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F.E.A.R (Ultimate Shooter Edition)

Entry created by EngineGamer
Added May 13, 2015
SweetFX game notes:
------FIRST . ENCOUNTER . ACTION . RECON------ !!!!Sweet-FX 2.0/Reshade!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step: 1 Drop Re-Shade into "FEAR Ultimate Shooter Edition folder" C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FEAR Ultimate Shooter Edition <***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step: 2 Run ReShade Setup.exe > {click} Select game > FEAR.exe ^ ^ ^any problems please consult the readme.txt (but you shouldn't have any) ^ ^ ^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step: 3 Download a preset of your choice! http://sfx.thelazy.net/games/game/393/ Other peoples presets I made this page on accident, sorry.

Game presets

Preset Added By Screenshots Downloads Shader
FEARGreenRemoval May 13, 2015 EngineGamer 21 854 SweetFX 2.0


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