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Cinematic Realism Lighting Overhaul 2.2

Created by AssassinsDecree
Added March 21, 2017
Updated 23 Jul 18:05 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
UPDATED VERSION WITH DEPTH OF FIELD HERE (VERSION 2.2): http://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectandromeda/mods/2/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fmasseffectandromeda%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D2%26preview%3D&pUp=1 The download below is like version 1.0, if memory serves. --Video demo here: https://youtu.be/rHXxHU5HTDY-- This ReShade changes the game's atmosphere to something far more cinematic. This mod invokes the feeling you get when you see pre-rendered cinematic trailers for games and are in disbelief because of how stupidly-good everything looks. Well you'll no longer need to merely wonder when graphics will get that good. With this mod, they are that good. This is the mod you're looking for. Light sources will be more pronounced than in the vanilla game :) CONTROLS -Toggle film grain off and on by pressing 3 on the numberpad. -Toggle sharpness with 5 on numpad -Toggle cinematic black bars with 0 on numpad Strongly recommended that you raise your in-game brightness two levels on the bar. I believe you must be on the main menu to access the "screen calibration" setting. --- DO NOT USE MY RESHADE OR ITS INSTRUCTIONS AND REDISTRIBUTE THEM AS YOUR OWN. Make your own ReShade from scratch, please. If you would like help writing instructions or even want help with how to achieve certain looks, feel free to ask me. AGAIN. PLEASE. DO. NOT. REDISTRIBUTE. MY PRESET. If you want a change to this ReShade, please just ask me. I'm accommodating. Thanks.--- VIDEO DEMOS https://youtu.be/rHXxHU5HTDY https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn5KAZuLeVmeQLXSMJNBMcA More coming soon. Featured in my lets plays too (posting today and later [3/22]) INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. For me, the game has to be in borderless-windowed mode or windowed mode. Fullscreen crashes ReShade on most games for me. Change this in the in-game options menu before installing ReShade. Also, disable the in-game film grain if you have it on. My ReShade has a custom film grain that's better than the one already in the game. Having them both enabled will make your game too grainy, for most people. 2. Go to https://reshade.me/ and download the Reshade 3.0 framework from there. Come back here. Scroll to bottom of page and download whatever the latest version advertised is. Run the .exe that you just downloaded. Probably best to copy it to your desktop or someone first outside your downloads folder. Follow the steps it tells you selecting yes everything it asks. 3. Select your "MassEffectAndromeda.exe" which is in the main folder of the game. For most it's usually: "...Origin Games\Mass Effect Andromeda" 4. Select the DirectX 10+ version after you select the "MassEffectAndromeda.exe" 5. Run your game As your game loads up, you should see a grey box popup in the top of the screen saying it's loading all the reshade effects. Once it's done, hit "shift+F2" and follow the promps. The most important thing is to hit the plus symbol next near the top of the Reshade GUI and type any name you want. Follow the other prompts until the boxes turn from red to black or grey or whatever indicates you're done with the very short tutorial. You can leave your game open or close it for this next step. 6. Go back to your game's main folder, where the "MassEffectAndromeda.exe" is and look for that file you just created with whatever name you gave. It should be a .ini file. 7. Open the .ini file and replace all the text with the text from my preset on this page. Save the file. Run your game or alt tab back to it. And then do step 7 if you your game is still running. 