and B components of bloom tintcolor the bloom color gets shifted to.#define fBloomTint float3(0.7,0.8,1.0) //[0.0 to 1.0] R, G and B components of bloom tintcolor the bloom color gets shifted to. //LENSDIRT #define fLensdirtIntensity 0.4 //[0.0 to 2.0] Intensity of lensdirt. #define fLensdirtSaturation 2.0 //[0.0 to 2.0] Color saturation of lensdirt. #define fLensdirtTint float3(1.0,1.0,1.0) //[0.0 to 1.0] R, G and B components of lensdirt tintcolor the lensdirt color gets shifted to. #define iLensdirtMixmode 1 //[1 to 4] 1: Linear add | 2: Screen add | 3: Screen/Lighten/Opacity | 4: Lighten #define lensDirtTex "GFX_origdirt.png" //GAUSSIAN ANAMORPHIC LENSFLARE #define fAnamFlareThreshold 0.90 //[0.1 to 1.0] Every pixel brighter than this value gets a flare. #define fAnamFlareWideness 2.4 //[1.0 to 2.5] Horizontal wideness of flare. Don't set too high, otherwise the single samples are visible #define fAnamFlareAmount 14.5 //[1.0 to 20.0] Intensity of anamorphic flare. #define fAnamFlareCurve 1.2 //[1.0 to 2.0] Intensity curve of flare with distance from source #define fAnamFlareColor float3(0.012,0.313,0.588) //[0.0 to 1.0] R, G and B components of anamorphic flare. Flare is always same color. //LENZ FLARE #define LENZ_DEPTH_CHECK 1 //[0 or 1] if 1, only pixels with depth = 1 get lens flare, this prevents white objects from getting flare source which would normally happen in LDR #define fLenzIntensity 3.0 //[0.2 to 3.0] power of lens flare effect #define fLenzThreshold 0.8 //[0.6 to 1.0] Minimum brightness an object must have to cast lensflare //CHAPMAN LENS #define CHAPMAN_DEPTH_CHECK 1 //[0 or 1] if 1, only pixels with depth = 1 get lensflares, this prevents white objects from getting lensflare source which would normally happen in LDR #define ChapFlareTreshold 0.9 //[0.7 to 0.99] Brightness threshold for lensflare generation. Everything brighter than this value gets a flare. #define ChapFlareCount 15 //[1 to 20] Number of single halos to be generated. If set to 0, only the curved halo around is visible. #define ChapFlareDispersal 0.25 //[0.25 to 1.0] Distance from screen center (and from themselves) the flares are generated. #define ChapFlareSize 0.45 //[0.2 to 0.8] Distance (from screen center) the halo and flares are generated. #define ChapFlareCA float3(0.0,0.01,0.02) //[-0.5 to 0.5] Offset of RGB components of flares as modifier for Chromatic abberation. Same 3 values means no CA. #define ChapFlareIntensity 100.0 //[5.0 to 20.0] Intensity of flares and halo, remember that higher threshold lowers intensity, you might play with both values to get desired result. //GODRAYS #define GODRAY_DEPTH_CHECK 1 //[0 or 1] if 1, only pixels with depth = 1 get godrays, this prevents white objects from getting godray source which would normally happen in LDR #define iGodraySamples 128 //[2^x format] How many samples the godrays get #define fGodrayDecay 0.99 //[0.5 to 0.9999] How fast they decay. It's logarithmic, 1.0 means infinite long rays which will cover whole screen #define fGodrayExposure 1.0 //[0.7 to 1.5] Upscales the godray's brightness #define fGodrayWeight 1.25 //[0.8 to 1.7] weighting #define fGodrayDensity 1.0 //[0.2 to 2.0] Density of rays, higher means more and brighter rays #define fGodrayThreshold 0.9 //[0.6 to 1.0] Minimum brightness an object must have to cast godrays //ANAMORPHIC LENSFLARE #define FLARE_DEPTH_CHECK 1 //[0 or 1] if 1, only pixels with depth = 1 get an anamflare, this prevents white objects from getting flare source which would normally happen in LDR #define fFlareLuminance 0.095 //[0.6 to 1.0] bright pass luminance value #define fFlareBlur 200.0 // [1.0 to 9999999] manages the size of the flare #define fFlareIntensity 2.07 // [0.2 to 5.0] effect intensity #define fFlareTint float3(0.137, 0.216, 1.0) // [0.0 to 2.0] effect tint RGB #define Bloom_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey [effectordering] /*----------------------------. | :: Effect Ordering :: | '----------------------------*/ #include EFFECT(CustomFX, Deband) #include EFFECT(McFX, SSAO) #include EFFECT(McFX, DOF) #include EFFECT(CustomFX, TiltShift) #include EFFECT(GemFX, AdvMotionBlur) #include EFFECT(GemFX, MotionBlur) #include EFFECT(GemFX, MotionFocus) #include EFFECT(GemFX, Bloom) #include EFFECT(SweetFX, Shared) #include EFFECT(GemFX, AmbientLight) #include EFFECT(McFX, HeatHaze) #include EFFECT(CustomFX, TuningPalette) #include