1 month, 1 week ago
Preset | Added | By | Screenshots | Downloads | Shader |
Birght Sharp & Vibrant (UPDATED) | Feb. 17, 2014 | hyun18 | 13 | 5621 | SweetFX 1.4 |
Colors of Titans | Dec. 9, 2016 | romix | 0 | 732 | ReShade |
Colourfull and sharp | March 12, 2015 | winjer | 3 | 1003 | Other |
MTechpark Preset V1 - TITANFALL | May 24, 2015 | multitechnopark | 0 | 915 | SweetFX 1.6 |
Titanfall Contrast & Sharp | Feb. 3, 2015 | N3xus4lpha | 8 | 924 | SweetFX 1.5 |
_× Ultra Realistic ×_ | July 25, 2017 | Owais.ubm | 0 | 681 | ReShade |
Copy all files to Titanfall\bin\x64_retail
So i have SweetFX Folder, ReShade.fx, Sweet.fx, ReShade Setup, READ ME, & ReShade64.dll
Rename ReShade64.dll to dxgi.dll
Thanks for the instructions! I have been struggleing with this game forever.
My Reshade in Titanfall says "no effect found". any ideas?
SweetFX in Titanfall is now working for everybody: Download Reshade + SweetFX @ http://reshade.me
Copy Sweet.fx, the folder SweetFX and ReShade64.dll to \Titanfall\bin\x64_retail and rename ReShade64.dll to dxgi.dll
I got it working finally, here's what I did:
1. Make a folder in C:/
2. I named it "SweetFXFiles"
3. In RadeonPRO, go the settings:
- In the Settings: Uncheck "Disable 64-bit"
- Go to SweetFX settings and point the "root folder" to the folder you just made and then check "Enable SweetFX intergration"
-Assing a button to turn it Off/On.
-Save and exit the settings.
- Make a new profile.
-Choose Titanfall.exe in your install folder.
-Click the profile so it highlights blue and then go to "sweetfx" on the upper right corner.
- Click "Enable SweetFX"
- Scroll down and click "Import Settings"
- Navigate to the SweetFX folder you made and choose the "SweetFX_Settings" file.
- Leave the program as it is.
- Launch Titanfall normally.
Voíla! It works!
For me I have to always run Radeonpro as admin. I think it depends on your system.lol
SNIP3R from UT? Hit me up man pugs going strong in this game right now! Here is a link to the info.
I finally got it to work with RadeonPro. You just have to enable SweetFX (1.4) inside it . Also, don´t forget to disable Origin-Support in Titanfall!! You don´t have to run RadeonPro with admin rights.
I dont use that method though. I use radeonpro .
You need to figure out why your sweetfx is not working, then you can worry about adding this preset.
Try use sweet + efx files, then replace sweetfx_settings.txt with this preset.
I installed all sweetfx file C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Origin Games \ Titanfall-Beta.nhung not work, you can upload a zip please. With all the files needed not
Not sure what you meant.
But if you meant the dark/shaded areas .
Try turning down contrast in the under curvers.
Or you can just try adjust in-game brightness/gamma .
This looks great!!
What settings can I tweak to make the shadow less pronounced please? :)
I do not know how you please guide?tk