13 minutes ago
WaffleField 1 Clarity Edition RETAIL RDY
Preset description:
Using HighPass Sharpening and Contrast by loxa and HDR and LumaSharpening paired with Chromatic Aberration to boost the detail of the Frosbite engine used in BATTLEFIELD 1.
WARNING: Due to the high quality post processing used the fps loss will vary between 10-20 fps on 1080p with 120% resolution scale - thats recommended for the best sharpening effect btw
-----------------------|Preset Install|------------------------
Only manual install works since it uses external shaders.
1.Download the zip from here: https://goo.gl/4ibqTU
2.Extract the zip to where your bf1.exe is installed. By default its in C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 1 Open Beta
3.Go to the game's properties via Origin, and disable the ingame UI
4.Launch the game, set it to dx11, use FXAA instead of TAA and restart.
If you want to toggle the color effect => its SCROLL LOCK
If you want to toggle the detail post processing => its INSERT
https://goo.gl/4ibqTU - Download trough here, it uses external shaders. Sorry for the inconvenience