EFFECT(SweetFX, Ascii) #include EFFECT(SweetFX, Cartoon) #include EFFECT(SweetFX, LumaSharpen) #include EFFECT(SweetFX, Vibrance) #include EFFECT(SweetFX, SMAAWrap) #include EFFECT(SweetFX, Explosion) #include EFFECT(SweetFX, FXAAWrap) #include EFFECT(SweetFX, HDR) #include EFFECT(SweetFX, CA) #include EFFECT(SweetFX, AdvancedCRT) #include EFFECT(SweetFX, PixelartCRT) #include EFFECT(SweetFX, LensDistortion) #include EFFECT(SweetFX, FilmGrain) #include EFFECT(SweetFX, Dither) #include EFFECT(SweetFX, ColorMatrix) #include EFFECT(SweetFX, Tonemap) #include EFFECT(CustomFX, ColorCorrection) #include EFFECT(CustomFX, Cel) #include EFFECT(CustomFX, Gaussian) #include EFFECT(CustomFX, Paint) #include EFFECT(CustomFX, Custom) #include EFFECT(McFX, FishEyeCA) #include EFFECT(CustomFX, Gr8mmFilm) #include EFFECT(Common, UIMask) #include EFFECT(Common, Border) #include EFFECT(Common, SplitScreen) #include EFFECT(Common, DisplayDepth) #include EFFECT(SweetFX, Transition) #include EFFECT(Common, ToggleMessage) [CustomFX] /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Choose effects / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ // Effects are listed in the order that they are applied. // Set to 1 for ON or 0 for OFF #define USE_CUSTOM 0 //[0 or 1] ..... #define USE_CEL 0 //[0 or 1] Cel : Creates an outline on objects, similar to Borderlands' cel shading effect. Requires depth buffer to work. #define USE_GAUSS 0 //[0 or 1] 0 = off, 1 = on. Turns on/off all Gaussian effects #define USE_TILTSHIFT 0 //[0 or 1] TiltShift effect based of GEMFX #define USE_TUNINGPALETTE 0 //[0 or 1] Allows to use color maps (like in ENB) or color palettes #define USE_GR8MMFILM 0 //[0 or 1] Applies cutomized 8mm film overlays //Temporal place for missing ColorCorrection shader from ME #define USE_LUT 0 //[0 or 1] Color Lookup Table: Uses a gradient texture to adjust the colors of the image. #define USE_TECHNICOLOR 0 //[0 or 1] Technicolor : Attempts to mimic the look of an old movie using the Technicolor three-strip color process. Algorithm from prod80 #define USE_SKYRIMTONEMAP 0 //[0 or 1] Skyrim Tonemap: Applies color correction/tonemapping based on tonemappers of popular Skyrim ENB's. #define USE_COLORMOOD 1 //[0 or 1] Color Mood: Applies a "mood" to the color, tinting mainly the dark colors. #define USE_CROSSPROCESS 0 //[0 or 1] Cross Processing: Simulates wrong chemistry in color processing. #define USE_REINHARD 0 //[0 or 1] Reinhard: This is the Reinhard tonemapping shader, if you are interested, google how it works. #define USE_COLORMOD 0 //[0 or 1] Colormod: Contrast, Saturation and Brightness ported from colormod.asi. #define USE_SPHERICALTONEMAP 0 //[0 or 1] Spherical Tonemap: Another approach on tonemapping, uses some sphere algorithms. #define USE_HPD 0 //[0 or 1] Haarm Peter Duiker Filmic Tonemapping: Tonemapping used in Watch Dogs, ripped from the Watch Dogs shaders themselves. #define USE_FILMICCURVE 0 //[0 or 1] Filmic Curve: Improved version of the well-known Uncharted 2 filmic curve, first seen in iCEnhancer 0.3. #define USE_WATCHDOG_TONEMAP 0 //[0 or 1] Watch Dogs Tonemap: Enables one of the numerous watch dogs tonemapping algorithms. No tweaking values. #define USE_SINCITY 0 //[0 or 1] Sin City: Effect from the movie "Sin City" - everything else than red is grey. #define USE_COLORHUEFX 0 //[0 or 1] Color Hue FX: Desaturates everything but colors from a fixed hue mid and the range around it. Similiar to Sin City but much better. Thanks, prod80! /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Custom Shader Settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define val1 0.0f // ... #define val2 1.0f // ... #define Custom_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Cel settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define CelAccuracy 10.0f //Accuracy or amount of Cel shading. #define Cel_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Gaussian Blur settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ //--- Blur / Unsharpmask Settings --- #define USE_Blur 0 //[0 or 1] 0 = off, 1 = on. Blurs the image #define BlurStrength 0.20 //[0.00 to 1.00] Strength of the blur effect #define USE_Sharpening 0 //[0 or 1] 0 = off, 1 = on. Sharpens the image #define SharpStrength 0.10 //[0.00 - 1.00] Strength of the sharpening effect #define GaussQuality 5 //[0 to 12] Higher #'s = more blur