8. Reopen the Reshade GUI with Shift+f2 and click the click "reload". The new effects should start loading with my custom settings. Profit and enjoy! HOW TO UNINSTALL: Don't. :) But if you insist... 1. Delete the Reshade folder, dxgi.ini, dxgi.dll, and dxgi.log from your game folder. That's it. Click my screen name to see my other ReShades for Ghost Recon Wildlands (I have 2) and For Honor (1). Enjoy, leave comments below if you're having trouble installing or better yet youtube a Resahde 3.0+ install guide. It's extremely easy. You may notice a slight decrease in performance, but it should still be pretty similar FPS to what you usually get. The visual difference is night and day to me and I can't ever go back to vanilla. Feedback is encouraged and I may take request if someone wants a particular change. Definitely let me know if you issues with installing or if if a particular effect makes it too hard to see in a certain condition. Check back every few days or so for updates for this first week or two. I'll try to create a depth of field version of this soon, especially if a lot of people say that's what they want the most. Let me know, please. Cheers fellow Pathfinders!! Ps. I am TheMercsAssassin on YouTube and the Nexus MY MODS FOR OTHER GAMES Exhaustive List Here, constantly updating it as I make new ReShades: https://www.facebook.com/MercsAssassin/ To save you a couple clicks, I try to keep the below list updated too: SKYRIM SPECIAL EDITION RESHADES -- Live Action Trailer Graphics, The Dragonborn Comes, a ReShade for Vivid Weathers: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9990/? -- Dovahkiin Rising ReShade for Dolomite Weathers: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9942? -- Dragon Breaker ReShade, a Bright and Bold Look for Vivid Weathers: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9991/? -- Skyrim SE Ashen ReShade: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9060/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrimspecialedition%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D9060%26preview%3D&pUp=1 -- MASS EFFECT ANDROMEDA RESHADES -- Cinematic Realism: http://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectandromeda/mods/2/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fmasseffectandromeda%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D2%26preview%3D&pUp=1 -- Neon Bomb: http://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectandromeda/mods/4? -- FALLOUT 4 RESHADES -- Cinematic Realism: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23442/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D23442%26preview%3D&pUp=1 -- DIRT RALLY RESHADE -- https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/7323/ DIRT 4 RESHADES -- Cinematic Racing Project: https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/7333/ -- Cinematic Racing Project (Vibrant Version): https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/7348/ MAD MAX ReShades -- Cinematic Excellence: https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/7434/ -- Cinematic Excellence (Bleak Version): https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/7438/ GHOST RECON WILDLANDS RESHADES -- Stunning Light & Atmospherics [newest ReShade] - https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/7525/ -- Cinematic Excellence 2.0 ReShade (best neutral enhancer with lots of options) - http://www.nexusmods.com/ghostreconwildlands/mods/1/? -- E3 2015 Graphics - more realistic, cold ReShade, inspired by E3 2015 trailers for the game with a more gray look - http://www.nexusmods.com/ghostreconwildlands/mods/2? -- Borderlands-style Oil Painting ReShade - https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/7175/ -- Uncharted-looking ReShade - https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/7115/ -- Sun Soaked Graphics Overhaul - insane lighting amplifier. Sunsets, sunrise and clear days look nuts! - https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/6992/ SQUAD ReShade -- Cinematic Shooter Project: https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/7474/ RAGE ReShade -- Hit Me With Your Best Shot: https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/7477/ ps: I'm TheMercsAssassin on most other websites, including youtube, twitter and the nexus. Hence, the Merc thing. ps+: Do not use any part of my ReShade in your own work. Make your own through hard work and lots of time, like I did, please. Thanks.
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KeyAdaptiveSharpen=0,0,0,0 KeyBloomAndLensFlares=102,0,0,0 KeyLumaSharpen=0,0,0,0 KeyDaltonize=0,0,0,0 KeyAmbientLight=0,0,0,0 KeyGP65CJ042DOF=0,0,0,0 KeyDeband=0,0,0,0 KeyClarity=0,0,0,0 KeyCartoon=0,0,0,0 KeyBorder=96,0,0,0 KeyTonemap=0,0,0,0 KeyColourfulness=0,0,0,0 KeyCA=0,0,0,0 KeyMode3=0,0,0,0 KeyColorMatrix=0,0,0,0 KeySMAA=0,0,0,0 KeyTechnicolor2=0,0,0,0 KeyAdvancedCRT=0,0,0,0 KeyCurves=103,0,0,0 KeyKNearestNeighbors=0,0,0,0 KeyNonLocalMeans=0,0,0,0 KeyRingDOF=0,0,0,0 KeyMagicDOF=0,0,0,0 KeyMatsoDOF=0,0,0,0 KeyFilmGrain=99,0,0,0 KeyFilmGrain2=0,0,0,0 KeyMXAO=0,0,0,0 KeyMartyMcFlyDOF=0,0,0,0 KeyDPX=0,0,0,0 KeyEmphasize=0,0,0,0 KeyFilmicPass=0,0,0,0 KeyMode1=0,0,0,0 KeyMode2=0,0,0,0 KeyMotionBlur=0,0,0,0 KeyFXAA=0,0,0,0 KeyGaussianBlur=0,0,0,0 KeyHDR=104,0,0,0 KeyVibrance=0,0,0,0 KeyHighPassSharp=0,0,0,0 KeyLevels=0,0,0,0 KeyHQ4X=0,0,0,0 KeyLiftGammaGain=0,0,0,0 KeyLightDoF_AutoFocus=0,0,0,0 KeyLightDoF_Far=0,0,0,0 KeyLightDoF_Near=0,0,0,0 KeyTechnicolor=0,0,0,0 KeyLUT=0,0,0,0 KeyMonochrome=0,0,0,0 KeyReflectiveBumpmapping=0,0,0,0 KeyTint=0,0,0,0 KeyTiltShift=0,0,0,0 KeySurfaceBlur=0,0,0,0 KeyVignette=0,0,0,0 Techniques=AdaptiveSharpen,AmbientLight,HDR,FilmGrain,Curves,BloomAndLensFlares,Technicolor2,Tonemap,Border KeyDepthHaze=0,0,0,0 KeyDisplayDepth=0,0,0,0 KeyMagicBloom=0,0,0,0 KeyAdaptiveFog=0,0,0,0 [Border.fx] border_width=0.000000,30.000000 border_ratio=2.350000 border_color=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 [Clarity.fx] ClarityRadius=3.000000 ClarityBlendMode=2.000000 ClarityOffset=2.000000 ClarityDarkIntensity=0.400000 ClarityBlendIfDark=50.000000 ClarityBlendIfLight=205.000000 ClarityViewBlendIfMask=0.000000 ClarityStrength=0.400000 ClarityLightIntensity=0.000000 ClarityViewMask=0.000000 [HQ4X.fx] s=1.500000 k=-1.100000 mx=1.000000 max_w=0.750000 min_w=0.030000 lum_add=0.330000 [AdaptiveSharpen.fx] curve_height=1.000000 L_compr_low=0.169000 D_compr_low=0.253000 curveslope=0.400000 L_overshoot=0.003000 D_overshoot=0.009000 L_compr_high=0.337000 D_compr_high=0.504000 max_scale_lim=0.100000 pm_p=0.750000 [AmbientLight.fx] alDebug=0.000000 alAdaptBaseMult=2.000000 alInt=5.000000 AL_DirtTex=-1.000000 alThreshold=10.000000 AL_Adaptation=-1.000000 alAdapt=0.700000 AL_Dirt=-1.000000 alAdaptBaseBlackLvL=1.000000 alLensThresh=0.500000 AL_Vibrance=0.000000 AL_Adaptive=2.000000 alDirtInt=1.000000 alDirtOVInt=1.000000 alLensInt=2.000000 AL_Lens=0.000000 [CRT.fx] Resolution=1.150000 Gamma=2.400000 Brightness=0.900000 Curvature=0.000000 MonitorGamma=2.200000 ScanlineIntensity=2.000000 ScanlineGaussian=1.000000 CornerSize=0.010000 CurvatureRadius=1.500000 ViewerDistance=2.000000 Angle=0.000000,0.000000 Overscan=1.010000 Oversample=1.000000 [Bloom.fx] bGodrayEnable=0.000000 iBloomMixmode=2.000000 fBloomSaturation=2.000000 bAnamFlareEnable=0.000000 fBloomThreshold=0.800000 fBloomAmount=0.400000 fLensdirtSaturation=2.000000 fBloomTint=0.700000,0.800000,1.000000 fLensdirtIntensity=0.400000 bLensdirtEnable=-1.000000 fFlareLuminance=0.095000 iLensdirtMixmode=2.000000 fLensdirtTint=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 bLenzEnable=0.000000 fAnamFlareThreshold=0.900000 fAnamFlareWideness=2.400000 