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How to make it work with Metro REDUX
Posted 10 years, 5 months ago
Edited 1 week ago
Hello guys, anyone know of to make a sweet fx work with METRO REDUX ? im talking about metro 2033 right now and i want to use this one : http://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/2046/ but i just don't work, tried the normal sweet fx, the boulautor one, it just don't work the only way to make it work is with RADEON PRO but it just fuck up all the settings and the game is just ugly :/
Posted 10 years, 5 months ago
Edited 1 week ago
Ummmmmm I've been "out of the game" for a bit and I'm just getting re-caught up with it all, I haven't porsonally tested Metro Redux series but I do know that the current built of "ReShade" (new sweetfx injector) is working with both Redux games soooo that's a good sign, just a matter of time, until then, RadeonPro + SweetFX 1.4 it is :(
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
Edited 1 week ago
RadeonPro is the way to go on that game no matter what. I can crank up a TON of AA and other effects. I literally have everything that can be applied, applied at maximum. 24xEQ AA Override MLAA FXAA - Ultra SMAA - 0.05, 98, 20, 35 -letting game handle AO on it's own since that was a big deal for the "redux"- CFAA (edge-detect) AA Filter Supersample AA Mode 16x AF 64x Tessellation Vsync always off Anisotropic Optimization - Checked Trilinear Optimization - Checked (although I don't think this really does anything anymore) Enable SFO - Checked Texture Filtering - High Quality Mipmap Quality - High Quality Texture LOD is -3 Triple Buffering - on And then I am using a modified version of Ninjafada's Metro: Last Light preset as my SweetFX preset. The game looks amazing and plays flawlessly. The funny thing is, when I try and max out the settings in the game's config, it lags, I get big FPS drops, and it actually doesn't look nearly as good. But when I run it with RadeonPro I can get a steady 60fps easy.
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