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Perfect Hob

Preset for Hob
Created by Vincent_Kazuwa
Added Aug. 15, 2018
Updated 15 Aug 21:36 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Personal configuration to improve the lighting and color of the adventure. To install download last Reshade and apply my settings. Note: If you notice it too dark try to up 1 or 2 points of the gamma from the game menu. I hope u enjoy it!
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Effects=FakeHDR.fx,AdaptiveSharpen.fx,FineSharp.fx,Clarity.fx,Colourfulness.fx,FXAA.fx,Curves.fx Techniques=AdaptiveSharpen,Clarity,Colourfulness,Curves,HDR,Mode1,FXAA TechniqueSorting=AdaptiveSharpen,Clarity,Colourfulness,Curves,HDR,Mode1,FXAA [AdaptiveSharpen.fx] curve_height=1.000000 L_compr_low=0.167000 D_compr_low=0.250000 curveslope=0.500000 L_overshoot=0.003000 D_overshoot=0.009000 scale_cs=0.056000 L_compr_high=0.334000 D_compr_high=0.500000 scale_lim=0.100000 pm_p=0.700000 [Clarity.fx] ClarityRadius=3 ClarityBlendMode=2 ClarityDarkIntensity=0.400000 ClarityOffset=2.000000 ClarityBlendIfDark=50 ClarityBlendIfLight=205 ClarityStrength=0.400000 ClarityViewMask=0 ClarityViewBlendIfMask=0 ClarityLightIntensity=0.000000 [Colourfulness.fx] colourfulness=0.400000 lim_luma=0.700000 [Curves.fx] Mode=0 Formula=4 Contrast=0.650000 [FakeHDR.fx] HDRPower=1.300000 radius1=0.793000 radius2=0.870000 [FXAA.fx] Subpix=0.250000 EdgeThreshold=0.125000 EdgeThresholdMin=0.000000 [FineSharp.fx] sstr=2.000000 cstr=0.900000 xstr=0.190000 pstr=1.272000 xrep=0.250000 lstr=1.490000


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