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ACE ReShade Collection - Vivid (Warm)

Created by AssassinsDecree
Added Oct. 5, 2018
Updated 9 Oct 04:59 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Welcome to the warmer toned vivid preset of the ACE RESHADE COLLECTION - Assassin's Creed Odyssey Enhanced
Screenshots best viewed in fullscreen mode, makes a huge difference for some reason *If you want to have all my AC Odyssey ReSahdes installed at once, just download from Nexus, please for easier installation: https://www.nexusmods.com/assassinscreedodyssey/mods/1
UPDATES Version 1.1 - 10/8/2018 - Resolved an issue the caused depth-of-field to be much more performance hungry than necessary. You should no longer receive massive frame rate dips when DoF triggers at its strongest.
DESCRIPTION AND FEATURES This is a vivid ReShade for Assassin's Creed Odyssey that brings tons of optional cinematic features like with it that you can disable at the click of a button, literally, from in game. This while this reshade is vivid, it does maintain a believable color palette and seeks to color-correct the game's native yellow tint. This preset's colors are warmer (in tone) than my companion preset for this one. The optional cinematic features this ReShade brings include film-grade depth-of-field, film grain, letterboxing (black bars), chromatic aberration and anamorphic lens distortion, and enhanced bloom and lens dirt. I hope you like it! Please follow all instructions for a proper install, especially the critical ones right below. I've set up toggle keys for all the cinematic effects I've added. And they're remappable with the in-game ReShade menu. Please let me know if you have any questions. Hope you like it! - From Merc (that's me) with love
CRASHING, BLURRY INVENTORY SCREEN, GAME SETTINGS HELP 1. For me, the game crashes if I use any form of ReShade or SweetFx in fullscreen mode. So you must enable borderless window mode to use ReShade if yours also crashes when trying to load the game with Reshade enabled. 2. I had to rename my reshade file "dxgi.dll" to "d3d11.dll" to get the game to stop crashing on launch. 3. I've tested and optimized this ReShade for the game's default in-game brightness. Tested on Ultra settings. 4. Toggle depth-of-field - / on numberpad (quick tip, I'm still tweaking DoF, but right now the DoF can sometimes obscure the inventory screen, to fix this, either disable DoF when in the inventory OR just rotate Alexios to the side a little and it the DoF will stop obscuring the hud)
CONTROLS All of these are remappable once in game. (make sure numberpad is enabled or the controls won't work). The on/off function and menu functions are located in the ReShade's "Settings" tab, if you wish to change those hotkeys. -Toggle ReShade menu on-off - Shift+F2. -Toggle all ReShade effects - Scroll lock -Toggle depth-of-field - / on numberpad (quick tip, I'm still tweaking DoF, but right now the DoF can sometimes obscure the inventory screen, to fix this, either disable DoF when in the inventory OR just rotate Alexios to the side a little and it the DoF will stop obscuring the hud) -Toggle lenz distortion (warping in corners of screen) & chromatic aberration (color bleeding on objects' edges toward the edges of the screen) - 2 on numberpad -Toggle sharpness - 5 on numberpad -Toggle film grain - 3 on numberpad -Black bars (letterbox) - 0 on numberpad -Bloom and lens effects - 6 on numberpad -Vignette (darkness around the corners) - * on numberpad -Toggle soft DoF on horizon (distant landscape)(off by default because it frequently blurs the compass. My advice, turn it on and cut the compass off, but that's personal preference) - 1 on numberpad I recommend opening the ReShade GUI's setting's menu and changing the following: Toggle ReShade on and off with the END key Toggle ReShade menu/gui with F4
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Abridged Version of instructions: Download latest version of ReShade from here: https://reshade.me/ (3.4.1 at the time of posting this) Run the ReShade .exe and select ACOyssey.exe in your Assassins Creed Odyssey main folder. (if installed to Steam's default location, can usually be found here: "... Steam\SteamApps\common\Assassins Creed Odyssey" Choose the DirectX 10+ version Say yes when it ask if you want to download a collection of shaders. But then click "uncheck all" when it asks which effects you want to download. Don't worry, I supply the folder you need with all the effects my ReShades use. Now download my preset here with the "download" button below. Rename that file "anythingyouwant.ini", the most important part is that the file name now ends ".ini" instead of ".txt" like it did when you downloaded it. Put that file in your game's main folder where you found ACOdyssey.exe and where your reshade-shaders folder should now also be installed. [CRITICAL INSTRUCTIONS] I had to rename my reshade file "dxgi.dll" to "d3d11.dll" to get the game to stop crashing on launch. Download the reshade-shaders folder from my dropbox link here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h4to8a9nw67gecp/Odyssey%20Enhanced%20Folder.7z?dl=0 Run your game and after you get a message in a grey box saying reshade effects have loaded, press Shift+F2 simultaneously to open the in-game ReShade GUI. Select the .ini file from that drop down menu and hit the "continue" button prompt to finish the ReShade tutorial (if it's your first time launching the game with ReShade installed). Toggle the effect with the scroll-lock key to ensure it's installed correctly. You can change these keys in the ReShade's settings menu. Go to the in game Reshade "Settings" tab and make sure "RESHADE_DEPTH_INPUT_IS_REVERSED=1", make sure "RESHADE_DEPTH_INPUT_IS_LOGARITHMIC=1", AND make sure "RESHADE_DEPTH_LINEARIZATION_FAR_PLANE=10000.0" (without the quotes, of course) and then go back to the main "Home" reshade menu tab and click "reload" at the bottom of that reshade menu. Failure to do this will render your entire screen 100% blurry while Depth-of-Field (DoF) is on. [END CRITICAL INSTRUCTIONS] Done. PROFIT!?! PROFIT!
