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HITMAN™ 2015 - Preset Install [HELP]
Posted 8 years, 11 months ago
There are currently TWO presets available and I cannot get either of them to work. I know how to manually use SweetFX 2.0. Place files in game dir and copy/paste preset text into 'Sweet_FX_Settings'. However, Preset: Better Colour Day and Night v3 for HITMAN™ 2015 I cannot get to work. And there is nothing to download for Enhanced Clarity And Lighting 1.5 UPDATE for HITMAN™ 2015 (I have no idea how to use the new 'ReShade Assistant' GUI either.) Any help appreciated. (EDIT:) Sorry, wrong cat. Was HAF.
Posted 8 years, 11 months ago
....what? Well, first off the second preset does have a download for CJ's shaders for ReShade. The first preset looks fine. It's for SweetFX 2.0 only, so you can't use it with ReShade. The Assistant GUI is really easy to use, but there's probably a youtube tutorial somewhere in case you're struggling. If you're having so many issues, you could honestly just make your own presets via the ReShade Assistant or by manually editing the .cfg files (you'll have to manually edit for SweetFX 2.0 regardless if that's what you like.). Skip the middle man. It's really easy to learn what all the settings do if you just boot up some basic game and mess around for a few hours. I'm not even going to try and decipher what your edit is about.
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