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ArmA 3 preset - help needed
Posted 10 years, 1 month ago
So, i like this preset here: http://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/1355/ However, i feel, while perfect for milsim, in casual modes such as Wasteland and others, it gives me a disadvantage. I do love the added detail, only thing that´s bugging me is the fact that the dark parts are a bit too dark, especially at night. Also the contrast seems a bit too heavy, leaving the AA on normal settings more pleasing. First picture with the Kayman shows this pretty good. The borders are way too visible for my taste. It´s almost like there would be an outline. Since i am not that good in changing or even understanding each part of the SFX settings, is there anyone out there that would help me achieve those changes? Thanks, AmmokK
Posted 10 years, 1 month ago
Turn off HDR and try a simple 0.15-0.20 in curves with curves mode 0 on(default) and curves pattern 2(default). HDR is causing dark parts to be too dark. I'd also go ahead and turn off Lumasharpen, Bohemia has a sharpen filter already. Or at least don't use both of them, that would look awful. Those outlines are from the lumasharpen settings. Also I would turn off both SweetFX AA's enabled and use the in game methods. Not only are the in game methods Bohemia implemented faster, they are also almost identical. And they do not suffer from the same UI blurring that sweetfx methods do. Also, when you turn off HDR the game will have less colour. Try adding some Vibrance to fix that problem. I like about 0.10 to 0.50 with Arma 3 but it's really personal preference. So Basically, use curves and vibrance instead of HDR. Turn off Lumasharpen. Turn off both Sweetfx SMAA and FXAA and use in game methods.
Posted 10 years, 1 month ago
Actually you could even replicate the HDR effect with just curves in mode 2.
Posted 10 years, 1 month ago
Thanks, after being pointed in the right way, i managed to get a decent result for me.
Posted 8 years, 9 months ago
Hello. Hey. Can you tell us in more detail what else besides the vibration and curves must be included, which would achieve the effect of HDR?? Lift Gamma Gain, Tonemap??
Posted 8 years, 9 months ago
Dude.... I hate to break it to ya, but Michael Jackson is dead. Also, ATI no longer exists and is now a part of AMD. And by Ilias can you rewind my vhs of Indiana Jones before you return it? Thanks.
Posted 8 years, 9 months ago
Sorry kid, but your joke boring, like you. Not interesting.
Posted 8 years, 9 months ago
He already told you how he re-creates an HDR effect without the HDR setting. Vibrance and Curves with his recommended variables, that's it, there are no other settings he uses to recreate it.
Posted 8 years, 9 months ago
You don't understand what i mean. He use Curves and Vibrance, but add he another effects or only use two of them in SweetFx settings??
Posted 8 years, 9 months ago
"Basically, use curves and vibrance instead of HDR" -PC_Constantine, 2015. "Or, use curves in mode 2" -PC_Constantine, 2015. What else is left to understand?? Also... this thread is so old, he's talking about SweetFX 1.5, not ReShade or SweetFX 2.0. Things might've changed since then. That's why I teased you for necroposting.
Posted 8 years, 9 months ago
I understood you perfectly, he doesn't use any other effects to achieve HDR without using the shader provided and that is what I was trying to tell you.
Posted 8 years, 9 months ago
Nope, you don't understand. I told not only about HDR effect. I told about all effects, that he used in this preset. Used he only Curves and Vibrance or anything else. And what different between SweetFx 1.5.1 and ReShade, that used SweetFx filter too.
Posted 8 years, 9 months ago
No, that is not what you asked, you asked "what else besides the vibration and curves must be included, which would achieve the effect of HDR??" to which I responded saying he doesn't use anything else to recreate the effect. You did not, at any point, in your first post mention anything outside how he recreates the HDR effect, your third post also does not imply you meant anything other than that; In-fact it takes till your latest post for you to state or even imply you meant something other than recreating the HDR effect. Please reread your own posts before telling me what I did or did not understand.
Posted 8 years, 9 months ago
You trashtalking and not help. Please never come here again and learn more English, if you don't understand what people mean when talking about some things. I not time to teach kids like you.
Posted 8 years, 9 months ago
First you barely have a grasp on the English language, second I wasn't "trash talking" (It's not all one word by the way) further proving you don't understand the English language or even a basic understanding of what trash talking actually is, third you never once stated you were interested in anything other than recreating HDR effect till post #4 and lastly I really hope you're younger than me because there is absolutely no reason an adult should speak like a 13 year old CoD kiddie who isn't getting hugged enough. That last bit was trash talking by the way, just in case you needed an example.
