4 hours, 54 minutes ago
I can't get Sweetfx to work with this game. I hit scrolllock button but it doesnt change anything.Inside the game folder there is a hitmancontracts.ini file that may collide with sweetfx. It looks like this:
SoundDll SoundEngine.dll
ScriptDll sdl_engine.dll
scriptifdll scriptinterfaces.dll
DrawDll RenderD3D.dll
SoundRender Direct Sound (SW)
ColorDepth 32
Antialias 0
StartUpperPos 2,2
InvertMouse 0
SpeechVolume 90
MusicVolume 90
SoundEffectsVolume 90
AutoDumpName dump0000.jpg
TextureResolution 0
NumSoundBuffers 64
UseEAX 0
DrawDistance 1.000000
Subtitles 1
WeatherEffects 1
DisableBump 0
GammaValue 1.000000
LevelOfDetail 2
ShadowDetail 0
VibrationMode 0
PostFilterLOD 0
WeatherMultiplier 1.000000
Resolution 1920x1080
DisableTrilinearFiltering 1
DisableDXT 1
Any ideas?