Because current MU2 is a bit too bright, dull and cartoony.
No AA here as I like readable text, use ingame one if you want.
This was made for 1st western closed beta.//Works fine in CBT2.//Works fine in OBT/soft launch.
In regard to Steam relaunch:
if preset doesn't work, reinstall it into Win64 folder, open GEMFX_Configurator.exe and turn on '64Bit Application' in General>Experimental settings. Then 'Save Configuration' at bottom left.
Direct download cuz scrolling and reading is hard:
Install GemFX to Program Files (x86)\Webzen\MU_LEGEND_GLOBAL\Binaries\Win32 (same folder as MULegend.exe)
Settings text then should be in Program Files (x86)\Webzen\MU_LEGEND_GLOBAL\Binaries\Win32\GEMFX\Presets\current\GEMFX_settings.cfg
open it in text editor and overwrite original text with settings text from here
download settings file, rename it GEMFX_settings.cfg and overwrite the existing file.
F9 to toggle off/on. F12 to toggle UI, rebind in settings[O] if you use F12 for anything else.
can you please tell me the steps to install it?