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Natural Clarity

Created by JohnDon
Added March 26, 2023
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
While I appreciate the game's vanilla filter, I would prefer the option of more filters that are less subdued and hazy. Here, I have attempted to create a clearer, but still subdued, preset that highlights the environment without being too overbearing. Alternatively, if you want the color more enhanced, then check out my "Natural Colorful Clarity" preset. Thanks. ('3')
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PreprocessorDefinitions= Techniques=HDR@FakeHDR.fx,DPX@DPX.fx,ContrastSharpen@ContrastSharpening.fx,Levels@Levels.fx [ContrastSharpening.fx] BlendingMode=0 ContrastAmount=0.160000 DitheringEnabled=1 SharpenAmount=1.000000 SharpenRadius=16 [DPX.fx] Colorfulness=1.724000 Contrast=0.100000 RGB_C=0.360000,0.360000,0.340000 RGB_Curve=8.000000,8.000000,8.000000 Saturation=3.515000 Strength=0.200000 [FakeHDR.fx] HDRPower=0.896000 radius1=1.056000 radius2=0.992000 [Levels.fx] BlackPoint=16 HighlightClipping=0 WhitePoint=235


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