SweetFX Settings DB
Latest forum threads
8 hours, 44 minutes ago
11 hours, 56 minutes ago
11 hours, 58 minutes ago
12 hours, 52 minutes ago
Posted 10 years ago
Added some updates to the site: 1. Alerts if you get a comment on a preset, screenshot or game you added 2. You can now add some text to your profile. It supports bbcode
Posted 10 years ago
This is actually pretty awesome, thanks! :D
Posted 10 years ago
There's a DB problem with the alert system (foreignkey constraint even when foreign id exists) - disabled it until I can have a closer look at it
Posted 10 years ago
Enabled again. Was some ugly DB issues, but think all are fixed now.
Posted 10 years ago
Added a new small update, now you can set a custom CSS url in your profile (after k-putt's wishes to have a different style on the pages).
Posted 10 years ago
<3 Here is my small .css file. http://a.pomf.se/bxofde.css I'm not really satisfied with it, but at least i got the site a bit darker and i learned a bit about basic css. aaaand here is my white .css theme -> http://a.pomf.se/qlewnt.css
Posted 10 years ago
My version of K-putt's white version of the original theme: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2401158/New%20folder/sfx/pcmr.css
Posted 10 years ago
You made it just perfect =P Updated my white theme YET again.. - http://a.pomf.se/phdqoc.css Big thanks to Terrasque for all the help.
Posted 10 years ago
Very tempted to make this the new default CSS: http://sfx.thelazy.net/static/css/pcmr/pcmr.css Any views on that?
Posted 10 years ago
^ermagerd, that is great. xD
Posted 10 years ago
Updated some things, mainly the "last updated" date on presets, which were also updating each time the preset was downloaded. Did some under-the-hood changes to how CSS is fetched, and also new default CSS theme for the page :)
Posted 10 years ago
Liking the updates, thanks a lot man.
Posted 10 years ago
Thanks :) And I added an alert if someone replies to a forum topic you started.
Posted 10 years ago
Again some updates added. -> Latest active threads on the right side -> Theme selection option in profile -> You can now favorite presets -> Various small fixes If a preset you have favorited gets updated, you'll get an alert for it.
Posted 9 years, 10 months ago
And a "Downloads" section is now live. Not 100% sure what will be there yet, but the idea is various SweetFX related files and bundles.
Posted 9 years, 10 months ago
Thanks. I added Boulotaur's Injector (1.4 and 1.5.1) I also added the official 1.4 version.
Posted 9 years, 10 months ago
*Passes Wind
Posted 9 years, 10 months ago
And site moved to a new server. Hope everything is working as it should
Posted 9 years, 10 months ago
Seems fine mate, no issues whatsoever, I've been neck deep undeleting my mess all day yesterday, never had a problem then and still going strong, almost done :) As always buddy, many thanks for the time and effort you put forth, it's always appreciated :D
Posted 9 years, 9 months ago
Some new updates: - Fixed some CSS rules on Non-chrome browsers, and on some tables - Now displays "Log in to post a comment" instead of the comment form if user is not logged in - Log in should now redirect you back to the page you were on or were trying to reach - API pages on http://sfx.thelazy.net/api/ are active, but should be considered beta for now :) Only read access at the moment
Posted 9 years, 9 months ago
Put alphabetic order instead of numbers?
Posted 9 years, 9 months ago
Could you explain what you mean by that?
Posted 9 years, 5 months ago
I did a rework of the way shader info is done, mainly moving it to it's own table and changed terminology a bit. Functionality is mostly the same, but leaves it easier to manage and expand on later, and allows us to add some extra info to the shader entries.
New post

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