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Indy Jones 1.0

Created by kadzait24
Added June 6, 2015
Shader used: SweetFX 2.0
Preset description:
And here we go with the "Indy Jones" feeling. Hope you enjoy it. Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/kadzait24mod
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/*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Choose effects / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ // Effects are listed in the order that they are applied. // Set to 1 for ON or 0 for OFF #define USE_ASCII 0 //[0 or 1] Ascii : Converts the image to Ascii-art. #define USE_CARTOON 0 //[0 or 1] Cartoon : "Toon"s the image. #define USE_SMAA 0 //[0 or 1] SMAA Anti-aliasing : Smoothens jagged lines using the SMAA technique. #define USE_FXAA 0 //[0 or 1] FXAA Anti-aliasing : Smoothens jagged lines using the FXAA technique. #define USE_EXPLOSION 0 //[0 or 1] Explosion : Scatters the pixels, making the image look fuzzy. #define USE_CA 0 //[0 or 1] Chromatic Aberration : Mimics the look of a cheap camera lens, by distorting the colors. #define USE_ADVANCED_CRT 0 //[0 or 1] Advanced CRT : Simulates an old CRT TV display. (has a very high performance cost) #define USE_PIXELART_CRT 0 //[0 or 1] PixelArt CRT : Scanlines for pixel art (high performance cost) #define USE_BLOOM 0 //[0 or 1] Bloom : Makes bright lights bleed their light into their surroundings (relatively high performance cost) #define USE_HDR 1 //[0 or 1] HDR : Not actual HDR - It just tries to mimic an HDR look (relatively high performance cost) #define USE_LUMASHARPEN 1 //[0 or 1] LumaSharpen : Sharpens the image. #define USE_LENS_DISTORTION 0 //[0 or 1] Cubic Lens Distortion : Distorts the lens cubicly. (WIP) #define USE_NOSTALGIA 0 //[0 or 1] Nostalgia : Remember when you played that game you always played on that first system of yours? You don't? Well here is a reminder. #define USE_LEVELS 1 //[0 or 1] Levels : Sets a new black and white point. This increases contrast but causes clipping. Use Curves instead if you want to avoid that. #define USE_TECHNICOLOR 0 //[0 or 1] TECHNICOLOR : Attempts to mimic the look of an old movie using the Technicolor three-strip color process (Techicolor Process 4) #define USE_TECHNICOLOR2 1 //[0 or 1] TECHNICOLOR 2 : Yet another Technicolor effect - not sure if this stays or not. Let me know if you like it. #define USE_DPX 0 //[0 or 1] Cineon DPX : Should make the image look like it's been converted to DXP Cineon - basically it's another movie-like look similar to technicolor. #define USE_MONOCHROME 0 //[0 or 1] Monochrome : Monochrome makes the colors disappear. #define USE_COLORMATRIX 1 //[0 or 1] Color Matrix : Allows color modification using a user-defined color matrix. #define USE_LIFTGAMMAGAIN 1 //[0 or 1] Lift Gamma Gain : Adjust brightness and color of shadows, midtones and highlights. #define USE_TONEMAP 1 //[0 or 1] Tonemap : Adjust gamma, exposure, saturation, bleach and defog. (may cause clipping) #define USE_VIBRANCE 1 //[0 or 1] Vibrance : Intelligently saturates (or desaturates if you use negative values) the pixels depending on their original saturation. #define USE_CURVES 0 //[0 or 1] Curves : Contrast adjustments using S-curves. #define USE_SEPIA 0 //[0 or 1] Sepia : Sepia tones the image. #define USE_VIGNETTE 0 //[0 or 1] Vignette : Darkens the edges of the image to make it look more like it was shot with a camera lens. May cause banding artifacts. #define USE_FILMGRAIN 0 //[0 or 1] Film Grain : Adds film grain to the image. #define USE_DITHER 0 //[0 or 1] Dither : Applies dithering to simulate more colors than your monitor can display. This lessens banding artifacts (mostly caused by Vignette) #define USE_BORDER 0 //[0 or 1] Border : Can be used to create letterbox borders around the image. #define USE_SPLITSCREEN 0 //[0 or 1] Splitscreen : Enables the before-and-after splitscreen comparison mode. (Only partially working right now) #define USE_TRANSITION 0 //[0 or 1] Transition : Shows a welcome screen and then transitions to the regularly scheduled programming #define USE_DEPTH 0 //[0 or 1] Depth : Enables the possibility to display the depth buffer - You will still need to toogle it on/off with (*) in-game #define USE_CUSTOM 0 //[0 or 1] Custom : Write your own shader by editing custom.h, and then enable it here. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / HDR settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define HDRPower 0.70 //[0.00 to 8.00] Strangely lowering this makes the image brighter #define radius2 0.90 //[0.00 to 8.00] Raising this seems to make the effect stronger and also brighter /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / LumaSharpen settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ // -- Sharpening -- #define sharp_strength 0.65 //[0.10 to 3.00] Strength of the sharpening #define sharp_clamp 0.035 //[0.000 to 1.000] Limits maximum amount of sharpening a pixel recieves - Default is 0.035 // -- Advanced sharpening settings -- #define pattern 2 //[1|2|3|4] Choose a sample pattern. 