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HighDefinition MOD - DOF/CA/SMAA

Created by AtomSessions
Added Dec. 3, 2017
Updated 28 Dec 20:57 CET
Shader used: MasterEffect
Preset description:
HighDefinition AtomsSetting For Rainbowsix3 Raven Shield with: SMAA,CA,DOF,BLOOM,LENSFLARES ////////////////////////////////////// Install Files and Instructions at: http://www.moddb.com/mods/high-definition-mod //////////////////////////////////// By zEmantras - AtomSessions //////////////////////////////////// for all rainbowsix3 things: http://allr6.com/ http://www.r6chat.com/ //////////////////////////////////// Reshade: Master Effect by Marty McFly https://reshade.me/forum/shader-presentation/161-mastereffect-reborn-official-thread
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HighDefinition AtomsSetting For Rainbowsix3 Raven Shield with: SMAA,CA,DOF,BLOOM,LENSFLARES ////////////////////////////////////// Install Files and Instructions at: http://www.moddb.com/mods/high-definition-mod //////////////////////////////////// By zEmantras - AtomSessions //////////////////////////////////// for all rainbowsix3 things: http://allr6.com/ http://www.r6chat.com/ //////////////////////////////////// Reshade: Master Effect by Marty McFly https://reshade.me/forum/shader-presentation/161-mastereffect-reborn-official-thread


8 Dec 02:47 CET

*updated 8/12/2017*

3 Dec 18:27 CET

Mod will be available soon, doing some final tweaking

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