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☠Watch Dogs Legion Ultra ReLLiKstic v1.0

Created by Da_Rellik
Added Dec. 17, 2020
Updated 18 Dec 00:29 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
....................☠WATCH DOGS: LEGION☠................... -Ultra ReLLiKstic CiNE FX Preset v 1.0- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *N.B. INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: Please Make Sure you install Reshade 4.XX+ >> https://reshade.me/downloads/ReShade_Setup_4.8.2.exe ) and this Preset to The .exe Install location: e.g #:\???????\Watch Dogs Legion\bin ('#' being your drive letter) You only need install Reshade packages; -[Standard Effects], -[SweetFX by CeeJay] & -[Legacy Standard Effects] ..Ensure these are ticked during install of Reshade Injector 4.8+ to run this Reshade Config!!! ☠*N.B. To make Reshade work in Watch Dogs Legion, simply:... Right click [WatchDogsLegion.exe] in the Games [BIN] Folder and Create a Desktop Shortcut (*if you do not have one) Now Right click this WatchDogsLegion Desktop shortcut, Select [Properties] and then select the [Shortcut] tab, Now add this text at the end of the 'Target' box: -BattlEyeLauncher -DX12 It Should look like this: e.g. "C:\Games\Watch Dogs Legion\bin\WatchDogsLegion.exe" -BattlEyeLauncher -DX12 .. [Apply].. [OK].. Close! **You MUST disable/Turn Off HDR in-game, as the HDR is not compatible with Reshade!!! *NO Greenish Tint! *Improved Shadows, *Improved Contrast, *Improved Natural Lighting *Realistic Saturation, *Improved Black and White Levels *More improved/realistic looking hues, *Improved depth and visuals! ..the closest it will get to that realism! I have taken time in ensuring every aspect of coloration, lighting and detail is as photo-realistic as possible! TRY THIS OUT! ;) **(This will take no more than 1-3Fps on Mid-High End PCs but will add 100% More realism.. Oh.. and you can increase sharpness under Video settings in-game, recommended 40-45%! or simply tap HOME key and enable my Tweaked: [☑ FIlmic Anamorphic Sharpening] for high fidelity image Quality!!!
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PreprocessorDefinitions= Techniques=Colourfulness@Colourfulness.fx,Curves@Curves.fx,Levels@Levels.fx,Tonemap@Tonemap.fx TechniqueSorting=Daltonize@Daltonize.fx,Colourfulness@Colourfulness.fx,Curves@Curves.fx,DisplayDepth@DisplayDepth.fx,DPX@DPX.fx,Deband@Deband.fx,AmbientLight@AmbientLight.fx,FilmGrain@FilmGrain.fx,Clarity@Clarity.fx,AdaptiveSharpen@AdaptiveSharpen.fx,FilmGrain2@FilmGrain2.fx,Levels@Levels.fx,FilmicAnamorphSharpen@FilmicAnamorphSharpen.fx,LiftGammaGain@LiftGammaGain.fx,LumaSharpen@LumaSharpen.fx,LUT@LUT.fx,Tint@Sepia.fx,Technicolor@Technicolor.fx,Tonemap@Tonemap.fx,UIMask_Top@UIMask.fx,UIMask_Bottom@UIMask.fx,Vibrance@Vibrance.fx [Colourfulness.fx] backbuffer_bits=8.000000 colourfulness=0.200000 col_noise=1 enable_dither=1 lim_luma=0.400000 [Curves.fx] Contrast=0.255000 Formula=7 Mode=2 [Deband.fx] custom_avgdiff=1.800000 custom_maxdiff=4.000000 custom_middiff=2.000000 debug_output=0 iterations=1 range=24.000000 threshold_preset=0 [DPX.fx] Colorfulness=2.500000 Contrast=0.100000 RGB_C=0.360000,0.360000,0.340000 RGB_Curve=8.000000,8.000000,8.000000 Saturation=3.000000 Strength=0.200000 [FilmicAnamorphSharpen.fx] Clamp=0.535000 Coefficient=0 DepthMask=0 DepthMaskContrast=128 Offset=0.100000 Preview=0 Strength=17.500010 UseMask=0 [Levels.fx] BlackPoint=-1 HighlightClipping=0 WhitePoint=255 [LUT.fx] fLUT_AmountChroma=1.000000 fLUT_AmountLuma=1.000000 [Sepia.fx] Strength=0.580000 Tint=0.550000,0.430000,0.420000 [Technicolor.fx] Power=4.235000 RGBNegativeAmount=0.952014,0.956926,0.987893 Strength=0.400000 [Tonemap.fx] Bleach=0.000000 Defog=0.066000 Exposure=0.070000 FogColor=0.109804,0.250080,-0.043137 Gamma=0.865000 Saturation=-0.085000


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