UNINSTALLING 1. Delete the "reshade-shaders" folder, "ReShade.ini" file, "d3d11.dll", and "d3d11.log" file from your game folder. That's it.
CONTACT -- Please subscribe to my YouTube channel for lets plays and demos of my upcoming and released ReShades: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn5KAZuLeVmeQLXSMJNBMcA -- -- Please follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/MercsAssassin --
MY MODS FOR OTHER GAMES Exhaustive List Here, constantly updating it as I make new ReShades: https://www.facebook.com/MercsAssassin/
ps: I'm TheMercsAssassin on most other websites, including youtube, twitter and the nexus. Hence, the Merc thing. ps+: Do not use any part of my ReShade in your own work. Make your own through hard work and lots of time, like I did, please. Thanks.
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KeyAdaptiveSharpen=101,0,0,0 KeyBloomAndLensFlares=102,0,0,0 KeyTechnicolor2=0 KeyVignette=106,0,0,0 KeyTonemap=0 KeyBorder=96,0,0,0 KeyFilmGrain2=99,0,0,0 KeyFilmGrain=0 KeyClarity=0 KeyADOF=111,0,0,0 KeyGaussianBlur=105,0,0,0 KeyChromaticAberration=98,0,0,0 KeyBloom=0 KeyLightDoF_Far=97,0,0,0 KeyLightroom=100,0,0,0 Effects=AdaptiveSharpen.fx,qUINT_lightroom.fx,LightDoF.fx,Bloom.fx,Vignette.fx,qUINT_dof.fx,Prism.fx,FilmGrain2.fx,GaussianBlur.fx,Border.fx Techniques=AdaptiveSharpen,BloomAndLensFlares,Vignette,ADOF,FilmGrain2,ChromaticAberration,Lightroom,Border TechniqueSorting=AdaptiveSharpen,HDR,BloomAndLensFlares,Technicolor2,Tonemap,FilmGrain,Clarity,Deband,Vignette,ADOF,FilmGrain2,Levels,LiftGammaGain,LightDoF_AutoFocus,LightDoF_Far,LightDoF_Near,DisplayDepth,Curves,Mode1,HighPassSharp,Mode2,GaussianBlur,Mode3,TiltShift,MotionBlur,LumaSharpen,MXAO,Cartoon,UIMask_Bottom,CA,UIMask_Top,UIDetect,UIDetect_Before,UIDetect_After,ChromaticAberration,Bloom,Lightroom,CinematicDOF,MartyMcFlyDOF,MatsoDOF,GP65CJ042DOF,MagicDOF,RingDOF,Border KeyCA=0 KeyMode1=0 KeyTiltShift=0 KeyFISHEYE_CA_HORIZONTAL=98,0,0,0 KeyAmbientLight=110,0,0,0 KeyLightDoF_AutoFocus=97,0,0,0 KeyCinematicDOF=0 [Border.fx] border_width=0.000000,54.000000 border_ratio=2.350000 border_color=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 [AdaptiveSharpen.fx] curve_height=0.700000 L_compr_low=0.169000 D_compr_low=0.253000 curveslope=0.400000 L_overshoot=0.003000 D_overshoot=0.009000 L_compr_high=0.337000 D_compr_high=0.504000 scale_lim=0.100000 scale_cs=0.056000 pm_p=0.750000 [Bloom.fx] bGodrayEnable=0 iBloomMixmode=1 fBloomSaturation=1.000000 bAnamFlareEnable=0 fBloomThreshold=0.935000 fBloomAmount=2.400000 fLensdirtSaturation=4.000000 fBloomTint=0.701961,0.800000,1.000000 fLensdirtIntensity=0.700000 bLensdirtEnable=4294967295 fFlareLuminance=0.095000 iLensdirtMixmode=0 fLensdirtTint=0.000000,0.000000,1.000000 bLenzEnable=0 fAnamFlareThreshold=0.900000 fAnamFlareWideness=2.400000 fAnamFlareAmount=14.500000 fAnamFlareCurve=1.200000 fAnamFlareColor=0.012000,0.313000,0.588000 fLenzIntensity=1.000000 