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Ryse : Son of 2018 HD

Created by ReActif
Added May 21, 2018
Updated 30 Nov 00:44 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Here is a preset to give at Ryse : Son of Rome a 2018 look, worthy of the games currently being released. Preset made on ReShade 3.3.2 Download the latest version of ReShade here: https://reshade.me/ ReShade Installation: - Launch the ReShade executable. - Select the game executable "Ryse.exe". - Select "Dx10+". - Let ReShade download the shaders. - In the game folder you'll find ReShade in the subfolder: "Steam\steamapps\common\Ryse Son of Rome\Bin64" Check that you have the DLL: "dxgi.dll" if not, reinstall ReShade (I had to install it twice for it to put the correct DLL). IMPORTANT: Disables Steam Overlay to make it work. Installing the Preset: - Copy the preset file to the "Bin64" folder - Change file extension from .txt to .ini (if necessary) - In the ReShade menu select it. IMPORTANT: Once installed, switch ReShade from "Configuration Mode" to "Performance Mode"! Shaders used: - AdaptiveSharpen - HDR - Levels - Technicolor2 - Tonemap Screenshot taken on: - OS : Windows 10 ‎(X64)‎ - CPU: Intel i7 6800K - GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Game configuration: - Window Resolution: 1920x1080 - Supersampling: 2x2 - Graphics Quality: VERY HIGH - Texture Resolution: VERY HIGH - Native Upscaling : DISABLED - Fullscreen: ON - Vsync: DISABLED - Lock FPS: DISABLED - Shading Quality: HIGH - Object Detail: HIGH - Shadows Quality: HIGH - Particle Quality: HIGH - Animation Quality: HIGH - Motion Blur: DISABLED - Temporal Anti-Aliasing: DISABLED - Anisotropic Filtering: 16x EDIT: On some screen Clarity and Vibrance cause too high contrast, so i had deleted this and now this will be ok for all screen config. I left both settings in the preset. You can activate them manually by checking their box in the ReShade menu. Tip: Disable ReShade during kinematics because in this one, the skin rendering is exaggerated.
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Effects=FakeHDR.fx,AdaptiveSharpen.fx,Levels.fx,Technicolor2.fx,Tonemap.fx Techniques=AdaptiveSharpen,HDR,Levels,Technicolor2,Tonemap TechniqueSorting=LeiFx_Tech,AdaptiveFog,AdaptiveSharpen,AmbientLight,ASCII,BloomAndLensFlares,Border,Cartoon,Chromakey,CA,Clarity,ColorMatrix,Colourfulness,AdvancedCRT,Curves,Daltonize,Deband,KNearestNeighbors,NonLocalMeans,DepthHaze,DisplayDepth,RingDOF,MagicDOF,GP65CJ042DOF,MatsoDOF,MartyMcFlyDOF,DPX,EGAfilter,Emphasize,EyeAdaption,HDR,MotionBlur,FilmGrain,FilmGrain2,FilmicAnamorphSharpen,FilmicPass,Mode1,Mode2,Mode3,FXAA,GaussianBlur,GlitchB,HighPassSharp,HQ4X,Levels,LiftGammaGain,LightDoF_AutoFocus,LightDoF_Far,LightDoF_Near,LumaSharpen,LUT,MagicBloom,Monochrome,MultiLUT,MXAO,Nightvision,Nostalgia,PerfectPerspective,ChromaticAberration,ReflectiveBumpmapping,Tint,SMAA,SurfaceBlur,Technicolor,Technicolor2,TiltShift,Tonemap,UIDetect,UIDetect_Before,UIDetect_After,UIMask_Top,UIMask_Bottom,Vibrance,Vignette [AdaptiveSharpen.fx] D_compr_low=0.250000 L_compr_low=0.167000 curve_height=1.000000 curveslope=0.500000 D_overshoot=0.009000 L_overshoot=0.003000 D_compr_high=0.500000 L_compr_high=0.334000 scale_lim=0.100000 scale_cs=0.056000 pm_p=0.700000 [FakeHDR.fx] HDRPower=1.300000 radius1=0.713000 radius2=0.790000 [Technicolor2.fx] ColorStrength=0.039216,0.196078,0.784314 Saturation=0.910000 Brightness=1.000000 Strength=1.000000 [Levels.fx] BlackPoint=10 WhitePoint=240 HighlightClipping=0 [Tonemap.fx] Defog=0.000000 Bleach=0.000000 Gamma=0.920000 Exposure=0.040000 Saturation=-0.500000 FogColor=0.000000,0.000000,1.000000 [Clarity.fx] ClarityRadius=3 ClarityBlendMode=2 ClarityOffset=2.000000 ClarityDarkIntensity=0.400000 ClarityBlendIfDark=50 ClarityBlendIfLight=205 ClarityViewBlendIfMask=0 ClarityStrength=0.400000 ClarityLightIntensity=0.000000 ClarityViewMask=0 [Vibrance.fx] Vibrance=0.270000 VibranceRGBBalance=1.000000,1.000000,-0.200000


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