fAnamFlareAmount=14.500000 fAnamFlareCurve=1.200000 fAnamFlareColor=0.012000,0.313000,0.588000 fLenzIntensity=1.000000 fLenzThreshold=0.800000 bChapFlareEnable=0.000000 fChapFlareTreshold=0.900000 iChapFlareCount=15.000000 fChapFlareDispersal=0.250000 fChapFlareSize=0.450000 fFlareIntensity=2.070000 fChapFlareCA=0.000000,0.010000,0.020000 fChapFlareIntensity=100.000000 fGodrayDecay=0.990000 fGodrayExposure=1.000000 fGodrayWeight=1.250000 fGodrayDensity=1.000000 fGodrayThreshold=0.900000 iGodraySamples=128.000000 fFlareBlur=200.000000 fFlareTint=0.137000,0.216000,1.000000 [ColorMatrix.fx] ColorMatrix_Red=0.817000,0.183000,0.000000 ColorMatrix_Green=0.333000,0.667000,0.000000 ColorMatrix_Blue=0.000000,0.125000,0.875000 Strength=1.000000 [Cartoon.fx] Power=1.500000 EdgeSlope=1.500000 [Sepia.fx] Tint=0.550000,0.430000,0.420000 Strength=0.580000 [CA.fx] Shift=2.500000,-0.500000 Strength=0.500000 [Colourfulness.fx] colourfulness=0.400000 lim_luma=0.700000 [Curves.fx] Mode=0.000000 Formula=4.000000 Contrast=0.650000 [SurfaceBlur.fx] BlurRadius=1.000000 BlurOffset=1.000000 BlurEdge=0.500000 BlurStrength=1.000000 [Daltonize.fx] Type=0.000000 [Deband.fx] Threshold=0.004000 Range=16.000000 Iterations=1.000000 Grain=0.006000 [Denoise.fx] NoiseLevel=0.150000 LerpCoefficeint=0.800000 WeightThreshold=0.030000 CounterThreshold=0.050000 GaussianSigma=50.000000 [DOF.fx] fADOF_ShapeCurvatureAmount=0.300000 DOF_AUTOFOCUS=1.000000 DOF_FARBLURCURVE=2.000000 DOF_MOUSEDRIVEN_AF=0.000000 fGPDOFBiasCurve=2.000000 DOF_FOCUSPOINT=0.500000,0.500000 fGPDOFChromaAmount=0.150000 DOF_INFINITEFOCUS=1.000000 DOF_MANUALFOCUSDEPTH=0.020000 DOF_FOCUSSAMPLES=6.000000 bADOF_ShapeApertureEnable=0.000000 DOF_NEARBLURCURVE=1.600000 DOF_FOCUSRADIUS=0.050000 fRingDOFFringe=0.500000 bGPDOFPolygonalBokeh=1.000000 fGPDOFBrightnessMultiplier=2.000000 DOF_BLURRADIUS=15.000000 iRingDOFSamples=6.000000 fADOF_BokehCurve=4.000000 iRingDOFRings=4.000000 fRingDOFThreshold=0.700000 fGPDOFBrightnessThreshold=0.500000 fRingDOFGain=27.000000 bADOF_ShapeCurvatureEnable=0.000000 fRingDOFBias=0.000000 iMagicDOFBlurQuality=8.000000 bADOF_ImageChromaEnable=0.000000 fMagicDOFColorCurve=4.000000 iGPDOFQuality=6.000000 iGPDOFPolygonCount=5.000000 fADOF_ShapeRotation=0.000000 fADOF_ShapeChromaAmount=0.125000 fGPDOFBias=10.000000 bMatsoDOFChromaEnable=1.000000 fADOF_SmootheningAmount=1.000000 fMatsoDOFChromaPow=1.400000 fMatsoDOFBokehCurve=8.000000 iMatsoDOFBokehQuality=2.000000 iADOF_ShapeQuality=17.000000 fMatsoDOFBokehAngle=0.000000 bADOF_RotAnimationEnable=0.000000 fADOF_RotAnimationSpeed=2.000000 fADOF_ShapeApertureAmount=0.010000 fADOF_ShapeWeightAmount=1.000000 bADOF_ShapeAnamorphEnable=0.000000 fADOF_ShapeAnamorphRatio=0.200000 bADOF_ShapeDistortEnable=0.000000 fADOF_ShapeDistortAmount=0.200000 fADOF_ShapeWeightCurve=4.000000 bADOF_ShapeChromaEnable=0.000000 bADOF_ShapeDiffusionEnable=0.000000 fADOF_ShapeDiffusionAmount=0.100000 bADOF_ShapeWeightEnable=0.000000 iADOF_ShapeChromaMode=3.000000 iADOF_ImageChromaHues=5.000000 fADOF_ImageChromaCurve=1.000000 fADOF_ImageChromaAmount=3.000000 [DPX.fx] RGB_Curve=8.000000,8.000000,8.000000 Strength=0.200000 RGB_C=0.360000,0.360000,0.340000 Contrast=0.100000 Saturation=3.000000 Colorfulness=2.500000 [Vignette.fx] Type=1.000000 Ratio=1.000000 Center=0.500000,0.500000 Radius=2.000000 Amount=-1.000000 Slope=2.000000 [Emphasize.fx] ManualFocusDepth=0.026000 FocusRangeDepth=0.010000 FocusEdgeDepth=0.050000 BlendColor=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 EffectFactor=0.900000 BlendFactor=0.000000 [FilmGrain.fx] Intensity=1.000000 Variance=0.540000 Mean=0.500000 SignalToNoiseRatio=4.000000 [FilmGrain2.fx] grainamount=0.050000 coloramount=0.600000 lumamount=1.000000 grainsize=1.600000 [FilmicPass.fx] Strength=0.850000 Linearization=0.500000 Fade=0.400000 Contrast=1.000000 Bleach=0.000000 Saturation=-0.150000 