fLenzThreshold=0.800000 bChapFlareEnable=0 fChapFlareTreshold=0.900000 iChapFlareCount=15 fChapFlareDispersal=0.250000 fChapFlareSize=0.450000 fFlareIntensity=2.070000 fChapFlareCA=0.000000,0.010000,0.020000 fChapFlareIntensity=100.000000 fGodrayDecay=0.990000 fGodrayExposure=1.000000 fGodrayWeight=1.250000 fGodrayDensity=1.000000 fGodrayThreshold=0.900000 iGodraySamples=128 fFlareBlur=200.000000 fFlareTint=0.137000,0.216000,1.000000 [qUINT_lightroom.fx] LIGHTROOM_GREEN_EXPOSURE=0.000000 LIGHTROOM_ENABLE_LUT=0 LIGHTROOM_LUT_TILE_SIZE=16 LIGHTROOM_LUT_TILE_COUNT=16 LIGHTROOM_MAGENTA_HUESHIFT=0.000000 LIGHTROOM_ENABLE_HISTOGRAM=0 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_TINT=0.000000 LIGHTROOM_LUT_SCROLL=0 LIGHTROOM_ENABLE_CURVE_DISPLAY=0 LIGHTROOM_BLUE_EXPOSURE=0.500000 LIGHTROOM_ENABLE_CLIPPING_DISPLAY=0 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_GAMMA=-0.000000 LIGHTROOM_HISTOGRAM_HEIGHT=0.000000 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_WHITES_CURVE=0.300000 LIGHTROOM_HISTOGRAM_SAMPLES=0 LIGHTROOM_MAGENTA_SATURATION=0.500000 LIGHTROOM_HISTOGRAM_SMOOTHNESS=5.000000 LIGHTROOM_RED_HUESHIFT=-0.000000 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_BLACKS_CURVE=-0.300000 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_SATURATION=0.200000 LIGHTROOM_ORANGE_HUESHIFT=-0.200000 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_HIGHLIGHTS_CURVE=-0.120000 LIGHTROOM_YELLOW_HUESHIFT=0.060000 LIGHTROOM_GREEN_HUESHIFT=0.000000 LIGHTROOM_AQUA_EXPOSURE=0.000000 LIGHTROOM_AQUA_HUESHIFT=0.140000 LIGHTROOM_BLUE_HUESHIFT=0.080000 LIGHTROOM_RED_EXPOSURE=-0.560000 LIGHTROOM_ORANGE_EXPOSURE=-0.300000 LIGHTROOM_YELLOW_EXPOSURE=-0.500000 LIGHTROOM_MAGENTA_EXPOSURE=0.000000 LIGHTROOM_RED_SATURATION=0.500000 LIGHTROOM_ORANGE_SATURATION=0.260000 LIGHTROOM_YELLOW_SATURATION=0.300000 LIGHTROOM_GREEN_SATURATION=1.000000 LIGHTROOM_AQUA_SATURATION=0.300000 LIGHTROOM_BLUE_SATURATION=0.300000 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_BLACK_LEVEL=0.000000 LIGHTROOM_VIGNETTE_CURVE=1.000000 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_WHITE_LEVEL=255.000015 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_EXPOSURE=0.080000 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_SHADOWS_CURVE=0.000000 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_MIDTONES_CURVE=0.000000 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_CONTRAST=0.260000 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_VIBRANCE=-0.600000 LIGHTROOM_VIGNETTE_RADIUS_INNER=0.000000 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_TEMPERATURE=-0.060000 LIGHTROOM_ENABLE_VIGNETTE=0 LIGHTROOM_VIGNETTE_SHOW_RADII=0 LIGHTROOM_VIGNETTE_RADIUS_OUTER=1.000000 LIGHTROOM_VIGNETTE_WIDTH=0.000000 LIGHTROOM_VIGNETTE_HEIGHT=0.000000 LIGHTROOM_VIGNETTE_AMOUNT=1.000000 LIGHTROOM_VIGNETTE_BLEND_MODE=1 [FilmGrain.fx] Intensity=0.470000 Variance=0.200000 Mean=0.500000 SignalToNoiseRatio=1 [Prism.fx] SampleCount=8 