When I open the game in the top corner of the screen appears:
ReShade by Crosire
Visit http: ********************** etc.
How I can remove all messages? I dont't need them.
just change in "Global_settings":
#define ReShade_ShowToggleMessage 1 //[0 or 1] When enabled a message will show when the effects are toggled.
#define SweetFX_Greeting 1 //[0 or 1] Show the SweetFX greeting text on startup.
change 1 to 0
if u change these settings u only see
"ReShade by Crosire
Visit http: ********************** etc. "
one time at startup .... but u dont see it again if u toggle the effect and u dont see the greetings in the middle of the screen
Can I toggle something to remove greeting totaly?
becouse, I sometimes turn my game, to see web browser and etc.
And when I return, i always see message...
you only see the message in the left top corner.... there is no way to hide it complete...you will always see them when you start a game or if you alt+tab a game