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Rectitude's Veil

Created by MarvelousSagacity
Added Feb. 6, 2020
Updated 6 Feb 05:23 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Rectitude's Veil for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 chiefly corrects color. It brings the colors of heroes and villains into correct alignment; comparable to what one sees in comic books and animated TV series. Here are some examples. Wolverine https://bit.ly/2SlcTWK Fantastic Four https://bit.ly/2GZ6Xxg Ironman https://bit.ly/3bdnEmt This preset also helps with dark areas in the game, which is mostly a problem with video cut-scenes; which are a product of the time the game released. Here is an example of a scene with Wolverine & Spiderman. Logan & Spidey Cut-scene https://bit.ly/2OvcBvi As stated before, this is mostly an issue with video scenes, yet the game contains a few areas that are darker than usual. An in game example of this. In game with Fantastic Four https://bit.ly/2UqDkNj Last but not least Rectitude's Veil helps correct light sources in both outside and inside locations, bringing more depth and accuracy to the overall area. Outdoor #1 https://bit.ly/2RZViof Outdoor #2 https://bit.ly/372bBVR Indoor # 1 https://bit.ly/2unsH3c Indoor #2 https://bit.ly/375yk3g Invisible Woman https://bit.ly/2v71yBx This preset uses three shaders: Smaa Layer Lut Three Layer files are in the gallery; choose one that fits the resolution one plays at. Layer files resolution are 1k(1024x576), 2k(2048x1152), and 4k(4096x2304). Instructions on how to install Layer & Lut files (if one is new to configuring reshade.), can be found in either of these preset pages: “Resplendent Dynamism” for Power Rangers - Battle for the Grid https://bit.ly/3bg9yAQ “Bakuto's Gaman ^annex” for Yakuza 0/Ryu ga Gotoku 0 https://bit.ly/2H0gJiI That is it. Hopefully one enjoys this preset, if not that is swell too. -peace out
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PreprocessorDefinitions= Techniques=LUT,Layer,SMAA TechniqueSorting=LUT,Layer,FXAA,SMAA [Layer.fx] Layer_Blend=1.000000 Layer_Pos=0.500000,0.500000 Layer_Scale=1.504000 [LUT.fx] fLUT_AmountChroma=1.000000 fLUT_AmountLuma=0.749000 [SMAA.fx] CornerRounding=25 DebugOutput=0 DepthEdgeDetectionThreshold=0.010000 EdgeDetectionThreshold=0.125000 EdgeDetectionType=1 MaxSearchSteps=32 MaxSearchStepsDiagonal=16 PredicationEnabled=0 PredicationScale=2.000000 PredicationStrength=0.400000 PredicationThreshold=0.010000


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