passes for Blur and Unsharp Mask (Higher performance cost). //--- Bloom Settings --- #define USE_Bloom 1 //[0 or 1] 0 = off, 1 = on. #define BloomStrength 1.15 //[0.00 to 1.00] Strength of bloom effect #define GaussBloomQuality 1 //[0 to 12] Higher #'s = more blur passes #define GaussBloomWarmth 2 //0 = neutral, 1 = warm, 2 = hazy/foggy #define GaussThreshold 0.64 //[0.000 to 0.999] Threshold for what is considered a bright light. Lower #'s = brighter #define GaussExposure 3.0 //[0.00 to 100.00] Exposure of the effect Higher #'s = brighter #define BloomRed .3 //Adds a RED tint to bloom #define BloomGreen .3 //Adds a GREEN tint to bloom #define BloomBlue .3 //Adds a BLUE tint to bloom #define Gaussian_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey #define ColorCorrection_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / TiltShift settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define TiltShiftPower 5.0 //[0 to 100] Amount of blur applied to the screen edges #define TiltShiftCurve 2.0 //[0 to 10] Defines the sharp focus / blur radius #define TiltShiftOffset -0.6 //[-5 to 5] Defines the sharp focus aligned to the y-axis #define TiltShift_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Tuning Palette settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define TuningColorPalette 1 //[0 or 1] ColorPalette #define TuningColorMap 0 //[0 or 1] ColorMap #define TuningColorLUT 1 //[0 or 1] ColorLUT #define TuningPaletteDependency 1 //[0 or 1] 0: PixelColor; 1: PixelBrightness (0 is recommended for the ColorPalette effect) #define TuningPalettePower 0.075f //[0 to 1] Strength of the Tuning Palette effect /*ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ*\ ‡ • Color Palette PARAMETERS • ‡ \*……………………………………………………………………………………*/ #define TuningColorPaletteTexture "CFX_vintage.png" //Define the color palette for palette effect (e.g. CFX_quake.png, CFX_vintage.png) #define TuningColorPalettePower 1/float3(1.0,1.0,1.0) //Defines the impact of red, green and blue when applying palette colors #define TuningColorPaletteSmoothMix 0.3f //[0 to 1] Amount of smooth integration into original image #define TuningTileAmountX 5 //[1 to 16] Amount of tiles the selected palette has on the X-axis #define TuningTileAmountY 1 //[1 to 16] Amount of tiles the selected palette has on the Y-axis /*ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ*\ \*……………………………………………………………………………………*/ /*ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ*\ ‡ • Color Map PARAMETERS • ‡ \*……………………………………………………………………………………*/ #define TuningColorMapTexture "CFX_TuningPalette.bmp" //needs to have 256x256 pixels /*ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ*\ \*……………………………………………………………………………………*/ /*ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ*\ ‡ • Color LUT PARAMETERS • ‡ \*……………………………………………………………………………………*/ #define TuningColorLUTDstTexture "CFX_ColorLUTDst.png" //Needs to have 256x16 pixels #define TuningColorLUTNorm float2(1f/256f, 1f/16f) //Texture size #define TuningColorLUTIntensity 1.0f //[0 to 1] Intensity of the effect overlay /*ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ*\ \*……………………………………………………………………………………*/ #define TuningPalette_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Gr8mm Film settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Gr8mmFilmTexture "CFX_Gr8mmFilm.png" //Defines the texture which contains the single frames #define Gr8mmFilmTextureSizeX 1280 //Size of the defined texture (Width) #define Gr8mmFilmTextureSizeY 5040 //Size of the defined texture (Height) #define Gr8mmFilmTileAmount 7.0f //[2 to 20] Amount of frames used in the Gr8mmFilm.png #define Gr8mmFilmPower 0.95f //[0 to 1] Overall intensity of the effect #define Gr8mmFilmVignettePower 1.0f //[0 to 2] Strength of the effect at the edges #define Gr8mmFilmAlphaPower 1.2f //[0 to 2] Takes gradients into account (white => transparent) #define Gr8mmFilmBlackFrameMix 0 //[0 or 1] 0: Adds a black frame into the mix; 1: No black frame added #define Gr8mmFilmScroll 0 //[0 or 1] 0: Jumps from frame to frame; 1: Scrolls from frame to frame #define Gr8mmFilm_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / TECHNICOLOR settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ColStrengthR 0.2 //[0.05 to 1.0] Color Strength of Red channel. Higher means darker and more intense colors. #define ColStrengthG 0.2 //[0.05 to 1.0] Color Strength of Green channel. Higher means darker and more intense colors. #define ColStrengthB 0.2 //[0.05 to 1.0] Color Strength of Blue channel. Higher means darker and more intense colors. #define TechniBrightness 1.0 //[0.5 to 1.5] Brightness Adjustment, higher means brighter image. #define TechniStrength 1.0 //[0.0 to 1.0] Strength of Technicolor effect. 