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Created by Narcoshade
Added June 21, 2021
Updated 15 Aug 17:49 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
RTGI NEXT, for Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture, Reshade Version 4.9.1 and higher. On Nexus Mods: https://www.nexusmods.com//mods/1/&game_id=3868 (The link must first be unlocked on Nexus, as the game does not yet exist in the database there.) Do you already enjoy Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture with RTGI? No? Then RTGI NEXT is just right for you. I think the pictures speak for themselves. ATTENTION!! You Need Marty McFly's RTGI Shader. ReShade GI Beta https://www.patreon.com/mcflypg 1) Install Reshade in the folder *Everybody's Gone to the Rapture\Bin64* as DirectX 11.(Download all shaders, then you can't go wrong.). 2) Extract all files from the *EGTTR RTGI NEXT.7z* into the root folder *Everybody's Gone to the Rapture*(Overwrite existing files). 3) Start the game and set all *Global Preprocessor Definitions* to zero. In the Directx 11 tab, disable "Copy depth buffer before clear operation", for the depth buffer access.(it should be activated) 4) Now choose a preset that you like, and get enough to nibble on....Have Fun. Attention!! For better Performance, edit these entries in the System.cfg, when you are done don't forget to save. sys_budget_videomem= ◄The amount of your Graphics Card RAM. sys_budget_sysmem= ◄The amount of your System RAM. sys_streaming_cpu= ◄The number of your Processor Cores r_TexturesStreamPoolSize= ◄The r_TexturesStreamPoolSize based on you Graphics Card Memory 256 for 2GB or Less, 512 for upto 3GB, 1024 for upto 4GB, 2048 for upto 6Gb. If you have over 6GB you can run 4096. (Please don't play around with the other entries, I had to deactivate some things in the engine so that it would harmonize with Reshade.) Preset List: EGTTR RTGI NEXT v1.ini EGTTR RTGI NEXT v1 Filmic.ini (16/9 Letterbox+Vignette) EGTTR RTGI NEXT v2.ini EGTTR RTGI NEXT v2 Filmic.ini (16/9 Letterbox+Vignette) Download: Microsoft OneDrive (Preset + Lut + Cryengine Config File) Download Link: In The SweetFX_Settings.TXT (Press Download Preset) ;) If you like the preset, I'm happy about nice words. :) PLS Like my Facebook Page :) https://www.facebook.com/Narcoshade-108237733987467/?mod You can buy it here: https://store.steampowered.com/.../Everybodys_Gone_to.../ Or use the Google Shopping search:
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RTGI NEXT, for Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture, Reshade Version 4.9.1 and higher. On Nexus Mods: https://www.nexusmods.com//mods/1/&game_id=3868 (The link must first be unlocked on Nexus, as the game does not yet exist in the database there.) Do you already enjoy Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture with RTGI? No? Then RTGI NEXT is just right for you. I think the pictures speak for themselves. ATTENTION!! You Need Marty McFly's RTGI Shader. ReShade GI Beta https://www.patreon.com/mcflypg 1) Install Reshade in the folder *Everybody's Gone to the Rapture\Bin64* as DirectX 11.(Download all shaders, then you can't go wrong.). 2) Extract all files from the *EGTTR RTGI NEXT.7z* into the root folder *Everybody's Gone to the Rapture*(Overwrite existing files). 3) Start the game and set all *Global Preprocessor Definitions* to zero. In the Directx 11 tab, disable "Copy depth buffer before clear operation", for the depth buffer access.(it should be activated) 4) Now choose a preset that you like, and get enough to nibble on....Have Fun. Attention!! For better Performance, edit these entries in the System.cfg, when you are done don't forget to save. sys_budget_videomem= ◄The amount of your Graphics Card RAM. sys_budget_sysmem= ◄The amount of your System RAM. sys_streaming_cpu= ◄The number of your Processor Cores r_TexturesStreamPoolSize= ◄The r_TexturesStreamPoolSize based on you Graphics Card Memory 256 for 2GB or Less, 512 for upto 3GB, 1024 for upto 4GB, 2048 for upto 6Gb. If you have over 6GB you can run 4096. (Please don't play around with the other entries, I had to deactivate some things in the engine so that it would harmonize with Reshade.) Preset List: EGTTR RTGI NEXT v1.ini EGTTR RTGI NEXT v1 Filmic.ini (16/9 Letterbox+Vignette) EGTTR RTGI NEXT v2.ini EGTTR RTGI NEXT v2 Filmic.ini (16/9 Letterbox+Vignette) Download: Microsoft OneDrive (Preset + Lut + Cryengine Config File) Download Link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ak2YnXSGq-0ExV9dSjldzk5m3ty1?e=G1qxGM If you like the preset, I'm happy about nice words. :) PLS Like my Facebook Page :) https://www.facebook.com/Narcoshade-108237733987467/?mod You can buy it here: https://store.steampowered.com/.../Everybodys_Gone_to.../ Or use the Google Shopping search:


25 Jun 00:29 CEST

First of all, thanks for the compliment. :) It won't look as good in other games. Each engine is built differently, and the end result can sometimes be very different. The Cryengine, for example, uses a different and better tone mapper than other engines. The HDR in the Cryengine is also better than in other engines. This preset is optimized for the cryengine, so try a cryengine game... Sorry for my English, I hope you understand it. :D

24 Jun 13:58 CEST


24 Jun 07:10 CEST

Hi Narco,
I must say I became a Fan of your Preset Styles through all the games you take a hand on it. Your style is cool, not to oversaturated Presets but always with a working brain and touch of beautiness.
This one is awesome Preset too. I didn´t noticed the game before, sawing your Preset today and just downloaded the game to install your RTGI preset.
I also like your detailed descriptions so everybody can install your Presets. I will try this Preset how it looks in other games with a similar Graphic source I mean a similar base looking.

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