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Testing palettes?
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
One of the ReShade Framework shaders lets you load custom gradient palettes like in ENB (see http://enbdev.com/palette_en.htm ). However, I've no idea how to test a palette on a screenshot or something without booting up the game and loading the shader. Kinda sucks for games that take a few minutes just to load when your trying to fine-tune something. -I've tried various things that came to mind in GIMP + the Windows Extensions plugin compilation and I can't produce good results at all. Color palettes are outside of my field of expertise (Which consists entirely of image manipulation, making anime pictures sparkly, and Python scripts. Don't judge me.) If anyone would know or have educated ideas on how to do a fairly quick palette test on a screenshot or something (preferably in GIMP) please enlighten me. I don't want to reboot the Battlefield testing range 16 times. When I get into palettes, I plan to create a gradient in GIMP and apply it to a square. Is that a horrible way of doing it? Is there thus a better way?
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
Edited 8 years, 8 months ago
When you make a palette, make sure it is a 16bit depth image to avoid banding after several modifications. Or you can also start with a bigger palette, make your edits, then resize it to its normal size. If you want to have more control over the colors, you might also use a 3D LUT, this feature is available in MasterEffect ReBorn (http://reshade.me/forum/shader-presentation/161-mastereffect-reborn-official-thread). Basically, you apply the same color corrections on the LUT than on your screenshot.
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
While I find the LUT thing interesting and will probably do some research on it, it's useless without an efficient testing environment. "apply the same color corrections on the LUT than on your screenshot" is both grammatically incorrect and not helpful.
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
Well do some research then "perform the same color adjustments on a new neutral LUT as you did on your screenshot".
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
That's not... Bah, I'll figure it out myself! -I've already figured out how to re-load the tuning palette texture in-game. I don't need your love.
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
My fault, I didn't copy the right link in my answer this is what I meant to link: https://sfx.thelazy.net/forum/sweetfx/84/ There you can download a tool called DX9IV which can be used to display any image with SweetFX enabled. To create a 3D LUT take a screenshot of your game, open it in your favorite image editor, adjust the colors then apply the exact same adjustments on the neutral LUT you can find in MasterEfect ReBorn. Then you can test it with DX9IV.
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
One step ahead of you: Take a few in-game screenshots then import them and the LUT into GIMP. Space them out across the screen then merge all of them into one alpha layer. Adjust. Cut out and export the LUT when finished. Miscommunication aside : P -Thanks for the 3D LUT suggestion. It seems really handy for a 1-stop-shop graphical overhaul, especially since it can utilize any macro color modifications from GIMP by a information transfer via the LUT file to ReShade. Also that image program is exactly what I've been looking for for the past hour.
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
Quick Question: Does LUT size make a difference? I have the ReShade default of 256*16 and also one from the Nexus that's 4096*64. Would the larger one make an improvement in color since I normally work in 32-bit RGB?
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
I don't think you need such a big LUT because it is interpolated anyway. Moreover, the larger one isn't compatible with Reshade to my knowledge.
Posted 8 years, 8 months ago
It's definitely compatible, as I've booted it once to confirm it's completely neutral. You can set the X and Y in the ReShade settings. Yeah, it might be overkill. Might as well use it, though. Safe>Sorry
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