0.0 means original image. #define TechniSat 0.7 //[0.0 to 1.5] Additional saturation control since technicolor tends to oversaturate the image. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / SKYRIM TONEMAPPING settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define POSTPROCESS 6 //[1 to 6] Mode of postprocessing you want. Mode 1 uses V1 values, Mode 2 uses V2 values etc // #define EAdaptationMinV1 0.05 #define EAdaptationMaxV1 0.125 #define EContrastV1 1.0 #define EColorSaturationV1 1.0 #define EToneMappingCurveV1 6.0 // #define EAdaptationMinV2 0.36 #define EAdaptationMaxV2 0.29 #define EToneMappingCurveV2 8.0 #define EIntensityContrastV2 2.5 #define EColorSaturationV2 3.2 #define EToneMappingOversaturationV2 180.0 // #define EAdaptationMinV3 0.001 #define EAdaptationMaxV3 0.025 #define EToneMappingCurveV3 30.0 #define EToneMappingOversaturationV3 111160.0 // #define EAdaptationMinV4 0.2 #define EAdaptationMaxV4 0.125 #define EBrightnessCurveV4 0.7 #define EBrightnessMultiplierV4 0.45 #define EBrightnessToneMappingCurveV4 0.3 // #define EAdaptationMinV5 0.08 #define EAdaptationMaxV5 0.20 #define EToneMappingCurveV5 8 #define EIntensityContrastV5 3.475 #define EColorSaturationV5 4 #define HCompensateSatV5 2 #define EToneMappingOversaturationV5 180.0 // #define EBrightnessV6Day 2.5 #define EIntensityContrastV6Day 1.5 #define EColorSaturationV6Day 2.0 #define HCompensateSatV6Day 3.0 #define EAdaptationMinV6Day 0.64 #define EAdaptationMaxV6Day 0.24 #define EToneMappingCurveV6Day 8 #define EToneMappingOversaturationV6Day 2500.0 /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / COLORMOOD settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define fRatio 0.35 //[0.00 to 3.00] Amount of moody coloring you want #define moodR 0.9 //[0.0 to 2.0] How strong dark red colors shall be boosted #define moodG 0.9 //[0.0 to 2.0] How strong dark green colors shall be boosted #define moodB 0.9 //[0.0 to 2.0] How strong dark blue colors shall be boosted /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / CROSSPROCESS settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define CrossContrast 1 //[0.5 to 2.00] The names of these values should explain their functions #define CrossSaturation 2 //[0.5 to 2.00] #define CrossBrightness .1 //[-0.3 to 0.30] #define CrossAmount .1 //[0.05 to 1.5] /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / REINHARD TONEMAP settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ReinhardWhitepoint 4.0 //[1.0 to 10.0] Point above which everything is pure white #define ReinhardScale 0.5 //[0.0 to 2.0] Amount of applied tonemapping /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / COLORMOD settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ColormodChroma 1 // Saturation #define ColormodGammaR 1.5 // Gamma for Red color channel #define ColormodGammaG 1.5 // Gamma for Green color channel #define ColormodGammaB 1.5 // Gamma for Blue color channel #define ColormodContrastR 1 // Contrast for Red color channel #define ColormodContrastG 1 // ... #define ColormodContrastB 1 // ... #define ColormodBrightnessR 0 // Brightness for Red color channel #define ColormodBrightnessG 0 // ... #define ColormodBrightnessB 0 // ... /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / SPHERICAL TONEMAP settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define sphericalAmount 1.0 //[0.0 to 2.0] Amount of spherical tonemapping applied...sort of /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / COLOR HUE FX settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define USE_COLORSAT 1 //[0 or 1] This will use original color saturation as an added limiter to the strength of the effect #define hueMid 0.1 //[0.0 to 1.0] Hue (rotation around the color wheel) of the color which you want to keep #define hueRange 0.1 //[0.0 to 1.0] Range of different hue's around the hueMid that will also kept. Using a max range of 1.0 will allow the reverse of the effect where it will only filter a specific hue to B&W #define satLimit 2.9 //[0.0 to 