RedCurve=1.000000 GreenCurve=1.000000 BlueCurve=1.000000 BaseCurve=1.500000 BaseGamma=1.000000 EffectGamma=0.650000 EffectGammaR=1.000000 EffectGammaG=1.000000 EffectGammaB=1.000000 LumCoeff=0.212656,0.715158,0.072186 [MagicBloom.fx] f2Adapt_Clip=0.000000,1.000000 fBloom_Intensity=1.000000 fBloom_Threshold=2.000000 fDirt_Intensity=0.000000 fExposure=0.500000 fAdapt_Sensitivity=1.000000 fAdapt_Speed=0.100000 iDebug=0.000000 iAdapt_Precision=1076677888.000000 [FineSharp.fx] sstr=2.000000 cstr=0.900000 xstr=0.190000 pstr=1.272000 xrep=0.250000 lstr=1.490000 [SMAA.fx] EdgeDetectionType=1.000000 EdgeDetectionThreshold=0.100000 MaxSearchSteps=98.000000 MaxSearchStepsDiagonal=16.000000 CornerRounding=0.000000 DebugOutput=0.000000 [FXAA.fx] Subpix=0.250000 EdgeThreshold=0.125000 EdgeThresholdMin=0.000000 [GaussianBlur.fx] GaussianBlurRadius=1.000000 GaussianBlurOffset=1.000000 GaussianBlurStrength=0.300000 [HDR.fx] HDRPower=1.300000 radius1=0.793000 radius2=0.870000 [HighPassSharpen.fx] HighPassSharpRadius=1.000000 HighPassSharpOffset=1.000000 HighPassViewBlendIfMask=0.000000 HighPassBlendIfDark=0.000000 HighPassBlendMode=1.000000 HighPassBlendIfLight=255.000000 HighPassSharpStrength=0.400000 HighPassDarkIntensity=1.000000 HighPassLightIntensity=1.000000 HighPassViewSharpMask=0.000000 [Levels.fx] BlackPoint=16.000000 WhitePoint=235.000000 HighlightClipping=0.000000 [LUT.fx] fLUT_AmountChroma=1.000000 fLUT_AmountLuma=1.000000 [LiftGammaGain.fx] RGB_Lift=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 RGB_Gamma=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 RGB_Gain=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 [TiltShift.fx] Line=0.000000 BlurMultiplier=10.000000 Axis=0.000000 Offset=0.000000 BlurCurve=1.000000 [LightDoF.fx] fLightDoF_Width=5.000000 fLightDoF_Amount=10.000000 f2LightDoF_CA=0.000000,1.000000 f2Bokeh_AutoFocusCenter=0.500000,0.500000 bLightDoF_UseCA=0.000000 bLightDoF_AutoFocus=1.000000 fLightDoF_AutoFocusSpeed=0.100000 bLightDoF_UseMouseFocus=0.000000 fLightDoF_ManualFocus=0.000000 [MXAO.fx] fMXAOAmbientOcclusionAmount=2.000000 bMXAOSmoothNormalsEnable=0.000000 fMXAOIndirectLightingAmount=4.000000 fMXAOFadeoutStart=0.200000 iMXAOBayerDitherLevel=3.000000 fMXAONormalBias=0.200000 fMXAOIndirectLightingSaturation=1.000000 iMXAOSampleCount=24.000000 fMXAOSampleRadius=2.500000 fMXAOBlurSharpness=2.000000 fMXAOBlurSteps=2.000000 bMXAODebugViewEnable=0.000000 fMXAOFadeoutEnd=0.400000 [LumaSharpen.fx] sharp_strength=0.650000 pattern=1.000000 sharp_clamp=0.035000 offset_bias=1.000000 show_sharpen=0.000000 [Monochrome.fx] Coefficients=0.210000,0.720000,0.070000 ColorSaturation=0.000000 [MotionBlur.fx] mbRecall=0.400000 mbSoftness=1.000000 [RBM.fx] fRBM_BlurWidthPixels=100.000000 iRBM_SampleCount=32.000000 fRBM_LowerThreshold=0.100000 fRBM_ReliefHeight=0.300000 fRBM_ColorMask_Orange=1.000000 fRBM_FresnelReflectance=0.300000 fRBM_FresnelMult=0.500000 fRBM_UpperThreshold=0.200000 fRBM_ColorMask_Red=1.000000 fRBM_ColorMask_Yellow=1.000000 fRBM_ColorMask_Green=1.000000 fRBM_ColorMask_Cyan=1.000000 fRBM_ColorMask_Blue=1.000000 fRBM_ColorMask_Magenta=1.000000 [Technicolor.fx] Power=4.000000 RGBNegativeAmount=0.880000,0.880000,0.880000 Strength=0.400000 [Technicolor2.fx] ColorStrength=0.392157,0.200000,0.392157 Saturation=0.500000 Brightness=1.000000 Strength=0.500000 [Tonemap.fx] Gamma=1.000000 Bleach=0.000000 Defog=0.000000 Exposure=0.000000 Saturation=0.000000 FogColor=0.000000,0.000000,1.000000 [Vibrance.fx] Vibrance=0.150000 VibranceRGBBalance=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 [AdaptiveFog.fx] FogCurve=1.500000 FogColor=0.900000,0.900000,0.900000 MaxFogFactor=0.800000 BloomPower=10.000000 FogStart=0.050000 BloomThreshold=10.250000 BloomWidth=0.200000 [DepthHaze.fx] FogStart=0.200000 EffectStrength=0.900000 FogColor=0.800000,0.800000,0.800000 FogFactor=0.200000