Aberration=-16 Automatic=1 Curve=3.800000 [qUINT_dof.fx] bADOF_AutofocusEnable=1 fADOF_ShapeAnamorphRatio=1.000000 fADOF_AutofocusCenter=0.700000,0.500000 fADOF_AutofocusSpeed=0.202000 fADOF_AutofocusRadius=0.030000 fADOF_ManualfocusDepth=0.001000 fADOF_NearBlurCurve=6.000000 fADOF_HyperFocus=0.025000 fADOF_FarBlurCurve=2.160000 fADOF_RenderResolutionMult=0.500000 fADOF_ShapeRadius=30.000002 fADOF_SmootheningAmount=0.000000 fADOF_BokehIntensity=0.170000 fADOF_ShapeCurvatureAmount=0.500000 iADOF_ShapeVertices=6 iADOF_ShapeQuality=12 fADOF_ShapeRotation=0.000000 fADOF_ShapeChromaAmount=0.160000 iADOF_ShapeChromaMode=2 [FilmGrain2.fx] grainamount=0.036000 coloramount=1.000000 lumamount=1.000000 grainsize=1.850000 [Tonemap.fx] Defog=0.000000 Bleach=0.000000 Gamma=1.000000 Exposure=0.000000 Saturation=0.000000 FogColor=0.000000,0.000000,1.000000 [Technicolor2.fx] Saturation=1.000000 ColorStrength=0.200000,0.200000,0.200000 Brightness=1.000000 Strength=1.000000 [FineSharp.fx] sstr=2.000000 cstr=0.900000 xstr=0.190000 pstr=1.272000 xrep=0.250000 lstr=1.490000 [GaussianBlur.fx] GaussianBlurRadius=2 GaussianBlurOffset=1.000000 GaussianBlurStrength=0.140000 [Vignette.fx] Type=0 Center=0.500000,0.500000 Ratio=2.229000 Radius=1.360000 Amount=-0.770000 Slope=7 [Levels.fx] BlackPoint=16 WhitePoint=235 HighlightClipping=0 [LiftGammaGain.fx] RGB_Lift=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 RGB_Gamma=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 RGB_Gain=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 [FakeHDR.fx] HDRPower=1.300000 radius1=0.793000 radius2=0.870000 [LightDoF.fx] fLightDoF_Width=2.600000 f2LightDoF_CA=0.000000,1.000000 f2Bokeh_AutoFocusCenter=0.700000,0.400000 fLightDoF_Amount=1.300000 bLightDoF_UseCA=0 bLightDoF_AutoFocus=1 fLightDoF_ManualFocus=0.000000 bLightDoF_UseMouseFocus=0 fLightDoF_AutoFocusSpeed=0.100000 [FisheyeHorizontal.fx] fFisheyeZoom=0.550000 fFisheyeDistortion=0.010000 fFisheyeDistortionCubic=0.700000 fFisheyeColorshift=0.002000 [Clarity.fx] ClarityRadius=3 ClarityBlendMode=2 ClarityOffset=2.000000 ClarityDarkIntensity=0.400000 ClarityBlendIfDark=50 ClarityBlendIfLight=205 ClarityViewBlendIfMask=0 ClarityStrength=0.400000 ClarityLightIntensity=0.000000 ClarityViewMask=0


30 Oct 02:30 CET

Yes! You know your stuff, I am using Filmgrain 2! And yes, with added color on the Vivid Cool and Natural presets. I switched back to the regular FilmGrain for later releases (on Nexus) of this though, for exactly what you just said. Grain2 moves too quickly. I've got something very cool I've done recently with pushing the regular FilmGrain. Two unreleased presets, but hopefully I'll be done them soon.

25 Oct 20:57 CEST

Oooohh, I never enlarged these pics. The filmgrain you're using is nice. Seems to add color noise. Filmgrain2 I guess? I've always used Filmgrain because of how it moves. I need to check this one out. :)

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