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Titan Quest 2.0

Created by Keimpe
Added May 29, 2020
Updated 21 Mar 17:06 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
(Edit: This is an outdated version as of october 2022) Please look at version 3.0 https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/12216/ Welcome to Titan Quest 2.0! First let's get the settings straight: Make sure the original FXAA is on in the dx11 version. HDR should be off in the settings. (it's laggy by default) For the screenshots, first click on them twice to get them full screen. Performance tip: Atlantis is very laggy due to the vistas. What helped for me at some degree was finding your TQ.exe -> rightclick -> Preferences -> Compatibility -> tick optimisation for full screen off + administrator rights. (I don't know what it does, but it does help somewhat ;) ) Personal note: This has been a dream to make. I loved to delve into this game that is on the 1st place of my toplist and make it much better looking. My idea was to finish the complete game again all the way up through all 3 difficulties. But i felt it had a bit of a washed (old) look. And i didn't like the presets already made. I wanted it to be the same as the game, but better. For me, this reshade is the ultimate Anniversary Edition concerning graphics & effects. I made it for myself at first and i hope you like it as well. The game: The whole game has a sort of yellow hue smeared across the screen. Plus it is not very sharp. Also nights and dungeons were a bit too light (blueish) for my taste. For instance you could see everything that was on the edge of the screen. Now it is actually more moody, elusive. The lightning sources look actually a bit brighter, more localized as do the spells of course. Therefore also the nights & caves are a bit more adventurous. Normally a reshade makes the game too dark or too bright. (or too black/white or too colourful) I did my utmost best to not let this happen. So the game, although more pronounced, it remains very vanilla. The game remains to have its very original exotic look, but the reach of colours in darkness & light has been somewhat extended. It took me a lot of trial and error. For some set of effects that work in Egypt didn't work in Babylon. This Reshade took a lot of portal jumping and replaying ;) There is a delicate balance in this Reshade between the different parts that i used. I've also tried to keep the amount at a minimum for performance sake. Therefore i've only used 5 parts. HDR, vignette, curves, sharpening & technicolor. The trick is not to add another effect whilst the effects you already used could do the trick themselves. HDR for example adds a lot of colour, at first i used 3 different effects to tone this down. The effect was sublime, but too heavy. Therefore tweaking HDR and technicolor also did a good job. So I cut 3 effects and won the original framerate back. What i lost were the settings to all 5 effects together. I had to revisit all of them again, and again. I also tried to make my own fxaa. But luckily the games own fxaa did a terrific job of strenghtening my own work eventually. I almost gave up on the fxaa to find that the vanilla one was excellent for my Reshade. I also noticed that complete sharpening didn't make it better. It was too far from the original look, It was also much too white. I think i hit the sweetspot with how far the sharpening should go with the textures in Titan Quest. It's actually very hard not to overdo effects. Because when you get used to how it looks, you want the effect to be bigger/noticable. To avoid this i always kept looking at the original. I wanted my game to be like that, only sharper and more immersive. So i kept comparing and tweaking throughout the game. Every new Vista got a treatment ("does it still look good?") I started a new game especially for this reshade. Some reshades also change the colours of things. I don't like that at all. I kept the original colours, without the yellowish teint. It all looks very 'real' now ;) One thing to consider was also, how do the menus look! I once made a terrific reshade, but the menus were awful. It took me a long time to get both the game and the menus at the standard i wanted. As a fan for 14 years i am very glad that through Reshade i could lift my favourite game of all time to a higher level. First for myself, but i heard i should share it. So there you go! I am sure you will love this Reshade. If there are questions or anything else relating this Reshade or Titan Quest: Please contact me Keimpes@gmail.com I am a busy man, so answers could take some time. :) Take care, Keimpe
