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 Cinematic War Stories Preset v1.0

Preset for Battlefield 1
Created by Razed
Added Oct. 18, 2016
Updated 21 Oct 02:39 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Cinematic War Stories is a ReShade 3.0 preset for Battlefield 1 that aims to bring a filmic look to the latest installment in the Battlefield franchise. This preset was balanced for all the multiplayer maps, as well as the thrilling singleplayer campaign sequences. The optional depth of field looks great and personally reminds me of a modded Skyrim. This preset will be updated in the near future. NOTE #1: All screenshots were taken using the Depth of Field version. Multiplayer doesn't support DoF, only the campaign. NOTE #2: This preset doesn't work properly with the Origin Trial version. It only works with the FULL version of the game and you must have the Origin in-game overlay disabled. ________________________________________________________ Install Instructions: ---------------------- 1. First, download "Cinematic War Stories Preset v1.0" from the bottom of this page. • 2. Next, download ReShade 3.0 from here: http://reshade.me/#download 3. Install it to the Battlefield 1 game directory and select "Direct3D 10+" as the library. Next, install the "reshade-shaders" folder that it asks you to. • 4. Select from the Normal or DoF version of Cinematic War Stories. Copy all the files and folders as necessary, including the "reshade-shaders" folder. Paste everything to your main Battlefield 1 game directory. Replace any files and folders it asks. • 5. Open dxgi.ini and make sure the FILE PATH for your BF1 Game Directory is correct. The default hard drive path uses C:/ If you use a completely different hard drive path for Battlefield 1, then replace all values with C:/. • 6. Finally, launch Battlefield 1 and enjoy your new visuals! You can press the Scroll-Lock key on your keyboard to open up ReShade 3.0 and edit the preset. You can also turn it off by switching to the preset labeled "PRESET OFF" from the dropdown menu. This is an easy way to compare and contrast the differences between BF1 Vanilla and BF1 Cinematic War Stories Preset. Screenshots can be taken with the Print-Screen button on your keyboard. They will be saved to your Battlefield 1 game directory.
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Download Link: https://goo.gl/4ZKeIX If the above link doesn't work, try this: https://www.sendspace.com/file/ehk3bg


1 Nov 09:45 CET

@Lincov Sorry to hear that but I don't lose any fps from this and also have a GTX 1080. I play it at 3840x1620 through NVIDIA DSR with 100% in-game resolution.

26 Oct 20:13 CEST

your preset is very cool but it eats 35fps, with this I can barely run the game on 60fps.
I play on 1440p and have GTX1080.

23 Oct 09:57 CEST

@fnt Disable the Origin in-game overlay.

23 Oct 03:15 CEST

Not sure if its just me but for some reason my keyboard input is disabled when I load up BF1 with reshade 3, any idea how to fix that?

20 Oct 20:43 CEST

Nice preset, thanks!

You should add that you have to turn of the origin overlay ingame, otherwise you won't have controls ingame. And it doesn't work with dx12 on.

20 Oct 05:34 CEST

@kayk777 That is absolutely not normal. Do your frames go back up if you select "PRESET OFF" from the ReShade dropdown menu? Also, you may want to check the in-game resolution scaler settings.

19 Oct 17:52 CEST

My frames fell 30fps with this reshade. Before I was playing at 90fps, now I'm playing at 60fps on 3440x1440, Ultra settings in a 6700k, 1080FTW and 32gb Ram... is it normal?

19 Oct 01:49 CEST

I disabled DX12 and it works

19 Oct 00:48 CEST

@zbig I played the trial as well but it worked on the deluxe edition without reinstalling. Are you sure the ReShade dll file is in your game folder? Either reinstall ReShade or delete everything and reinstall the game + ReShade.

19 Oct 00:21 CEST

I can't get this to work. I played the trial, but I have the ultimate edition. Do I need to redownload the game?

Basically when you downloaded the trial, it was also a preload for the full version but ran a different .exe

I deleted the other .exe and disabled the in-game overlay but I can't get this to work (i had no problem using ReShade in the beta)

18 Oct 18:49 CEST

@Razed it looks amazing as is!

I'll download it today, I think I'm gonna try to maybe tweak it to look a bit more realistic. Perhaps a little bit lighter on the ambient light effect, ect.

Either way, eager to see how you develop it!

18 Oct 07:33 CEST

@Woldmeister1010 Thanks man. I'm going to try and make it better in the near future.

18 Oct 04:48 CEST

Damn! Nice job! Looks very balanced, something I can't say for most of the others here

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