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True HD

Created by Enigma
Added Dec. 23, 2017
Updated 23 Jan 22:50 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
1 - Download last versión from Reshade https://reshade.me/ 2 - Download Assassin's Creed Origins By Enigma link mega. https://mega.nz/#!zl40labB!dI7ZmXoRLTxNUJr-GgmrKj8eWnNJ-VbjRt9yt3XQG2k 2 - V2 https://mega.nz/#!v4ozXaSY!cyp7gR2ld0L7OPnRihpxWELv9viosNv9UOOcKPv3OuY 3 - Run ReShade_Setup_3.1.1 as administrator select game C:\uplay\Ubisoft Game Launcher\games\Assassin's Creed Origins select ACOrigins click direct3D 10+ click unchek all then after select AdaptiveSharpen Clarity FXAA SMAA Vibrance Leves for V2 download too Colourfulness click ok and closed installer. 4 - Run the game presset shift + f2 go click home continue click ( + ) write name origins and presset enter continue and finish go setting and select effect toggle key " i use scroll lock " to on/off mod then closed reshade and exit of the game. 5 - Open my rar Assassin's Creed Origins By Enigma and copy the file in C:\uplay\Ubisoft Game Launcher\games\Assassin's Creed Origins 6 - Cost FPS around 10 or 20 depends where you view that's all have fun!
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29 Dec 05:06 CET

For me in my computer look really good i sorry if you don't like it. or maybe just jelly.

Cost fps around 20. depends of map

24 Dec 17:44 CET

How many fps сжирает? нар сучаа!

24 Dec 01:53 CET

Sharpen=HD Realistic to you?? It's weird & show the poor quality of texture this game have, compare to the previous assassin's creed...

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