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i need create my SweetFX GTAV how do that ?
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
hello i want create my sweetfx gta v please help me how do that ? Is there a way to modify and preview the changes directly without the need to go out and entry again to preview the graphics changes every time ?
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
Gotta Alt-Tab currently. Lucifer Hawk if working on a configurator down the road and the old one had functionality to edit outside of the game so I assume the new one will have something similar. It's not that bad dude GTA V alt-tabs really well. Just throw it in fullscreen borderless and edit away.
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
First, I am a beginner in sweetfx do not know how to proceed in the work of my preset please give me video or tutorial how download sweetfx and how edit settings sweetfx, thanks
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
help help
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
http://reshade.me/forum/shaderpack-framework/393-tutorial-for-users - ReShade Framework https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxrIKk8EmXw - Some guy on youtube installing what I think is SweetFX 2.0 (idk, i didn't even watch it) You could of found this stuff yourself dude. It took me a total of 5 seconds to google search it.
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
@PC_Constantine Please read the well my request i not want how copy and past preset sweetfx in gtav directory i want create my preset how download sweetfx configure and Explain all settings to create my preset sfx :) first please give me link download SweetFX 2.0 configure - reshade and how install it in gta v
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
any one Does not know how to create sweetfx gta v ?
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
u can download ReShade + Sweetfx 2.0 here: http://reshade.me/ read the README.txt file to know how to install sweetfx and reshade to create ur own preset just edit the SweetFX_settings.txt....play around with the settings...change the values to see how it works until u know what each setting does..learning by doing dude
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
@Proudi Is not there a configuration help me to edit settings Inside GTA V ? Or Video explanation to explain all the settings?
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
I think you're misunderstanding WHAT ReShade and SweetFX ARE. Ready: "ReShade itself does not come with any effects (apart from the example shader). It's a platform to write and inject your shaders everywhere. Either download the ReShade + Framework pack or head over to the presentation section in the forum to download some standalone effects users made with ReShade." In other words, ReShade is just what runs/applies the effects. SweetFX is, as I understand it atleast, a compilation of shaders not specifically optimised to any particular game. Im not 100% about this, I haven't downloaded it myself, I went through the +framework download. Even if im wrong about SweetFX, the basics are still the same, and I recommend you try looking for GTAV in the User made Presets, found Here; http://reshade.me/presets Theres a link explaining how to use a preset at the side, and at the time of writing this GTA V has a preset on page 14.
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
I actually had an idea a while back to make a thread on these forums (that could possibly be stickied or whatever) that had a outlining of what each effect does in a more in-depth manner than the descriptions in the settings files. I never really got around to doing it. But I think a community sourced guide would be a great idea. There is no configurator to help you edit settings at the moment you need to use the settings files and change values.
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
@Merciless, thanks @PC_Constantine, yes nice idea (y) any user make a thread and explain each effect by images or video i waiting that :D i have a question, if move sweetfx_settings.txt of any game to gta v it work or no ?
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
Yes it should but obv. the settings won't be tuned for GTA V
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
@PC_Constantine @Proudi @Merciless now do i download reshade + sweetfx 2.0 or reshade + framework ???
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
it´s up to u...framework has more settings because it´s a mix between shader suites....sweetfx 2.0 is easier and not so jam-full with settings ( i prefer sweetfx 2.0 because i dont like the most settings in master effect, gemfx etc..)
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
@Proudi thanks bro, now i downloaded reshade + sweetfx 2.0 when click ReShade_Setup.exe i cant select Direct3D 11, only selected AutoDetect cant change it when selected game (GTA5.exe), automatic select Direct3D 9, what solution ? sorry for bad my english :D select select select :D
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
try the manual install. just copy all files to \Steam\SteamApps\Common\Grand Theft Auto V\ ..... except ReShade32.dll. then rename ReShade64.dll to dxgi.dll
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
@Proudi yeah thanks, first i loved your preset that is awesome now i opened SweetFX_settings.txt and see big list settings :D What are the important things that start a her ? What are your tips to me and what best software to edit SweetFX_settings.txt
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
well...u can edit the settings.txt with windows "editor" or "Notepad2".... i think the most commonly used settings are SMAA, HDR, BLOOM, Lumasharpen .... the other settings depend of your liking....just test them out and watch out if u like them or not :)
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
@Proudi thanks for your help If i had a problem I will come back. thanks again
Posted 1 month, 1 week ago
I need to create my SweetFX for GTAV, how do I do that?" was the focus of the gaming modding workshop, where attendees received branded trolley coins, enhancing brand visibility and engagement. The workshop provided a comprehensive guide on setting up and customizing SweetFX for Grand Theft Auto V, including step-by-step instructions and tips for optimal settings. The branded trolley coins served as practical souvenirs, reminding participants of the hands-on experience and expert advice gained during the workshop. https://www.gopromotional.co.uk/branded-products/trolley-coins
Posted 1 month, 1 week ago
Posted 1 month ago
During our tour we got to select one gun from each of the following categories (a total of three guns): <a href="https://armoryammo.com/">iver johnson #ij700 single shot break action shotgun 20 gauge 26" barrel 1</a>
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