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Bloo Horror

Created by BlooHook
Added Sept. 23, 2016
Updated 23 Sep 21:48 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
First major preset, added some effects to give it more of a old horror film vibe. Just drag and drop files from the zip into your \steamapps\common\Zombie Army Trilogy\bin folder. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xe14wzcwmbxfn0o/Bloo_Horror.zip?dl=0
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1 Apr 06:13 CEST

You can edit the settings.txt if you don't like the film pass/border

24 Sep 20:33 CEST

p.s I kinda dislike the film pass, I hate lines on my screen D:

24 Sep 20:31 CEST

almost starting bashing on your preset when I saw eneabled only screenshots, before I saw comparison ones below :D

I really get ticked off when people ignore the most basic things like comparison shots and only put in 'enabled' ones.

Nice presset man! I tried it on my laptop Yesterday, makes this game like a brand new one :) do more presets for games !

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