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[NaturalVision] Beautiful Montana -V1-

Preset for Far Cry 5
Created by Killville
Added March 29, 2018
Updated 23 Nov 01:12 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Always in the same optics as my other presets, i remove the yellow shade that there is in almost all the recent games. Light and shadows are more natural, colors too. Installation: unzip all the files at the root of your game where the FarCry5.exe is located. For On&Off press scroll lock ingame. Work on W10 64Bits. Package link: https://mega.nz/#!RvJikKAC!kXc6w3efqx5dSQP6hAmLsErbI7l9WQOKQrpCbzVoAy4 Have fun !
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14 Sep 05:55 CEST

@Killville The mega link is dead can you make another link please?

21 Apr 11:47 CEST

Yeah my bad dude. Its an older version of reshade i see.

21 Apr 00:47 CEST

@Ravenheart You do not see the link in the description? That's what you have to download.

20 Apr 22:32 CEST

@Killville I mean that the settings.txt file that i downloaded is empty.

20 Apr 21:21 CEST

@Ravenheart What do you mean?

20 Apr 21:09 CEST

@Killville Hey man, setting file contains only two dots... Is that how it supposed to be?

19 Apr 18:24 CEST

@exnaruto unzipped everything in the bin folder of the game, for enabled or disabled pressed scroll lock.

18 Apr 17:37 CEST

how do i install this pckage?

13 Apr 22:23 CEST

@AssassinsDecree, Thanks bud.

12 Apr 08:47 CEST

I'm late to the party, but I like all the effects some of the others take issue with... I like them a lot, lol. Many others do. That's why the common Cinematic presets exist in droves. Can some things be overdone, sure, I guess, but it really is all a matter of each person's preference. In almost all games, I like to have a more cinematic look. And interestingly, what i've found is that certain effects that we associate with film or TV, like DoF, lens flares, very gentle chromatic aberration, lens flares, and more are actually all things our eyes do, in some capacity, naturally. Even a motion-blur like effect. So when you say you don't like any ciematic effects in a preset that is aiming for a natural look, you may actually missing out on some effects that can enhance the feeling your eyes would go through if you were experiencing the scenes in the game in real life.

But as others have said, to each their own. Btw, nice work, if I didn't mention it before, Killville.

10 Apr 17:33 CEST

@Pvt.Hudson Thanks for the feedback

6 Apr 18:54 CEST

Nice. I liek this one

4 Apr 11:24 CEST


4 Apr 02:07 CEST

@Paft - No, but if you spent a few minutes figuring it out, you'd find that changing one number in the appropriate .cfg will disable any effect you don't like.

3 Apr 21:39 CEST

@phroZac, sure. Each to their own. I just personally don't like them. There are a few exceptions like Alien Isolation, which did suit some of the effects even if I don't care for them. But my point which I missed is..for most other games, especially in FPS when you're supposed to be looking though the eyes of a character I feel breaks the illusion and is distracting.

When I tested this preset it was a older Reshade/SweetFX version without the GUI. So it probably cannot be disabled by the click of a button can it?

3 Apr 04:53 CEST

@daxlamenace - Ok, kid. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean everyone thinks as you do. And you know it can be turned off with the click of a button, right? Instead of bitching about the work others have done for you for free, how about you make your own preset?

2 Apr 18:50 CEST

@daxlamenace I do not force anyone to download my preset, i did it according to my tastes and i share it, i do not search the notorious, do you understand what i mean? As for chromatic abortion, it is not a simple chromatic aberation technique that verifies the image, but a softer technique in the shaders in the game softened the image especially the textures that are very fine like grass by smoothing them. Do not rely on the screenshot in 4k or you can see the each pixels,the best is to see in the game.

2 Apr 17:08 CEST

@phroZac boy nobody want's that in a game that just make my eyes hurt , i guess 1% of the population like it but atleast give us the possibility to change it

2 Apr 16:51 CEST

@Paft - Motion blur, Eyeball/camera grime, Chromatic aberration, Film grain, Depth of field and lens flares...things that you'll find in gorgeously filmed movies from Ridley Scott, David Fincher, and Danny Boyle, among many others. It's a matter of taste, not a gauge of quality. If you want to feel like you're playing a movie or a video game is more the question.

2 Apr 12:18 CEST

The preset you made is the best one yet , but the chromatic aberration just ruin it all can you take it away since nobody likes it ?

1 Apr 22:05 CEST

Sorry, I just have a real dislike for, Motion blur, Eyeball/camera grime, Chromatic aberration, Film grain, Depth of field and lens flares. Am I watching a badly made film with recorded on low quality cams? Because that's what it feels like. Distracts me and takes me out of the game.

*It's nice otherwise*

30 Mar 20:47 CEST

@Paft You feel obliged to do the troll? I share what i like in this case this preset now you are entitled not to like but avoid doing the troll. Thanks :)

30 Mar 20:34 CEST

@Bonaparte what do you mean ? for on/off, press scroll lock.

30 Mar 18:13 CEST

amazing but there is no way just tp have a text file to toggle on/off in reshade?

30 Mar 01:52 CEST

Is that chromatic aberration? Hardly natural. :)

30 Mar 00:43 CEST

Yea, all ubisoft games have had it, I think. except for honor, which is more greenish, i think. Maybe watch dogs and WD2 haven't had it either.

29 Mar 18:53 CEST

@shebbe I do not understand why the devs add this sepia tone, personally i think it removes the natural side of lighting and rendering. Virtually every game that comes out in recent years has that horrible sepia tint.

29 Mar 18:47 CEST

@Couly @shebbe Thanks for your feedback.

29 Mar 18:21 CEST

Looks great, much more like the color pallete the demo had. No idea why they changed it into that weird barren sepia look.

29 Mar 15:00 CEST

I think this may be the one! Thanks.

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