Posted 8 years, 9 months ago
That was beautiful, Zom. X D
Posted 8 years, 9 months ago
What a silly child would teach me life? Very funny. You ought to learn English better, because you're in it you do not understand anything. Chances are you even finished elementary school and not living at the expense of parents. Adult and adequate person would have helped, but did not carry stuff like you.
Posted 8 years, 9 months ago
Did you try increasing exposure under tonemap? it seems to help with dark areas.
Posted 8 years, 9 months ago
A more appropriate way would be Lift Gamma Gain....
Posted 8 years, 9 months ago
@Groovex Thank you for the best laugh I've had in a good long while. I couldn't even begin to tell you how incredibly inaccurate your grammar is even though you are trying laboriously to show you do understand English and write in it correctly. By the way, if you actually looked at your own posts and contrast it to mine I actually did try to help you however you insisted I wasn't even though I was. And, for the third time, you never once at any point before post #4, stated nor implied you wanted to know what other effects he used other than those he used to recreate the HDR effect and then you of course had to actually try an attack me by stating I was "trashing talking", that I needed to "learn more English" when it's painfully obvious I have far better grasp on it than you and then stated I was a "Kid" which still makes me laugh considering the state of your writing. This will be my final post in this thread and to you because you seemingly have no reading comprehension to speak of nor the ability to do simple things like write what you actually wanted to know rather than thinking we should know what you meant from a non-existent request that, for the FOURTH TIME, was never implied nor stated till your 4th fucking post.
Posted 8 years, 9 months ago
@Zomgred - bla bla bla. Do not try to attract my attention. Your English is too horrible .. You did not help, but only smelled. The guys - rishabh47, FierySwordswoman, realy try help, but not you Zoomgred. So go away, and never come back.
Posted 8 years, 9 months ago
Seriously? I was gone for two hours to watch the final episodes of Angel Beats and I come back to a civil war... I'm going to assess the situation in the lines below, but I can immediately say neither of them are harbingers of justice in this. Facts first: English) Zomgerd's English is good enough for an angry person who was born and raised in America/Britain. Groovex's English is reminiscent of a machine translator such as Google Translate due to the garbled phraseology and general misinterpretation. Help) The only one who gave Groovex any help towards their apparent goal was Risha. I teased them for necroposting and Zomgerd just slowly became more and more emotionally unstable. My off-comment about Lift Gamma Gain was simply to correct Risha's statement. Inquiry) Groovex's question was, I quote "Can you tell us in more detail what else besides the vibration and curves must be included, which would achieve the effect of HDR?". As a native English speaker for my entire life in America, I can not think of any other way to interpret it besides "What effects do you use as a substitute for the HDR shader?". Therefore, Groovex's frustration was unjustified as no one in the thread knew what they were *actually* trying to ask until their fourth post, which quotes "I told about all effects, that he used in this preset. Used he only Curves and Vibrance or anything else." This statement has enough grammatical errors about it that it is difficult to understand. Again, however, as a native English speaker I can think of no other way to interpret it besides "What are all of the effects used in the preset in question?". As you can see, this is much different from thier first post. Opinions second: Trash-talking) "Trash-talking" is generally an accepted term for insulting, teasing, taunting, etc. Therefore, what is considered trash-talking or not is subjective from person to person. Based on my personal standards, no one was trash-talking until Zomgerd's response to Groovex's accusation of said trash-talking. However, by other people's standards trash-talking may include my teasing of Groovex for necroposting or Groovex's belittling of people they disagree with (referring to them as "kid", etc.) I was actually surprised at how passive Zomgerd was until they lost their cool in their fourthth post. Hostility) From my point of view, both of them portrayed hostility in their comments whether they intended to or not. I'm not sure what Groovex's deal was, but they have a predictable pattern in their tone. Zomgerd, on the other hand, was doing fine until their fourth post where they suddenly lost it. Personally, I don't think the situation warranted the sudden change of heart but alas I cannot hold my values against someone else's. I'd say that effectively concludes the major points in this "civil war" and my thoughts on them. But that's just one person's opinion. Everyone should make their own.
Posted 8 years, 9 months ago
Sorry FierySwordswomen, but my words about your help was - sarcasm....
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