Trying to stay true to the original color palettes and tone in every type of location (Indoors, outdoors, lush environment or dark and snowy) without it looking out of place, discolored, too dark or too bright but most importantly making the image
much clearer and giving a subtle but important boost and edit to the overall ambience, lighting, colors and depth.
UPDATED NOV 22ND: Now using Reshade 3.0 settings to fit the new dynamic lighting etc. they added/changed.
DX11 Quick installation:
Unzip these files
Into your (don't make a new folder):
Or if you just want the .ini
And you're good to go!
_Id at
My Steam:
link dead can u fix it?
Really nice Preset
doesn't work.
cannot open Reshade.fx
Big thanks Velldanas, I just updated my Dark Souls 3 preset and feared the worst for this one as well. I'll update the page.
Main link was dead.
This looks absolutely stunning! Good job! Makes me want to buy Hitman right now :D
@akira_wyk Or... It's not. What monitor are you on? Someone said a similar thing but the issue was on their TV/Monitor picture settings. Also what level are you talking about, every level? Because I believe IOI has annoying specific level filters applied that's impossible to fix I might be wrong but I do think so. Open SweetFX_settings.txt located in \Hitman™\Retail\SweetFX and you can edit a lot of things such as contrast adjustments using S-curves. Adjust brightness and color of shadows, midtones and highlights. Color modification using a user-defined color matrix. Let me know if you come up with something. My steam:
it's more vibrant but the color tone is still greenish, how to adjust it to be more balanced?
@Paft, Hey, thank you for taking the time to give such great feedback! I don't disagree. :)
Developers need to be shown this. VAST DIFFERENCE. I am enjoying the game more thanks to you.
@burningweedman I wish there was one as well. These were actually taken without one. Hence I've spent many hours on trying to perfect not only the preset itself but the screenshots. What I do is turn off all HUD elements, hide in a corner, see if 47's bald head is showing, if it isn't and the scene looks good I take a screenshot haha!
@Panopticon, how do I unlock Free Cam to make Screenshot? The dev. console is disabled in the retail version and there is no Cheat Engine table, Mod or trainer to active free camera mode. (or can't find at least)
Please tell me your secret good sir :D
can't find anything on the web/forums and thanks in advance for any feedback.
Thanks Panopticon. Flawless work!
Hm, not sure how to solve that.
doesn't work.
cannot open Reshade.fx
Quick installation:
Unizip these files
Into your (don't make a new folder): SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Hitman™\Retail
And you're good to go!
That's great! Glad to help. I'll throw it in the description.
That works just fine. Thank you very much.
Thanks for the comments guys! @Paft, what issue are you having? I think a quick google or youtube search could help out rather than us commenting back and forth here (As I doubt instructions will work immediately) I'm not sure this will work but if you unizip these files into your SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Hitman™\Retail folder then it *should* (might?) work I believe as that's how my folder is setup like.
Could we get a install guide because that ReShade Assistant GUI hurts my head.
Best. Awesome how much difference this makes.
best preset atm
Thank you. Enjoy!
Finally a good hitman preset..Nice WOrk
Let me know if it's too sharp or anything! I'm on a shitty monitor at the moment. Will keep on working on this though.