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Transition Texture Problem
Posted 9 years, 7 months ago
So there's this really neat tool called transition and definitely want to put something else other than "winners don't do drugs" texture file. I tried to put on my custom pictures on the location where all the texture can be use to change the transition pictures because their all in one folder, thought it would be as simple as that and then just put the name of my custom picture onto the option but when I launched the game, it says "unable to load source for texture transitionTex", I'm definitely missing something but what it is? Also I'm using Witcher 3 Hunter's config. Should anyone willing to help and needed some example just ask. This is probably part of reshade too so I'll try there also.
Posted 9 years, 7 months ago
Lol dude I played around with this too. I literally just made a PNG in MS-Paint lol and it worked! Make sure you get the name 100% correct. Default is like this: Winners_Dont_Use_Drugs.png Mine was like: Custom_Transition.png Nothing fancy, but it worked out for me. I think I made it 1920x1080 too but I think it just stretches or compresses to screen-size regardless so that's probably irrelevant. I doubt size would be a problem at all either. Probably just accidentally spelled the name wrong a little bit. Maybe you forgot the .PNG ending? EDIT: I'd like to mention I did this with actual ReShade + Framework. Transition is a part of SweetFX so Reshade+SweetFX has it too.
Posted 9 years, 7 months ago
Apparently there are 2 reshade folder but I tried them both to no prevail, heck I even draw a smiley face on paint just to test it, perhaps theres a hidden folder of the textures I don't know since all the other original I put the name on works except the custom ones, not the problem with spelling since I triple check all of it after I paste them. It's probably something wrong with the Mod the author made when he compose both reshade and sweetFX together. Or perhaps there's another installation directory where sweetfx is use for the game. Well it's really not a big problem just wanted to add something silly in the start of the game :) Thanks for caring though!
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