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presets start
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
I just want to share with you all, I just started my first two or so presets, feel free to check em out, my latest was state of decay YO Check my presets guys, https://sfx.thelazy.net/users/u/niflexible/
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
I will take any advise/tips for improvements if you see something to call out
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
leave any of comments on that preset you want to talk about, thanks
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
Also, if you liked, what game would you like to see next I should dip into ?
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
Good presets,i recommend for you,use reshade tools,it make amazing presets and it's easy.(p.s:i recommend add a little sharpenning)
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
YEah, Sharpening is something I should use more. About the reshade tools, where do I find that? Thanks for the comment :)
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
I think he's talking about ReShade Assistant, though where he got the idea that - that is what makes presets amazing I have zero idea as it's just an interface that makes working with ReShade Framework easier.
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
@Zom He must be talking about ReShade Framework Shader Suite (ie. McFX, GemFX etc)
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
@Rishabh47 - niflexible already uses framework, the only thing that makes sense is that he's talking about the assistant as it's the only tool.
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
@Zom I think you are right
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
thanks guys for the info
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
Yeah, I already do use reshade, so I think it's definately a tool, I'll take a look into that
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
I found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tOs3ilY7Nw but why use it when you got mediator and heres a tut; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwKJzvgkMlM
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
ReShade Assistant tool is the completely redone Mediator, personally, I think it functions better than the Mediator. As for your question on one of my presets; I stopped posting presets because I do not actively make settings anymore, plus I'm still trying to get the hang of ReShade Frameworks effects.
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
Oh, alright. As for the assistant opposed to it's predecessor, I thought for a moment the Mediator was the latest thing. Thanks for the comment and setting me straight from confusion. As I assumed it was the Mediator as successor to the other. Is the assistant tool the next thing to replace mediator in reshade bundle soon then?
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
It already has, ReShade 2.0.3f1 is the latest version available for download. it's under Alternative Downloads labeled ReShade 2.0, I have no idea why it is not the main download however. I should also mention that it's possible this too will be replaced soon with the Release of ReShade 3.0 which will have an in-game overlay for editing presets. Edit: Actually reading the progress discussion it does appear ReShade will no longer contain an assitant tool in favor of the in-game UI. And there will no longer be a ReShade Framework, instead you will have to DL shaders seperately via github. In-fact with ReShade 3.0 there will be no shaders released with it thus the aforementioned Framework will no longer be contained within any ReShade release. Personally I think this is an incredibly weird move after pushing it so much.
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
the gui ingame is a nice feature I'll look forward to But,,, no shaders !? Seperately ??? That's devolution right there....
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
Eh, it can go both ways. If you frequently use a variety of effects, Framework is nice. If you just have a set few effects that you use (like me) it'd be a LOT cleaner to simply just download the couple you use.
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
Is there any way with the new reshade version to still change the effect values inside the cfg files ? Not only with the Assistant .... ?
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
@Niflexible - Framework was never originally planned nor was ReShade ever intended to be released as anything more than an injector hence why when it was originally released it had a devlopers download (which was basically just the injector itself not too dissimilar to how 3.0 will be handled.) and ReShade + SweetFX 2.0. Devolution and weird, yes but it is how he wants it to be. @Fiery - I'll agree it's cleaner but it is not simpler in any facet for the those who download presets as they now have to know exactly what shaders you use and download them one by one as I do not imagine Crosire or any of the shader developers will want people to bundle them in downloads I'm also not even sure it's possible. @TsuchiyaLP - In 2.0 it is still possible to change settings via Configuration files under Presets, however I do not think it's easier to manually install it, I think it has more work involved now than in 1.1 or lower. In 3.0 however, I have no idea how wide spread the changes are so I couldn't tell you how it handles it outside of the in-game editor.
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
@Zomgerd thx for the feedback mate i still use Framework 1.0 works as best for me !(: Again thx
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
I'm sure most people will be fine with just downloading any shaders they need and adding them to the pipeline or whatever 3.0 uses, Zomie. I'd assume most people who are willing to use post-process injectors have a fair amount of technical know-how and could handle it themselves if you gave a list of the requirements to use the preset. It's not like they'd have to compile a github build or anything. I hope the dev's will let you redistribute shaders in presets on the SweetFX site. It'd be way more convenient for sharing. If not, I don't blame them. In terms of "devolution", there's got to be a reason behind it. My theory is it's some kind of attempt to encourage being open and modular.
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
Being fine with it is not in question, it's just not simpler by any stretch of the imagination. You have not been around this particular scene long have you? I've been around far too long and I've run into a lot of people that make me question their technical know-how. :P It's kind of already inconvenient that 3.0 is changing basically everything so I'm not looking toward how convenient sharing presets will be. Again, he never intended to release anything but the injector so the reason behind it is he wants to return to the original plan. ReShade has always been "open" and "modular" but seeing as it's now the weirdest setup in the world to get shaders and use them, I'm bumping it down to more of a semi-coherent open and modular platform.
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
I mean, I've come across a 2 or 3 unnamed people who really need to expand their knowledge of computerwork in general before asking about shaders and post process injectors, but I just assume that's a freak minority. If almost everyone know their stuff, they wouldn't be very active in the "You should probably know this" questions category, yes? So, if 2 or 3 are asking stupid things, there could be 20 or 30 thousand just rolling along fine and we wouldn't hear much from them. But, is the new idea simpler? Hell no. But I'm not the type of person to be bothered as long as I can reasonably reach the end goal. I say that, but I've literally spent an entire day learning Python in order to automate GIMP. No, I haven't been around long. My first time attempting a preset was Jan. 7, 2016 according to my archive, back when I thought changing the Vibrance+Tonemap variables in SweetFX was the best thing in the world. Now I'm experimenting with Color LUT's in ReShade Framework 2. Man, what a trip.
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
Far Cry 3 Remastered ? https://youtu.be/RQpz1C-FbHc What do u Guys think about it ?
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
It goes against my virtues.
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
uhm ok
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
@TsuchiayaLP Idk man, when you do comparisons, you don't just show it enabled ;p Secondly, first thing I saw was how badly the game looked still. I mean, look at the start, the pole lines are jagged still [no aa] same with trees and grass. First thing I do to any game is turn the in-game and my gpu AA all of them offline and then use reshade or gemfx to fix it up before messing with any color/sharpen/other effects. Come see my presets, see what I do to my games :)
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
as a continuation about the video.. AS I mentioned, you don't just show it enabled, turn it off a couple times at different scenes too.
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
Like, see my preset for state of day, has alot of trees and lines and other shots, you can really see the difference when you fully open the images to fullzizes
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
state of decay*
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
And the reason behind why I turn off the AA on my gpu and in-games and use the reshade/injector's own AA solutions and masks is simple; Some older titles with msaa 8x is alot more taxing on the gpu and even new game's AA is not much better. THe injectos AA so far is less taxing and brings the same guality if not better with masks :)
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
Bloody hell. You know you can edit posts, right? You're the type of person that makes the Goddesses cry.
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
@niflexible ouh man just wanted to hear some opinions i mean for normal Reshade AO isnt working in Far Cry 3 Because its clipping around and the dof is only setted on Dynamic because it gives a realistic feeling if u take your sniper rifle.... And dof is only working if ingame MSAA x 4 is activated And SMAA is giving the Pic an unnatural Blur in the distance !(:
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