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World of Warcraft 6.0.3
Posted 10 years, 2 months ago
Hello everyone! Please, im begging :D Someone help me with installation, i was using sweet FX at MoP, then stopped playing for a while started again at WoD and I forgot how to install sweetFX, i know how presets work, I probably have to put SweetFX in wow folder, then load preset using sweetFX Injector? Im kinda lost, I tried something but it didnt work for me. Please anyone willing to step by step installation for WoD? Thanks a loooooot!
Posted 10 years, 2 months ago
Download Boulotaur's Sweetfx. Use the 64bit DLL's if you are playing 64bit WoD. Use the 32bit DLL's if you are playing 32bit WoD. You need Boulotaur's Sweetfx injector because it has 64bit support. If you aren't sure if you are playing 32bit or 64bit, try the 64bit .DLL files first. They are located in the 64bit DLL folder in his package. I'm going to be releasing a Preset for WoD soon. But I don't think it's done yet so idk when.
Posted 10 years, 2 months ago
Thank you :) And the installation is still the same? Extract into game folder and in preset.txt set path to preset txt file?
Posted 10 years, 2 months ago
Installation should be the exact same.
Posted 10 years, 2 months ago
So RadeonPro is not needed anymore for Win 8.1? Cause SFX keeps flickering on/off when i put my cursor over someone or in the menu.
Posted 10 years, 2 months ago
I don't have Windows 8.1 so I can't help you there. I still use Windows 7.
Posted 10 years, 2 months ago
Ah ok, cause i can't find anything through google either, i did find someone with the same problem, but he didn't say how he fixed it. =/
Posted 10 years, 2 months ago
Guys, Boulotaur's Sweetfx x64 dont work for wow x64 bit... because whenever I try to launch game I got error.
Posted 10 years, 2 months ago
It's working for me on Windows 7.
Posted 10 years, 2 months ago
I have Windows 7 aswell x64 bit... but always getting this error when I try to launch the game... (with x32 bit wow it's working when I put x32bit dll's.) http://i.imgur.com/EwWYV3s.png I downloaded normally Boulotaur's Sweetfx x64, extract, copy X64_dll's from 2nd folder into wow folder, and copy sweetfx 3 notepad files.
Posted 10 years, 2 months ago
Make sure you are in Direct X 11. Make sure in game the client is 64 bit. Make sure that the 64bit dlls are indeed in the directory and not the 32 bit .dlls. If these things don't work I will probably upload some screenshots of my wow directory and my ingame settings so you can see exactly how I set it up
Posted 10 years, 2 months ago
Thanks for reply. Btw, my video card doesn't support DX11... it's Geforce Nvidia 9800 GTX+ (DX9/DX10). Could that be the problem? Because I can normally run and play WoW in 64 bit, but as soon as I add sweetFX 64 bit .dlls, I get this error. I can use 32 bit .dlls though, and play on 32 bit with them. But I'd like to use it on 64 bit, since my Win7 is 64 bit and I have 4GB of Ram.
Posted 10 years, 2 months ago
-TL;DR- = 32 Bit can only use up to 4GB of RAM. And can only utilize 4GB Of video RAM as well. If you don't have more than 4GB of either of these things. You really aren't going to see a difference. - -From Eightfourms- It depends on your system and how much RAM you have installed to whether or not you are going to see the benefit. This is because with a 32bit(x86) operating system your computer is only going to be able to use a maximum of 4gb. This cannot be said for when you have a 64bit machine it can use a far higher Ram profile. So if you are gaming with more than 4gb of ram than you are going to better performance running the 64bit operating system then you would with 32bit. for example running a 32bit operating system when you have greater than 4gb of Ram is like buying a 3 litre car and putting a limiter on it making it only be able to use 1 litre.
Posted 10 years, 2 months ago
Also what Direct X are you running the game in when in WoW 64bit? Direct X 11 or Direct X 9? Only asking because maybe the game is allowing you to run Direct X 11 when your Video card doesn't fully support it and that could be causing the problem.
Posted 10 years, 2 months ago
Game is set to DirectX 9. Both in game and in config folder.
Posted 10 years, 2 months ago
Honestly I would just use 32 bit WoW if you are really deadset on using SweetFx for WoW. The game doesn't really NEED it (But it still looks good) and you won't have any negative effects running it in 32 bit anyways. Maybe someone who knows more about SweetFX can weigh in here because I am at a loss. I think the problem is from your graphics card and Boulotaur's 64bit .dlls?
Posted 10 years, 2 months ago
My colors are somehow gray and dead without sweetFX, I already got used to him now. xD I guess I'll just keep playing it on 32bit then. F*ck it.
Posted 10 years, 2 months ago
Honestly dude you shouldn't notice one bit of difference in between 64 bit and 32 bit with your set-up.
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