28 Mar 15:43 CEST

Don't forget to hit apply

28 Mar 15:43 CEST


Try this, thank user tom-az if this helps you:

"I also had the problem with the cursor in the middle of the screen. I tried many things, until I came to a solution that works for me:

I start the game via the 'MassEffectAndromeda.exe' in Windows Explorer with the setting 'Run program as administrator',

Have now played 3 hours and the problem is no longer occurred."

You can set games (or other programs) to permanently start in administrator mode by going to the ME:A main folder and right clicking MassEffectAndromeda.exe, going to properties, compatibility, and then clicking the "run as administrator" box.

27 Mar 03:22 CEST

Just raise your brightness or change your monitors color using Nvidia Control Panel, my blacks aren't crushed at all.

27 Mar 02:39 CEST

Haha well aren't you quite the resoucesfull one, lol. In all seriousness, glad you found a fix. Hopefully people not using ReShade run into the problem too and trick Bioware into fixing that for us.

Wow really appreciate the positive feedback. You made my day, friend.

Glad to know the bloom isn't overdone. Yea I like just left the tutorial planet even though i had the game since launch. Been trying to keep working on my two ReShades for this plus I just launched my youtube channel. Lot's of work, but really happy it's all starting to pay off.

Anyway, cheers!

27 Mar 02:13 CEST

Hey! Thanks for the quick response! I actually read your comments on the nexus forums, and the not moving your mouse in menus and also alt-tabbing quickly will make it stop.

If I had to take a wild guess I'd say its something to do with Reshade 3's overlay system, but that's nothing that we can really do till they patch it.

At any rate even if its annoying I'm completely and utterly unwilling to NOT use your preset, its that goshdarned amazing.

I did try fullscreen and it does the same thing, although mine did not crash when moving back and forth from windowed borderless to fullscreen. I pretty much only play in windowed borderless anyway because I have two monitors. Mostly the problem for me came in when I was going to the other monitor to look things up, etc.

