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Realistic Cry 5 (with EAC bypass)

Preset for Far Cry 5
Created by ReActif
Added May 27, 2018
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Here is a preset to give at Far Cry 5 a realistic look. Preset made on ReShade 3.3.2 Download the latest version of ReShade here: https://reshade.me/ FAR CRY 5 USES THE EAC (Easy Anti Cheat) SYSTEM TO PREVENT THE EXECUTION OR MODIFICATION OF FILES. This prevents ReShade from working properly in most cases. It is necessary to use the hack (EasyAntiCheat_x64.dll) that has been created to bypass the protection. After each update, it is necessary to put it back, keep the file in reserve. EAC Bypass Installation: - Doawnload the file : https://fearlessrevolution.com/attachments/easyanticheat_x64_20180505-zip.10084/ - Copy "EasyAntiCheat_x64.dll" into "Steam\steamapps\common\FarCry5\bin\EasyAntiCheat\". I advise you to keep a copy in case the file is updated. You can name it for example: "EasyAntiCheat_x64.hack" Source : https://fearlessrevolution.com/threads/far-cry-5-engine-dunia-engine-2.6334/ ReShade Installation: - Launch the ReShade executable. - Select the game executable "FarCry5.exe". - Select "Dx10+". - Let ReShade download the shaders. - In the game folder you'll find ReShade in the subfolder: "Steam\steamapps\common\FarCry5\bin\dxgi.dll". - For more performance, in "Steam\steamapps\common\FarCry5\bin\reshade-shaders\Shaders", delete unnecessary files, and keep only : "AdaptiveSharpen.fx, DrawText.fxh, FXAA.fxh, Levels.fx, ReShade.fxh, SMAA.fxh, Technicolor2.fx, UIDetect.fxh". (The above files are mandatory for ReShade to work but not keeping the others will speed up loading). IMPORTANT: Disables Steam Overlay to make it work. Installing the Preset: - Copy the preset file to the "Steam\steamapps\common\FarCry5\bin" folder - Change file extension from.txt to.ini (if necessary) - In the ReShade menu select it. IMPORTANT: Once installed, switch ReShade from "Configuration Mode" to "Performance Mode"! Shaders used: - AdaptiveSharpen - Levels - Technicolor2 Screenshot taken on: - OS : Windows 10 ‎(X64)‎ 1803 - CPU: Intel i7 6800K @ 4.0 GHz - GPU: G.Skill 64 Go @ 2.5 GHz - RAM: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (11 Go) Game configuration: - Window Resolution: 1920x1080 - Supersampling: 2x2 - Graphics Quality: ULTRA - Texture Filtering: ULTRA - Shadows : ULTRA - Geometry & Vegetation: ULTRA - Environment: ULTRA - Water: HIGH - Terrain: HIGH - Volumetric Fog: HIGH - Anti-Aliasing: TAA - Motion Blur: Off
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Effects=AdaptiveSharpen.fx,Levels.fx,Technicolor2.fx Techniques=AdaptiveSharpen,Levels,Technicolor2 TechniqueSorting=AdaptiveSharpen,Levels,Technicolor2 [AdaptiveSharpen.fx] D_compr_low=0.250000 L_compr_low=0.167000 curve_height=1.000000 curveslope=0.500000 D_overshoot=0.009000 L_overshoot=0.003000 D_compr_high=0.500000 L_compr_high=0.334000 scale_lim=0.100000 scale_cs=0.056000 pm_p=0.700000 [Levels.fx] BlackPoint=10 WhitePoint=240 HighlightClipping=0 [Technicolor2.fx] ColorStrength=0.080000,0.120000,0.400000 Saturation=0.850000 Brightness=0.850000 Strength=0.850000


27 May 22:54 CEST

Nice preset !

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