1 = Fast, 2 = Normal, 3 = Wider, 4 = Pyramid shaped. #define offset_bias 1.0 //[0.0 to 6.0] Offset bias adjusts the radius of the sampling pattern. //I designed the pattern for offset_bias 1.0, but feel free to experiment. // -- Debug sharpening settings -- #define show_sharpen 0 //[0 or 1] Visualize the strength of the sharpen (multiplied by 4 to see it better) /*----------------------------------------------------------. / Levels settings / '----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Levels_black_point 2 //[0 to 255] The black point is the new black - literally. Everything darker than this will become completely black. Default is 16.0 #define Levels_white_point 235 //[0 to 255] The new white point. Everything brighter than this becomes completely white. Default is 235.0 //Colors between the two points will stretched, which increases contrast, but details above and below the points are lost (this is called clipping). // -- Debug settings -- #define Levels_highlight_clipping 0 //[0 or 1] Highlight the pixels that clip. Red = Some detail is lost in the highlights, Yellow = All detail is lost in the highlights, // Blue = Some detail is lost in the shadows, Cyan = All detail is lost in the shadows. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / TECHNICOLOR 2 settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Technicolor2_Red_Strength 0.42 //[0.05 to 1.0] Color Strength of Red channel. Higher means darker and more intense colors. #define Technicolor2_Green_Strength 0.96 //[0.05 to 1.0] Color Strength of Green channel. Higher means darker and more intense colors. #define Technicolor2_Blue_Strength 0.33 //[0.05 to 1.0] Color Strength of Blue channel. Higher means darker and more intense colors. #define Technicolor2_Brightness 1.8 //[0.5 to 1.5] Brightness Adjustment, higher means brighter image. #define Technicolor2_Strength 1.0 //[0.0 to 1.0] Strength of Technicolor effect. 0.0 means original image. #define Technicolor2_Saturation 0.52 //[0.0 to 1.5] Additional saturation control since technicolor tends to oversaturate the image. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Color Matrix settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ // Red Green Blue #define ColorMatrix_Red float3(0.747, 0.213, 0.000) //[0.00 to 1.00] How much of Red, Green and Blue the new red value should contain - Should sum to 1.000 if you don't wish to change the brightness #define ColorMatrix_Green float3(0.233, 0.697, 0.000) //[0.00 to 1.00] How much of Red, Green and Blue the new green value should contain - Should sum to 1.000 if you don't wish to change the brightness #define ColorMatrix_Blue float3(0.050, 0.195, 0.598) //[0.00 to 1.00] How much of Red, Green and Blue the new blue value should contain - Should sum to 1.000 if you don't wish to change the brightness #define ColorMatrix_strength 1.02 //Adjust the strength /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Lift Gamma Gain settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define RGB_Lift float3(0.810, 0.790, 0.850) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust shadows for Red, Green and Blue. #define RGB_Gamma float3(0.950, 0.810, 0.940) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust midtones for Red, Green and Blue #define RGB_Gain float3(0.920, 0.960, 0.980) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust highlights for Red, Green and Blue //Note that a value of 1.000 is a neutral setting that leave the color unchanged. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Tonemap settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Gamma 0.950 //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust midtones. 1.000 is neutral. This setting does exactly the same as the one in Lift Gamma Gain, only with less control. #define Exposure 0.100 //[-1.000 to 1.000] Adjust exposure #define Saturation -0.275 //[-1.000 to 1.000] Adjust saturation #define Bleach 0.000 //[0.000 to 1.000] Brightens the shadows and fades the colors #define Defog 0.000 //[0.000 to 1.000] How much of the color tint to remove #define FogColor float3(0.00, 0.00, 2.55) //[0.00 to 2.55, 0.00 to 2.55, 0.00 to 2.55] What color to remove - default is blue /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Vibrance settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Vibrance -0.07 //[-1.00 to 1.00] Intelligently saturates (or desaturates if you use negative values) the pixels depending on their original saturation. #define Vibrance_RGB_balance float3(-1.00, -3.00, -7.40) //[-10.00 to 10.00,-10.00 to 10.00,-10.00 to 10.00] A per channel multiplier to the Vibrance strength so you can give more boost to certain colors over others /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Curves settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Curves_mode 2 //[0|1|2] Choose what to apply contrast to. 0 = Luma, 1 = Chroma, 2 = both Luma and Chroma. Default is 0 (Luma) #define Curves_contrast 0.35 //[-1.00 to 1.00] The amount of contrast you want // -- Advanced curve settings -- #define Curves_formula 2 //[1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11] The contrast s-curve you want to use. //1 = Sine, 2 = Abs split, 3 = Smoothstep, 4 = Exp formula, 5 = Simplified Catmull-Rom (0,0,1,1), 6 = Perlins Smootherstep //7 = Abs add, 8 = Techicolor Cinestyle, 9 = Parabola, 10 = Half-circles. 11 = Polynomial split. //Note that Technicolor Cinestyle is practically identical to Sine, but runs slower. In fact I think the difference might only be due to rounding errors. //I prefer 2 myself, but 3 is a nice alternative with a little more effect (but harsher on the highlight and shadows) and it's the fastest formula.


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