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PreprocessorDefinitions= Techniques=Technicolor,LumaSharpen,Curves,HDR,Vignette TechniqueSorting=Technicolor,LumaSharpen,Curves,HDR,Vignette,AdvancedCRT,After,ASCII,Before,Border,CA,Cartoon,ColorMatrix,Daltonize,Deband,DisplayDepth,DPX,FilmGrain,FXAA,Layer,Levels,LiftGammaGain,LUT,Monochrome,Nostalgia,SMAA,Technicolor2,Tint,Tonemap,UIMask_Bottom,UIMask_Top,Vibrance [ASCII.fx] Ascii_background_color=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 Ascii_dithering=1 Ascii_dithering_debug_gradient=0 Ascii_dithering_intensity=2.000000 Ascii_font=1 Ascii_font_color=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 Ascii_font_color_mode=1 Ascii_invert_brightness=0 Ascii_spacing=1 Ascii_swap_colors=0 [Border.fx] border_color=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 border_ratio=2.350000 border_width=0.000000,0.000000 [Cartoon.fx] EdgeSlope=2.811000 Power=1.361000 [ChromaticAberration.fx] Shift=2.500000,-0.500000 Strength=0.500000 [ColorMatrix.fx] ColorMatrix_Blue=0.000000,0.125000,0.875000 ColorMatrix_Green=0.333000,0.667000,0.000000 ColorMatrix_Red=0.541000,0.183000,0.000000 Strength=1.000000 [CRT.fx] Amount=1.000000 Angle=0.000000,0.000000 Brightness=0.900000 CornerSize=0.010000 Curvature=0 CurvatureRadius=1.500000 Gamma=2.400000 MonitorGamma=2.200000 Oversample=1 Overscan=1.010000 Resolution=1.150000 ScanlineGaussian=1 ScanlineIntensity=2 ViewerDistance=2.000000 [Curves.fx] Contrast=0.212000 Formula=4 Mode=2 [Daltonize.fx] Type=1 [Deband.fx] custom_avgdiff=1.800000 custom_maxdiff=4.000000 custom_middiff=2.000000 debug_output=0 iterations=1 range=24.000000 threshold_preset=0 [DisplayDepth.fx] bUIShowOffset=0 bUIUsePreprocessorDefs=0 fUIDepthMultiplier=1.013000 fUIFarPlane=986.900024 fUIOffset=0.000000,0.000000 fUIScale=1.000000,1.000000 iUILogarithmic=0 iUIPresentType=2 iUIReversed=0 iUIUpsideDown=0 [DPX.fx] Colorfulness=2.500000 Contrast=0.100000 RGB_C=0.360000,0.360000,0.340000 RGB_Curve=8.000000,8.000000,8.000000 Saturation=3.000000 Strength=0.200000 [FakeHDR.fx] HDRPower=1.019000 radius1=0.958000 radius2=1.050000 [FilmGrain.fx] Intensity=0.500000 Mean=0.440000 SignalToNoiseRatio=8 Variance=0.400000 [FXAA.fx] EdgeThreshold=0.556000 EdgeThresholdMin=0.629000 Subpix=0.208000 [Layer.fx] Layer_Blend=1.000000 Layer_Pos=0.500000,0.500000 Layer_Scale=1.000000 [Levels.fx] BlackPoint=5 HighlightClipping=0 WhitePoint=176 [LiftGammaGain.fx] RGB_Gain=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 RGB_Gamma=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 RGB_Lift=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 [LumaSharpen.fx] offset_bias=0.811000 pattern=1 sharp_clamp=0.450000 sharp_strength=1.600000 show_sharpen=0 [LUT.fx] fLUT_AmountChroma=1.000000 fLUT_AmountLuma=1.000000 [Monochrome.fx] Monochrome_color_saturation=0.915000 Monochrome_conversion_values=0.210000,0.720000,0.070000 Monochrome_preset=2 [Nostalgia.fx] Nostalgia_color_0=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 Nostalgia_color_1=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 Nostalgia_color_10=1.000000,0.466667,0.466667 Nostalgia_color_11=0.200000,0.200000,0.200000 Nostalgia_color_12=0.466667,0.466667,0.466667 Nostalgia_color_13=0.666667,1.000000,0.400000 Nostalgia_color_14=0.000000,0.533333,1.000000 Nostalgia_color_15=0.733333,0.733333,0.733333 Nostalgia_color_2=0.533333,0.000000,0.000000 Nostalgia_color_3=0.666667,1.000000,0.933333 Nostalgia_color_4=0.800000,0.266667,0.800000 Nostalgia_color_5=0.000000,0.800000,0.333333 Nostalgia_color_6=0.000000,0.000000,0.666667 Nostalgia_color_7=0.933333,0.933333,0.466667 Nostalgia_color_8=0.866667,0.533333,0.333333 Nostalgia_color_9=0.400000,0.266667,0.000000 Nostalgia_color_reduction=1 Nostalgia_dither=0 Nostalgia_palette=0 Nostalgia_scanlines=1 [Sepia.fx] Strength=0.580000 Tint=0.550000,0.430000,0.420000 [SMAA.fx] CornerRounding=25 DebugOutput=0 DepthEdgeDetectionThreshold=0.100000 EdgeDetectionThreshold=0.200000 EdgeDetectionType=1 MaxSearchSteps=32 MaxSearchStepsDiagonal=16 PredicationEnabled=0 PredicationScale=2.000000 PredicationStrength=0.400000 PredicationThreshold=0.010000 [Splitscreen.fx] splitscreen_mode=0 [Technicolor.fx] Power=7.537000 RGBNegativeAmount=0.880000,0.880000,0.880000 Strength=0.185000 [Technicolor2.fx] Brightness=0.832000 ColorStrength=0.200000,0.200000,0.200000 Saturation=0.805000 Strength=0.417000 [Tonemap.fx] Bleach=0.000000 Defog=0.000000 Exposure=-0.081000 FogColor=0.000000,0.000000,1.000000 Gamma=0.927000 Saturation=0.058000 [UIMask.fx] bDisplayMask=0 fMask_Intensity=1.000000 [Vibrance.fx] Vibrance=0.150000 VibranceRGBBalance=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 [Vignette.fx] Amount=-0.251000 Center=0.500000,0.500000 Radius=1.579000 Ratio=2.047000 Slope=2 Type=0


5 Jul 15:11 CEST

Thank you so much. I hope you like my work ingame as well. :) Take care.

17 Jun 10:06 CEST

I love your work.
this is one of my favorite game when I was in childhood too.
gonna use this later.

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