4.0] Saturation control, better keep it higher than 0 for strong colors in contrast to the gray stuff around #define fxcolorMix 0.1 //[0.0 to 1.0] Interpolation between the original and the effect, 0 means full original image, 1 means full grey-color image. [CommonSettings] /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Choose effects / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ // Effects are listed in the order that they are applied. // Set to 1 for ON or 0 for OFF #define RFX_UIMask 0 //[0 or 1] A mask that defines which areas of the screen will have no effects applied #define RFX_Border 0 //[0 or 1] A mask that defines where a border effect is drawn #define RFX_SplitScreen 0 //[0 or 1] Allows the various comparisons with the original image #define RFX_DisplayDepth 0 //[0 or 1] Display Depth : Enables the possibility to display the depth buffer - You will still need to toogle it on/off with (F12) in-game #define RFX_LogDepth 0 //[0 or 1] Needed to retrieve values from logarithmic depth buffer (e.g. in GTA V) // -- Utility -- #define RFX_ToggleKey VK_SCROLL //Set the global key that should toggle the effects On/Off #define RFX_Start_Enabled 1 //[0 or 1] Start with the effects enabled or disabled? #define RFX_Screenshot_Format 2 //[1 or 2] Sets the screenshot format (1 = bmp, 2 = png) You can take screenshots by pressing PrintScreen // -- Performance -- #define RFX_SmartPerfCheck 1 //[0 or 1] If set to 1, checks your settings to set the following two values automatically #define RFX_InitialStorage 1 //[0 or 1] Set this to 0 if you !only! use the SweetFX suite and want some additional fps (overwrites RFX_SmartPerfCheck if set to 0) #define RFX_DepthBufferCalc 1 //[0 or 1] Set this to 0 if run an application that does not allow depth buffer access or you use no depth dependent effects and want some additional fps (overwrites RFX_SmartPerfCheck if set to 0) // -- Statistics -- #define RFX_ShowStatistics 0 //[0 or 1] Controls the display of the statistics (fps and timecounters). 0 = off, 1 = on #define RFX_ShowFPS 1 //[0 or 1] Include FPS in the statistics #define RFX_ShowClock 1 //[0 or 1] Include a clock in the statistics #define RFX_ShowToggleMessage 1 //[0 or 1] Shows toggle message when using toggle key /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / UI Mask Settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define RFX_UIMask_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey #define RFX_UIMask_Helper 1 //[0 or 1] Helps to automatically create a UI - Mask for static elements #define RFX_UIMask_Direct 1 //[0 or 1] 1: loads the mask from memory; 0: loads the mask from disk #define RFX_UIMask_Tolerance 5 //[0,1,2,3,4,5] Defines the tolerance level of the algorithm when detecting UI elements #define RFX_UIMask_HelperKey VK_F12 //When pressed, starts to create a UI - Mask for static elements #define RFX_UIMaskReset_HelperKey VK_F11 //Resets the automatically created UI - Mask (press again to release) /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Border Shader Settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define RFX_Border_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey //Toggles the border shader /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Split Screen Shader Settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define RFX_SScomparable 1 //[0 or 1] Splits the screen in the middle and draws the same image twice. #define RFX_SScomparableStretch 0 //[0 or 1] Shows the full image on each side of the comparable splitscreen #define RFX_SSslider 0 //[0 or 1] Activates an active transition between original and shader image #define RFX_SSsliderSpeed 0.01f //[0 to 1] Defines the speed of the transition #define RFX_SSaxis 0 //[0 or 1] To select the splitscreen axis; 0 => y; 1 => x #define RFX_SSborderWidth 0.002f //[0 to 1] Width of the border between original and shader image #define RFX_SS_ToggleKey VK_F12 //Toggles the split screen shader /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Display Depth / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define RFX_Depth_z_near 0.01 //[0.00001 to 100000.0] Camera z near #define RFX_Depth_z_far 100.00 //[0.00001 to 100000.0] Camera z far, must be further than the near value. #define RFX_DepthToggleKey VK_F12 //Set the key to toggle the depth view On/Off



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