SweetFX Settings DB
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Ideas for improving the SweetFX DB
Posted 9 years, 10 months ago
Can you add something so that you can look up presets by a certain individual like k-putt or another user, and add a voting system.
Posted 9 years, 10 months ago
For the first, you can do that by visiting the user's profile. As for the second, I have discussed adding a voting system with some of the contributors, and the general answer was that it could make things less friendly and including, and may even prevent some from uploading a preset of fear of getting low ratings. I'm willing to have a bigger discussion about it tho :) So if anyone have some views on it, please tell!
Posted 9 years, 10 months ago
A voting system does not belong here because it is about personal preference of each one . How can you give someone a bad review due to its own preferences ? each one can upload his settings. Everyone can decide for themselves to use it or not. A voting system is not helpful for the main idea of this page.... to get a wide range of different settings
Posted 9 years, 10 months ago
@Proudi Exactly how I feel too a voting system would definitely alienate people that are new to making presets, I would much rather prefer someone to leave constructive criticism then a bad rating. Also the download number kind of is a rating system in it's own sense (when it applies of course, Framework presets can't be shared that way atm) Which brings me to the point of a better way to share Framework presets would be nice. Lucifer Hawk is creating some really great things that I encourage everyone to check out. (For anyone not familiar with ReShade Framework. It's a really neat package that allows you to use all the main shaderpacks; like SweetFX, MasterEffect Reborn and GEMFX shaders all together in one package.) EDIT: I'll make a little list here of some brainstorming ideas of features to be considered: - Idea 1: The ability to Edit your comments on presets. You can currently do it on the forums but not on preset comments. - Idea 2: A dark theme for the Database. Actually more themes in general but I'd like to see a darker colored theme.
Posted 9 years, 10 months ago
Voting.. lol NO.. lol, fuck no, hell no, terribad idea, like everyone above me stated, heck I honestly dislike the Download counter, all of it is meaningless, none of it represents quality or "good/bad" it's all subjective. Voting system can so easily be abused, as the download counter already is (I'd remove the counter if I had the option) my personal opinion, if your sharing presets for the soul purpose of gaining high numbers/likes/fans, then you should just stop, your in it for the wrong reasons. Share your stuff, people will like it or not, is what it is, worry less about that stuff, I personally focused on that bullshit in the past and it drove me away for 6 months, like *Constantine* said above about "alienating" new folks, don't you think the Download counters do that enough already, no need to make it even worse for new people, I'm a big fan of options and the more people the better sharing their "personal tastes", last thing I'd want to see is less and less people sharing and talking about SFX/ReShade cause the "big boys" get all the clicks... I want this place and every other SweetFX/ReShade communities grow, not shrink, voting system would NOT be a good thing, I would like it if people took the seconds it takes to actually click on each preset, check out the screenies, heck even take the 10 seconds it takes to try the preset and judge from that instead of clicking on "Game X" and "oh look, 8000 downloads, must be good" DOWNLOAD.. "oh.. this is terrible, guess I'll try another, oh look, 7999 download, this gottta be good.." rinse and repeat, how many folks clicked on something I did cause it had some numbers only to find out it's not what their looking for, then go to download the next "hot" preset and so on and so forth until the find the one they like, instead of actually lookin at the presets/screens and not the numbers. I started using Google Short Links which has it's own counter, just for me, this negetively affects my "thelazy.net" download numbers, oh nozzzzzzz, end of the world, well, not actually, there is nothing wrong with feeling good about getting alot of downlaods but it shouldn't be the only reason, the main reason about sharing, I did it this way to stop me from focusing on the numbers, as I used to, cause it's a bad habit to get stuck in, I also like the added statistics like which country it's being downloaded form (Europeans are huge on mods/sfx it seems, fellow canucks don't like sfx or me lol) Question - If the numbers alone really meant anything, why bother competing with people with legions of fans, numerous sites and sources to share and "bump" their stuff and gain vast amount of clicks/likes/downloads in minutes. Answer - You DON'T compete... because it's NOT a competition :)
Posted 9 years, 10 months ago
Voting.. lol NO.. lol, fuck no, hell no, terrible idea. I agree it is a terrible idea. Idea 1: The ability to Edit your comments on presets. You can currently do it on the forums but not on preset comments. - Idea 2: A dark theme for the Database. Actually more themes in general but I'd like to see a darker colored theme. I be happy with the above and a better way to Share Reshade + Framework.
Posted 9 years, 10 months ago
One can always come up with a skin. It's very basic CSS. I never designed a website in my life before.. and look what thelazy looks like now. But i do prefer a darker design myself. So you can always make one yourself and share it here. I'm sure Terresque would even add it do the design dropdown list thing on the website. And i also agree with the voting statement. Absolutely no need for that.
Posted 9 years, 10 months ago
Well at least make a section for pc games and emulated games like Wipeout Pure is for PSP, its my first release, but i though voting, and constructive criticism can be helpful for new people, i've already edited my discription about feel free to edit, and tell me how i can improve my presets, also want to try to get reshade going with ppsspp 1.0.1
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