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Screenshot for Lord of the Rings Online

Preset : ★ 1 | Realistic shades By Sushi★ [2022]

Added June 24, 2022 by SushiChrome
Original size : 1920x1080
SweetFX state : Enabled
while this photo only shows my small humble home, it's actually one of my favorite shots. why? one of the things I hated about the vanila night time is that you won't really feel the impact of the white moon on objects. here with this preset you can clearly see the beauty. you can see the moon light hitting the upper leafs of the trees, while blocking it reaching the ground and casting a long shadow on my house, therefore giving the two windows cast their own light beneath them. the greyish rocks combined with the moonlight gets "blueish" color as they should. and all the rest objects\terrain get illuminated by moon light slipping through the leafs's tree. I get goosebumps every time I vist my home + extra if its at night time.

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