So far the bloom seems fine to me! I don't use the grain or the cinematic bars myself. Also, thanks for the sharpness key fix, I had noticed it didn't work. But that I definitely love.

27 Mar 02:06 CEST

Hey Naiadelle!

Really appreciate the kind words!

So I play with a gamepad and the cursor seems to stay out of my way even after alt tabbing, for the most part. If it comes up for me, if I alt-tab out and back again, it goes away right away with the controller connected.

Someone from another page says that if you don't let the cursor move after selecting a dilaougue option, that seems to fix it for him. I think he uses a keyboard-mouse.

Finally i suggest seeing if you can get the game to run in borderless-windowed mode (that's how I run it and the problems don't come up during cut-scenes). If you already run in borderless, then try regular fullscreen BUT be prepared to cut-paste your ReShade files into a seperate folder and put them back because fullscreen makes my ME:A instant CTD with ReShade. So you'll need to take the files out of your ME:A folder and rerun the game plain and change it back to borderless-windowed if it CTD's and you get stuck in a CTD loop.

Does that make sense?

Feedback question, how's the bloom? I've got further into the game and it seems the bloom is a bit overdone in some scenes (mostly in cutscenes), is it ok for you? I can patch it to be a little less noticeable. Or I can make it toggleable with one of the numpad buttons.

Thanks again for your comments! Oh also make sure your drivers are updated. I'm not sure if this problem would be resolved by that but I hope so. My drivers aren't updated if there is a new on since ME:A came out.

27 Mar 01:11 CEST

I love this preset. It is seriously amazing! That being said, I hope you could help me with a problem I'm having.

If I alt-tab out of the game, my mouse cursor has a tendency to show up in the middle of the screen. It's not a huge deal in the game, but in cutscenes its immersion-breaking.

Sometimes I can get it to chill out by going to the menus and clicking through them, but its impossible to do that every time.

I know the simplest answer is hey, don't alt-tab! But I was hoping maybe we could figure out another one.

24 Mar 13:31 CET

Hey kav,

Is everything working ok for you now? Sounds like it? Yea creating it externally should work fine.

Let me know if I can help further. And thanks!

24 Mar 11:22 CET

sorry, i just ended up creating it externally. preset is great.

24 Mar 11:07 CET

sorry noob question; i'm interested in this preset.
Reshade v3 is already installed due to a different game.
i follow the directions but no .ini is being created in the game folder. what am i doing wrong?

24 Mar 01:07 CET

Hey @AsaMi,

Really glad you like it! Glad to controls work. Yea I really miss the somberness of ME1's graphics style and colors.

23 Mar 23:32 CET

Thank you @AssassinsDecree, It's really nice now ^^. It's the same atmosphere than ME 1-3 .

23 Mar 22:52 CET

Thanks @Paleplatine! That really makes my day. Have a good one friend!

-The Merc

23 Mar 19:49 CET

thanks a lot dude :D; It's perfect !

23 Mar 07:43 CET

To be clear, pressing 3 on the keys right above the keyboard or below the Function keys (F1, F2, F3, etc.) won't do anything. It has to be the keys on the numberpad.

23 Mar 07:38 CET

Hey AsaMi.

I set it up so you should be able to just press "3" on your keyboard's numpad (even with a controller connected) and it should cut the film grain off. If that doesn't work, then open the ReShade menu (default control is shift+f2) and look along the left side of the window that opens up showing all the graphics effects. You'll see one called Film Grain and it should have a box next to it like all the other settings. Click that box, which should be blue, to disable Film Grain.

All effects can be toggled in this way. Any effect that has a blue box means its enabled.

Hope this helps!

Thanks so much for your interest in my ReShade! If those instructions don't work, I'll post a link for a version of my mod with the Film Grain disabled.


23 Mar 05:27 CET

Hello, I like your work but the film grain is a little bit too grainy for me (I ve disabled the ig film grain). Which settings can I modify to change that plz and have something more smooth?

21 Mar 15:26 CET

Check out my vids on this. You can see fine in what appear to be black spots while the game is actually in motion. Appreciate the feedback. May lighten it a little.

21 Mar 15:24 CET

Then you'll love my other preset for this. Not a dark to be found.

21 Mar 14:33 CET

Way way way too dark, crushed blacks. Common sweetfx mistake: believing massive contrast and crushed blacks looks good.

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