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Warm Dawn V2

Created by MysticSong
Added March 21, 2015
Updated 30 Mar 11:09 CEST
Shader used: GemFX
Preset description:
A very subtle GEMFX preset aimed to be as performance-friendly as possible without having to abstain from using the GEMFX shader TrueColor and Clear Vision. Note that using the GEMFX shaders means more performance loss than only using SweetFX shaders. FPS drop therefore can be up to 10 FPS. Recommended mods to use alongside this preset to achieve the same look as in the screenshots: - Enhanced Lights and FX - Pure Weather, brighter nights option - Dynavision, for DOF effect - Imaginator. Set the option "Sky" under "CINEMAGIC" at -5, otherwise you won't see anything in the sky other than the mighty sun. I highly suggest downloading the preset from here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/n6ic6xmq5qe9c8w/WarmDawnV2_GEMFX_settings.cfg as this site puts the settings into a .txt file which won't work for GEMFX. (Unless you know what you're doing and convert it into a .cfg file) Installation: Rename my preset to "GEMFX_settings.cfg" and place it into the "current" folder under the folder "Presets" (GEMFX>Presets>current) - Making a backup of the file inside "current" before replacing it with my preset is highly recommended, in case you don't like my preset and want to go back to using your previous settings! If you've never used GEMFX before you can either download it from here: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?672484-Generic-GEMFX-Version-1-0-8 or you can download GEMFX + My preset as default from here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/v87eb5oigb48g3x/GEMFX+and+Warm+Dawn+v2+as+default.zip Installation is simple, just put/install GEMFX into your Skyrim folder. (BEWARE! Not the Data folder!) Doesn't look too good with other lighting/weather mods? No worries; just open GEMFX_Configurator.exe while playing and tweak the preset to your liking! (You need to hit "Save Configuration" to see the changes) If you feel like dropping your FPS some more in exchange for better looks, activate Ambient Lighting and tweak it to your liking.
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2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 105 10 90 126 100 1 28 19 1 1 1 105 10 90 126 95 1 28 19 44 23 10 130 0 0 0 0 0 100 17 50 200 44 221 35 45 25 45 45 75 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 219 19 44 none 1 5 10 15 8 512 304 24 22 9 20 1 0 15 100 20 20 20 101 1 202 145 14 105 82 60 35 2 100 0 4 400 88 88 88 10 5 10 13 35 23 38 23 4 18 41 41 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 0 0 0 255 104 106 115 115 0 1150 2 140 110 90 11 58 100 100 100 8 500 500 1 0 89 0 0 0 1 0 0 772 12 100 100 100 45 150 15 20 200 70 105 0 35 0 40 55 350 150 115 32 1 1 0


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